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Everything posted by Xann

  1. I'm not going to insult you by linking the disadvantages, but there's enough problems with LFTR to put it in the 'needs further research' rather than the 'this is the answer' category. We've heard it before. Though being able to utilise nuclear waste from previous generations is attractive. Tidal will do until they nail it.
  2. The by products of the thorium fuel cycle are at the nasty end of the periodic table. Sure you wouldn't mind the reactor in your house - but you'd want the waste removed, and though the decay time is a fraction of older technologies, it's still less than ideal.
  3. Back to lentils. Money - The new religion. Just as bonkers as the old ones, when it comes to a model for running a society with any sort of future. Energy - There's no one solution and you mix it up accordingly. If you're in the sun - solar. If you're in the wind?... You take the locale into consideration. Since we're an island nation, the tides are the bleeding obvious answer. FFS we've had missiles capable of being launched from submarines, that plan their own route over thousands of miles and taking evasive action if they're detected for decades now. In comparison, devices like this.. ... which the Japanese are funding now, are child's play. It's just that they're expensive to develop in the short term and don't promise as much profit as hydrocarbons in the medium term. They don't give a **** about the long term, see 'Money' above. Nuclear could be good, it needs more work on its waste products. Thorium is a massive step in the right direction with decay time, but more steps need to made. In a perfect world the existing nuclear nations would club together for the greater good. Go somewhere remote, pool minds and reduce parallel unnecessary research. Another factor to take into consideration before completely poo pooing the Greens is the media slant. The vast majority of the media, beyond the obvious buffoonery of Fox and the Mail, are controlled by folks who do not want you to vote Green. Now all go watch 'Baraka', peruse a respected scientific journal or two and buy just one copy of 'Private Eye' - especially if you haven't before. I wanted spaceships from the future, and we got hedge funds.
  4. There's quite a lot of music you'd have to pay me to listen to.
  5. They will need God on their side if they intend to piss off NATO, Putin and the Chinese.
  6. Happy Birthday Mike. Go in covered, she's clearly filth
  7. The Russians have been sending Bears over for years. They stopped for a bit post Gorby and during their economic woes. Putin got them going again, regular like. Mainly to prove his virility, but also to check our response times and sample our detection equipment. We're good at radar, sonar too. If they want up to date attack/defence plans and a competitive arms industry, they need to see what the potential opposition are doing.
  8. Today's trending Daily Mail story. The Russians are at the door! Let's go back a bit... The ultimate fail is the Daily Mail.
  9. Low blow Mate, sorry to hear that. My other half's boss is married to what was one of the country's most senior policemen. He retired in 2013 I think. After a few months at home he was driving his wife bonkers. She insisted that he got another job. So he did - As a delivery driver for Ocado. He feckin loves it! The tips he was getting at Christmas from the wealthier denizens of Surbiton were not to be sniffed at. That drove his wife mad again
  10. The sale of the steel industry was suspect too. We were told it was losing big money and had to shifted to the private sector. It turns out that the industry had been investing in the future. We were making the best steel in world. The Germans and the Japanese had been left behind, delegations from both countries came to see how it was done. Then it was sold before it had a chance to recoup the investment. This is quite interesting reading.
  11. Xann

    General Chat

    Geezer Butler's been arrested after a bar brawl. He's still got it.
  12. What do you have then Levi? You will be more up to date than I, but it seems millions are spent on lobbyists to stop an effective public system of healthcare being introduced.
  13. Ok, Now we've got some common ground.
  14. Not really, we've only been offered two answers. You got the third?
  15. No one is offering anything else. The last Tory attempt to try sort something out... Failed.
  16. You've seen this third way being offered by any political manifesto?
  17. The generally right wing parties would love to privatise the NHS - That's the American model. The privatisation of public services has failed the majority of the people that use them here, with the possible exception of telecoms.
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