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Everything posted by Xann

  1. Xann

    Christmas '14

    That was years ago A Merry Christmas to you too, and best wishes for 2015.
  2. Xann

    Christmas '14

    At the point where it becomes bearable, you're ruining it for everyone else.
  3. My cousin was the art editor for C&VG during the mid 80s. He updated the look from the older metallic logo to the one above. Got to hang out there for a day, it was cool, they had a PC Engine and I got a stack of games for my ST out it. On the back of the successful face lift he landed the job of updating the BBC Wildlife Magazine, which was cool for him, but I was less impressed. Sadly, despite being a quite clean living sort of chap, he died from cancer just a couple of years later in his thirties
  4. It's been posted before, but given what's been going on, the Digital Attack Map is quite busy at the minute.
  5. Xann

    General Chat

    If that doesn't work? Fill the bottle with petrol, upholstery foam and a rag.
  6. Quincy Jones, Antonio Carlos Jobim & Ray Brown -
  7. Xann

    General Chat

    Here's the other one, but it didn't seem appropriate.
  8. Xann

    General Chat

    Ugh Running out of pictures.
  9. Xann

    General Chat

    Coda thinks it's VT austerity measures. I think immigrants are to blame. They'll nick anything, you know?
  10. Xann

    General Chat

    Sudden urge to break this thread up with something slightly less nauseating.
  11. Showing as in stock at Soul Brother. It's next to Putney Bridge station. Good shop for selection, but not for bargains
  12. Sepp Blatter and his Qatari friends are running them close.
  13. Not seen the documentary, but I know the story and have leafed through the book. I've got another Giger book with a chapter about it, 'Necronomicon' maybe? 3d printers mean we will all be able to have Harkonnen furniture soon!
  14. Xann

    Science Thread

    Sod the diet pills, gas yourself thin.
  15. Xann

    General Chat

    Take it to a higher authority. HMRC boiled my piss over 3 years. Wrote to MP, he tore strips out of them. Grovelling apology followed by blessed silence.
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