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Everything posted by TheSufferingVilla

  1. He'll be finished just in time for the second season.
  2. I think it would be good for the Fonz to get a few games on the wing, expand his abilities a bit. I remember being pissed when MON was playing Gabby wide right for a number of games early on but it really helped him become a stronger player improving his wide play, holding up the ball and crossing massively. Granted he had John Robertson instructing Gabby on that part of the game.
  3. 2 clubs in 7 years? I wouldn't call that being a journeyman.
  4. If we do sign him it will signal that we aren't as tight on funds as is to be believed. I'd also like to point out that if Shay Given had been born English he'd have 100+ caps.
  5. Having a peek at this thread every couple of days as I'm on me hollyers. From what I've read only one thing is certain. The average Villa fan today is far more deluded and full of sniveling self important shite than the average Geordie, redscouse or spuds fan. Before you lot question what's happening to our great club ask this question: what the **** has happened to our once great fans?
  6. I'm currently en route from Honolulu to Maui no holidaying managers spotted yet but hoping to run into Steve Staunton on the next beach and convince him to head home.
  7. So this is what Gazetta Da La Sport has to say, or at least what Google Translate thinks Gazetta has to say, I hope for the sake of the journalist that Google is wrong or else the numbskull believes Fulham are in the Champions League next season with Anchelotti as their manager
  8. Could we get this pairing? Or a real surprise Randy deciding he made a major mistake earlier in the year and giving the job proper to Kevin MacDonald?
  9. One thing is certain, if Hughes comes in and does well at Villa he will **** off to a better job at the first opportunity.
  10. Hughes has been in that job barely 10 months if he jumps ship to join us it's a real signal that he's a selfish prick and utterly devoid of any commitment. If a manager or player of ours was to do such a thing we'd string them up.
  11. 1st choice Anchelotti, 2nd Moyes after that I couldn't really care about the rest, would rather Chris Hughton than most of that lot.
  12. Hughes is a step sideways, would love a more reckless appointment, somebody with a more extensive Rolodex for dealing with other clubs and players. A manager that can command a media presence and rally the fans while catching the attention of players at other clubs. For me Hughes is a manager that nobody could give a toss about, he does not raise the profile of the club. Give me Schuster, van Basten, Klinsmann, Bilić, Rijkaard even Ancelotti. Barring a miracle we are not going o be able to break the top 4 so if for the foreseeable future Villa are destined to occupy the irrelevancy of midtable we might as well do it with a bit of style.
  13. I flew in from the US for that game, never will I forget that goal. Remarkable strike, lousy performance by Villa. Scholes undoubtedly the greatest Ginger to ever play the game and on that note: Greatest Ginger sportsman ever? Will Rooney steal the crown or does Boris Becker trump them all?
  14. So I was going through Netflix looking for something to watch and I randomly stuck on Downton Abbey. Was surprised, not usually the type of thing I would give more than 10 minutes to but it very well done. Now I would honestly say it isn't really my thing but as a mild way to kill a couple of hours the characters and performances are worth a look. Very well written if a bit tame.
  15. Bent MOTM but lots of credit to Dunne, he was at his most commanding today.
  16. A number of players can hold their heads up high on the lap: Walker: has done well on his loan, admittedly not great in defence but hes still young and learning the game. Downing: Excellent second season following on from a difficult first one. brightest spark on the park. Cuellar: Has done nothing wrong, made a great effort to interact with fans and always speaks positively about the club even when he doesn't get the time on the field he deserves. Luke Young: Puts in solid performances. Darren Bent: Has produced the goods we have desperately been missing for many years. His goals should be enough to keep us in the top flight. Friedel: Not his best season and appears to be losing many of his skills but has served us very well and may be off in the summer. Imagine if we had kept Carson, it doesn't bear thinking about. Reo Coker: Has done well enough considering the past and his lack of natural ability, his return to the team allowed us to keep above the drop zone. Gabby: Loves the club and gives his all, not his fault he was played half fit on the left wing. Heskey: Did well early in the season, hampered by injuries for the remainder, not his fault. Petrov: A poor season but has lead the team through some good years under MON and may be another saying goodbye this summer. Ashley Young: A very poor season by his standards but deserves a good send off (if he is indeed going) since he has been our only real star in the past 5 years. The kids: Albrighton, Bannan, Clark, Hogg, Lichaj, a lot was asked of them and they gave us some hope in miserable times, they don't deserve anything other than applause. The management and a couple of unmentionable players should do a walk of shame .
  17. You spin us right round Downing, right round, Like a record Downing, right round, round round, UBER GAY!
  18. Would agree Budapest is a fantastic place to visit, looks as good as Paris but without the prices and rocket polishers.
  19. ^ A day in Dublin followed by a couple in the hills of Wicklow. If you have the budget: The Ritz is a winner If you don't: A nice B&B in a lovely area, less than an hour outside the city Oh and places to go: Powerscourt - Gardens, shopping, eating Glendalough for history, scenery and the drive over with a stop for lunch in Roundwood Mount Usher for romantic walks As a bonus you are right on the coast so enjoy walks on the beach at Brittas - This post is sponsored by the Wicklow tourist board.
  20. As a Red Bulls season ticket holder for a number of years I can see constant improvement in the standard of the football not to mention the interest in the league but even as a fan who goes to a lot of games I find it hard to take the MLS seriously, it's a bit like watching women's football.
  21. General what are your thoughts on the operation to take out Osama Bin Laden? Did you always think he would be eventually found? Were you surprised Pakistan weren't able to locate him on the doorstep of their own capital? And what's next for the struggle against al Qaeda?
  22. True he would have won **** all had he been born in Bolivia or Paraguay.
  23. I disagree that Messi would have gotten kicked more in 86' The big cumbersome midfielders and defenders of the era that accelerated like articulated lorries and turned like boats wouldn't get close enough to inflict a kick on him. I would go so far as to say Maradonna himself would be nowhere near as effective in the more athletic modern game and that Messi with his ability would have done even better in that era than he does today, in fact most modern footballers would.
  24. Finally got around to seeing "Limitless" was a bit hesitant after seeing some poor reviews but after viewing I've decided to ignore critics forevermore, it really was very good. On the flip side I attempted to watch "The Last Legion", quite possibly one of the worst films I've ever seen. Utter, utter shite.
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