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Everything posted by Xann

  1. Bought the other half a juicer for Christmas. It's pretty cool. Rarely in the mood to eat fruit like apples and oranges, but waste annoys me. Anything overstaying its welcome in the fruit bowl is getting blitzed. Unfortunately she's worked out that I was deliberately letting bananas go brown, so they'd get turned into loaf.
  2. No. We spent a lot of time together over the last few years, until I changed my job. I like her boyfriend that she's in the process of leaving, so I was ok with that. The thought of her going out with someone else is pissing me off. This is balanced against the fact I love my girlfriend, and in a purely theoretical scenario of leaving one for the other, there'd be four unhappy people instead of two.
  3. Feeling ridiculously possessive over a girl that isn't my girlfriend.
  4. Xann

    General Chat

    I use Threadless, but my new favourite clothing company is Loudmouth Golf. Hate golf, but these look like the carpet in 'The Shining'.
  5. Do you own that useless? I can't recall having seen it comped officially.
  6. Who have just surged past the Lib Dems as well as UKIP in terms of membership
  7. Xann

    Mixtapes 2014

    Good Lord, I don't pay for MP3s. Not a saleable format as far as I'm concerned. Everything is fed to the computer via an optical drive. If something is unavailable on an uncompressed format, then I'll download for free - but I'd never put a downloaded MP3 on a mix, unless it's specifically requested.
  8. Xann

    Mixtapes 2014

    To be honest I just use ITunes cos it's easy, though I've got Audacity. Had Waveburner on my old machine and that was the nuts for this sort of stuff.
  9. Xann

    General Chat

    Oh. I thought Scott was Virgil. Never mind.
  10. Xann

    Mixtapes 2014

    Been a bit busy the last couple of weekends. Will try to get mine off next week.
  11. I like 'Anti Matter' on the Geedorah album, useless Vangelis -
  12. Xann

    General Chat

    Anyone bought gomme, or edible Arabic gum from a real shop? Where did you get it? I'm hoping someone says Waitrose/Oddbins/Holland & Barrett, because they're nearby.
  13. Xann

    General Chat

    Virgil's sort of recognisable.
  14. Green Party membership to outstrip UKIP, perhaps this week. Clicky
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