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Everything posted by HalfTimePost

  1. Just don't think that wins us the game. We're playing against Land of the Giants. We need to create from open play and get in behind
  2. Fairplay to Unai, hasn't dug his heels in on his strategy like both Gerrard and Deano would have. Halftime changes sorely needed and difficult to disagree with either
  3. Also important we don't lose sight of the injuries. Even leaving aside Mings & Buendia who would've had an impact to make all season - Kamara, McGinn and Ramsey could easily have been our starting midfield today to give Luiz The break he clearly needs
  4. Yeah this is true. That said, had we not stuttered in the way we did Vs both in 3/4 games we'd be home and dry in 4th pretty much and not really competing with them. Can't always expect those results to go our way, but the United 2x losses in particular were frustrating because we should've won both. Anyway, this game isn't lost yet, I fully expect a response in the second half
  5. I know it's sacrilege but Unai has got it wrong so far. Midfield has no physicality and Luiz is shattered. Tim should be in there. Defence is poorly balanced. Lenglet should come off and Konsa at CB. Bailey has been nullified by being too wide with Duran & Watkins playing 2 up top. Changes all round needed
  6. I agree. It's just that some appear to be arguing that we won't need to sell players because the club highlighted that we are in line with the strategic business plan. It's highly likely that plan involves the selling of players, and quite likely that some of them will be players we see as important
  7. Fans gonna be pissed when they realise that selling players was also part of the "Strategic Business Plan" Gif size limit is way too low to be usable!
  8. 2 losses to United and the Sheffield United game really cost us. We genuinely should be in the thick of this. Obviously we aren't and we lost games we shouldn't have, I'm absolutely ecstatic with our performance this season so far - but it is difficult not to think "What if?"
  9. Interested to see what their fans think. Other than knowing their badge was mostly Black/Red I had to Google it to remember what it actually was. This is an improvement imo for them. It's more memorable even in a boring circle. When I think of Bournemouth, Cherries match more my thoughts than the headed ball. But it is very Ajax
  10. Ah of course, was his Achilles, we get so many ACLs I just assumed . I agree with you! I don't want to sell him and think the risk of getting somebody worse or needing time to settle is worse when Mings is an unknown and Pau misses games But profit to book or not he would generate cash and the savings on his wage probably make it the 'sensible' move. And preferred to cashing in on a bigger name player imo.
  11. Thought Rogers cost him last night. That pass was poor and Diaby had to really change his run to get to it (speed seemed back though!). He did well to make a chance from it in the end but Rogers lack of instinct to keep running limited Diabys options, he still found someone in the box and a poor shot from Rogers. Think if Dougie had been playing the original pass to Diaby, he'd have had a chance on goal himself
  12. I would think (hope) many don't want to sell him (I don't) but I can see that he's probably our 3rd or 4th best CB but probably paid like our 1st or 2nd best. 31 in March and with a recent ACL, he's probably on the list of players most at risk of being sold to generate some FFP cash. I love Mings, always have, but I think it's a big risk to sell Carlos and rely on him after such a big injury, particularly as Pau is likely to miss games himself. But I can see the 'sensible' thing to do may be to move Carlos on and buy younger and cheaper as he is probably paid more than his positioning in the squad
  13. I'd like to keep everybody tbh and replace Dendoncker, Zaniolo and Lenglet but it's not realistic. The trouble we have is knowing what we have in Mings, Buendia and Kamara when they return from some pretty serious injuries. The assumption is they get back to where they were, but they are all older and with more serious injuries than Ramsey had and it's taking him 4-6 months of being eased in to find his form again. I think £30m for Diego & Digne is semi-realistic and with wages saved, probably sensible. I wouldn't be surprised to see us cut our losses and selling Duran, I also wouldn't rule out us selling Buendia (I really hope.not), to generate some cash for replacing the loaners and Dendoncker. Iroegbunam having a great few months could save us some money on Donks replacement. A lot riding on the Young Fullbacks performing too. If those 3 (Kosta, Sousa, Tim) all do well, we could really invest in a key player or two at CB or in attack.
  14. I'm going with 7. Luton W Spurs L West Ham W Wolves D
  15. He's got nearly everything back apart from his shooting boots.
  16. No but they are good enough to beat us if they turn up how they can do. Hard draw. We should win really, but not going to be easy
  17. We should go and hire the design agency who developed that Lille badge to do ours..
  18. Came to post this, what a clearing in the woods
  19. I imagine the silence is because they know we'll get bored. They'll announce the badge almost as is when we (hopefully) qualify for the Champions League or win the Conference League
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