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Everything posted by Xann

  1. Do you like anything with sampling?
  2. Xann

    General Chat

    Personally, for zombies, or triffids... JCB.
  3. Depends if he can be arsed or not. I've seen him DJ a few times. First time he looked like he was having great fun, and pulling out some beauties. Second time he looked like he'd rather have been anywhere else. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTLWQQvZcu4 Think he's necked a couple of beauties
  4. Heh, loved them. Then I picked up instruments and went off them a bit. You can see how JP got big after the split. Thought the Kember side of 'Recurring' was awful. Post Spacemen he didn't get any better, though he's been a sterling champion of Delia Derbyshire.
  5. Many bands enjoy a long life of moderate drug abuse. It's more excess, and being able to afford to sustain it. Combine that with volatile or fragile personalities, characteristics of many gifted artists, and bits start falling off.
  6. Xann

    General Chat

    The other half mentioned she'd heard on the radio that a lot of people had never lived in a house made after they were born. She hasn't, and thinking about it, it's only 1 in about a dozen for me.
  7. Clicky Sold down the river, again.
  8. Remember the mobs attacking the homes of paediatricians?
  9. I hope Exaro's research is more thorough than the Mirror's under Piers Morgan.
  10. Who are Exaro? If there is substance to this, it would explain why they're so keen to keep the investigation in house.
  11. This needs clarification. Sebastian Bach and J.S. Bach are quite different
  12. Hmmmm... Must cut toenails, well reminded
  13. He's savvy, chooses his co-conspirators with care and skilfully managed to reinvent himself every few years to stay relevant. Hate him. Can't sing and steals ideas - BBC4's Krautrock documentary is well worth a watch.
  14. Vickers Type 559 1955 Far out, huh?
  15. Rufus Zuphall - 'Weiß Der Teufel' Folkier Kraut.
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