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Everything posted by Bunnski

  1. He is pure class, what's your point? He has a bad game and you think it justifies all the dribble you write about him?
  2. Kept a close eye on him at QPR and he was off his seat a hell of a lot, especially when the midfield lads **** up he was going mental. Also had a rant at the fourth official when we'd had a bad decision against down the wing. So yes, he has been off his seat a lot. Fair enough but it didn't look that way while watching on tv. Can't tell if serious. I'm not doubting what Spiezels said, I'm just pointing out that everytime it showed him on tv he was sat there looking disinterested which gave me the impression that he was like that all game but obviously I was wrong.
  3. Kept a close eye on him at QPR and he was off his seat a hell of a lot, especially when the midfield lads **** up he was going mental. Also had a rant at the fourth official when we'd had a bad decision against down the wing. So yes, he has been off his seat a lot. Fair enough but it didn't look that way while watching on tv.
  4. Shocking from Lambert last night. Weimann is crap, 9 times out of 10 everything breaks down as soon as the ball goes near him so why persist with him in a wide role for 70 minutes? Surely Zog would of been a better option when it was obvious Weimann was playing terrible. Why does Zog start previous games and then doesn't even get brought on when we need someone with a good touch and the ability to make something happen? Why not bring on Cole to change things around and play 2 strikers with Cole in behind when our wing forwards were constantly getting out played by the Qpr fullbacks. Are any of our midfield allowed to push up past the ball when we attack or is their role to sit back and offer the easy pass to the forwards when they run into a blind alley or miscontrol? There is no real defence left for Lambert as he has shown on too many games now that he is seriously lacking the tactical nous to be a top manager. Too stubborn and too old fashioned . I've always backed him but it's becoming near impossible to support the tripe we are being served up on a way too regular basis. His only chance of redemption is that he won't be sacked and will have time to put things right but I'm not very hopeful and can easily see us being relegated as things stand.
  5. Has he got up off his comfy seat on the bench over the last 5 games? At the start of the season he was up mouthing at players and officials showing aggression and passion, now he just sits there looking like he couldn't care less. This signals to me that something is up within the dressing room.
  6. Absolute tripe. Why wait til 70 minutes and 2-0 down to make changes? Weimann was poison and the way the midfield was set up was dumb. No runners in behind, all ball to feet and then just lay it off or find the easiest pass. No invention, no craft. The Rock played great tonight except for a couple of minutes where he thought he was playing for QPR. Am utterly deflated again..........
  7. Bunnski

    Match Thread

    Yeah wtf was that all about, he was playing great and then just seemed to turn to shit for a couple of minutes
  8. Bunnski

    Match Thread

    how shit does a player have to play before he gets taken off? get weimann off ffs
  9. Bunnski

    Match Thread

    The Rock has played great so far, am very impressed with him tonight. Westwood, Cissokho and Gabby have looked good also. Cleverley has been crap as have the 2 centre backs. Overall I'm happy with the performance and our attitude is good and we are having a right go at QPR. The goal knocked us back abit but we started getting back into in the last 10 minutes. We have been the better team by a long way. I'd like to see Cole come on as we are crying out for someone who can play that final ball.
  10. We are gonna be dodgy at the back then without a doubt, Hutton and Senderos are a massive loss compared to having to play Lowton and Clark. It will be interesting to see how the midfield is set up, will Sanchez and Westwood sit deep or will Westwood be pushed up.?
  11. QPR have conceded atleast 2 goals in each of their last 5 matches. I fancy Benteke to score tonight especially if Ferdinand is playing. 3-1 Villa
  12. Very true unfortunately. I like Lambert and have supported him throughout his time as Villa manager but this season is when I need to see major improvement to keep backing him. I'm sick of watching us bend over and let other teams dominate us. At the very least I want to see us having a proper go at teams and playing some entertaining football. Tbf I think our start has been ok points wise but the football has been tripe, a couple of games can be excused due to illness and the quality of opposition but we need to be set up to have more of the ball and in turn more chances to win matches.
  13. Ex of 11 years moved out today. Happy days as soon as I get through the Stockholm syndrome ha. Time to start trawling facebook for old flames and easy lays, onwards and upwards!
  14. Or it's a reason as to why you can't really judge him yet. I feel like Father Ted sometimes trying to explain to Dougal the difference between near and far away or in this case excuses and actual reason...
  15. But sadly Sanchez doesn't look the player we believed he would be when he signed. It's just a bloody mess, just like the previous 4 seasons before this. Wow Sanchez has started 1 game, calm down.
  16. Great player who is playing back too deep to properly influence games. I still see all the good work he does and how he starts a lot of our attacks with his quick thinking and accurate passes. His touch is the best at the club and he should be further up the pitch so he can help us hold onto possession. I'd like to see The Rock play DMF or even have Cleverley be the deepest sitting midfielder as I thought he did well when tackling and harrying Everton's players on Saturday.
  17. When Okore played vs Parma he was woeful and way off the pace, I find it strange that he is still not upto it but hopefully things improve soon and he gets himself back in the team.
  18. Hooray! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMSDDhTItVQ&feature=youtu.be&a=&app=desktop
  19. He intentionally threw it straight to one of their players and then turned his back on it when what he should of done was hold onto it for a while longer to allow us to get our shape. He must of had a brain fart because it was really dumb.
  20. Please just play The Rock at DMF and let the rest of our midfield push right up and have a proper go next week!
  21. Eh he nearly gave away a peno and then 2 minutes later he gave away a free kick on the edge of our box for a similar challenge. The guy is clueless and looks lost and also doesn't learn from his mistakes. Get rid asap.
  22. Really poor today and we need to sort it out quickly, over to you Lambo!
  23. I really feel like he is wasted sitting back so far all the time. He is our only midfielder who has the composure and skill set to unlock teams imo. He isn't good enough at DMF to keep playing there imo and would benefit hugely from playing higher up the pitch. I'd like to see The Rock play next week and allow Westwood more freedom to roam forward. Keep Richardson for the wings.
  24. Did well in a defensive sense but offered little going forward, not entirely his fault as he is obviously under orders to track back but I still thought he had a few chances to play killer balls but didn't look like he had it in him and instead just played the easy ball. edit: Thinking back to early in the game and he did put in some nice crosses for Benteke and also had one of our only 2 shots on target so maybe I'm being a bit harsh saying he looked bad in an attacking sense and hopefully he can produce for a full 90' next time out with The Rock playing as DMF allowing him to be more attacking.
  25. Absolute dogshit performance, so many sloppy passes. Cleverley tracked back well but his passing when we were attacking was bad. Cissokho was done for 2 of the goals. Zog was woeful and cost us a goal. Benteke looked as soft as I've ever seen him, he was constantly out muscled. Richardson can't play in midfield as he takes way too long to make his mind up and was just slowing things down, his place is on the wings. Hutton was our best player by a very long margain imo. The ref was a complete tool and was just blowing for everything, a typical modern day ref who just slows the game down. Lambert deserves stick for that performance today and it's time to sort this whole mess out and get us playing some decent football with confidence, injuries or not we have to be better when we have the ball.
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