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Everything posted by Xann

  1. Xann

    General Chat

    Had it vetted before posting
  2. Xann

    General Chat

    The exception to the rule that American sports are shit.
  3. Spurs going out - Glorious, fed up of officials handing them matches. Hahahhahahahahaha
  4. Tangerine Dream - That's a sort of modern Jazz/Latin/Dance cross. Schema are Italian and do a lot of this sort of thing. Their biggest name is a chap called Mario Biondi, who makes quite approachable Jazz piano stuff.
  5. This guy asked to support one of my muso friends a couple of years ago. Then his song was selected as the theme for the Superbowl. Can't stand his voice
  6. 'This Is The Day...' was a fab sounding thing when it came out. It's the only thing of theirs I still listen to from time to time. The original of 'Beaver Patrol' is IMHO.
  7. Someone gave me 'Footprints In The Snow' on a comp a few years ago. It's not had a CD issue as far as I'm aware. if you really want it? You'll get it here.
  8. It's one of my favourites that. He never actually made an album as such, it's a couple of the sessions he recorded at Denmark St back in the day. There's no more either as far as I'm aware. Soon after he quit the music industry to become a Buddhist monk, which he still is today.
  9. Xann

    General Chat

    I told you to say no more. Though I don't think anyone is that surprised.
  10. Xann

    General Chat

    Aaaaaaannnnnddd..... ... back to the alien?
  11. Xann

    General Chat

    Pretty standard stuff Ruge. You'll be alright.
  12. Xann

    General Chat

    They're really called wall plugs, Rawlplug are a manufacturer. Bit like Hoover becoming the word for vacuum cleaner.
  13. Terry Callier - 'The New Folk Sound Of Terry Callier' Men generally don't have voices that can be described as 'beautiful'.
  14. Xann

    New Music 2015

    Generally feel that about him. Pick at his albums and let the singles play through. Arguably, his best album is a comp.
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