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Everything posted by Xann

  1. It's a **** site better than the poxy American model. Clicky
  2. I don't think she's a word removed and I don't think the Green Party is made up of complete words removed either. She's getting my vote. The current path assures destruction anyway, so if it all breaks down, so be it - Hopefully something better comes out of it. If I could get Boris's head mounted on a pointy stick during the confusion, that would be a bonus.
  3. You should contact Yewtree about that.
  4. Aphrodite's Child - Demis Roussos has died. Gutted
  5. The Lions Of Rojava 10 hrs · Edited · HELLO WORLD KOBANE IS FREE!!!!! YPG/YPJ VICTORY Clicky
  6. There was something involving chilled distribution IIRC. Exciting stuff.
  7. Xann


    Yeah, Thelonious Monk.
  8. Was up at 9 this morning cos my other half wanted to go out today. Already getting the feeling she won't be out of bed before midday, then won't be ready before 3. Might start drinking. *Stop Press* It lives!
  9. Mirror Someone tell him it was the socialists that bust into the Reichstag. Surprised Fox wasn't there broadcasting it all as gospel.
  10. Tell you what, I don't really want to get into the nitty gritty on a public website. You want to meet at a match sometime, I'll tell who the characters in question are, I'll tell you a lovely story about Cameron and his crooked advisors (which adversely affects everyone that lives in the UK) and as a bonus I'll also tell you who the nailed on paedophile is who seems (so far) to have evaded the attentions of Yewtree That last one is showbiz, not political btw.
  11. No they don't have a monopoly, and I mentioned that the NHS is amongst the emotive of subjects. Greed and incompetence at the top is widespread. My previous employers died on their arse through stupidity whilst giving themselves fat payrises. I got out, but thousands lost their jobs. My current employers haven't covered themselves with glory, hundreds more out of work due to a large and rather obvious oversight, whilst pockets at the top were lined. No way to run a society.
  12. ... and those pay boardroom pay increases have gone on year on year, despite financial collapse and the tightening of belts affecting the most vulnerable in society.
  13. Losing ground is having to work longer and harder whilst our services deteriorate. New housing is poorly made and expensive. The majority will be worse off than their parents. Yet the rich are getting much richer at an alarming rate.
  14. Oops thought it was 2014. I'm spoiled for choice though - Here's another. There's no end of them.
  15. Is the first one a massive generalisation? Nah, it's not. Does that not sit easy with you? As for the second, I think industrial action is more about losing ground these days. Clicky Just look at those rises, in this time of austerity. My girlfriend is a nurse, she pulls shit out people's arses for people whose nervous systems have deteriorated beyond operation. No pay rise for 5 years. Nurses and NHS are a very emotive subject, but it's not just them is it?
  16. It explains why they didn't want to let the tree hugger Charles near the throne. Even before he shacked up with his non-approved teen sweetheart.
  17. If you type dennis wise wig into Google, the comment by ZippyPenguin says what we're all thinking...
  18. I think most folks that vote Conservative are worried about one thing. Losing money. Nah, it's a piss up. They break one bottle, she gets the rest of the crate.
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