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Everything posted by Mazrim

  1. Hernandez isn't fit to inflate Jack's Hippy Crack balloons.
  2. It was pulled. No contact at all. And Adrian Durham can stfu too the fat contrary bed wetting bell end.
  3. A punch? Really? There might have been more contact in El Ghazis devastating elbow on Babyface. And if Hourihane gets a ban, so should Cooper. Could have been a leg breaker. While we're there, how about action for getting in the refs face every time he legitimately called a foul on the dirty ****. He even missed half of them, including a penalty. The last thing Leeds should feel is hard done by. Jesus Christ. Talk about trying to deflect the issue. Cheating bastard Leeds player gets what he deserves. Actually he should be banned for more than 2 games and made to play in a nappy for 10 games. The biggest laugh I've seen related to all this is that some Leeds fans think there's a conspiracy to keep them in the Championship as they're a cash cow. I shit you not.
  4. We have super rich owners. We want to go up, yeah?
  5. What does Steve Gibson reckon to that?
  6. Actually its a mid sized shithole full of permanently whinging morons. Like a smaller Goodison.
  7. Spot on. Leeds better pray they dont meet us. We were half arsed and they still couldnt beat us. Next time, with something on it, at full strength and with a point to prove, we'll clean their clock.
  8. We had the better chances. Easily. They just played it around the back for ages. It was only after they conned us down to 10 men that they had any meaningful chances and even then, I reckon they could be still playing now without scoring a legitimate goal. I will say they the got a lot of joy in front of our defence. Namely because: a: Hourihane is not a DM and b: We were strolling around, which tells me that they had been told to take it easy. Leeds tried to kick us out of it, then cheat us out of it. Better team? Nah. Not for me.
  9. Gary Gardner? Really? Not now mate. He's found his level. New DM will probably be some gem French African kid from the continent and the winger Daniel James, Jarrod Bowen or both.
  10. Wasn't his best game. Who plays instead? Adomah? Hardly flying himself.
  11. Which would have resulted in at least one red card and a penalty if the officials weren't so pathetic. I don't think its a strategy that works or should work in a fair game. Many teams have tried to boot Grealish out of a game or stay tight on him. It doesnt work very often.
  12. Yeah. I think you're having a nightmare Vive. It was the worst piece of sportmsmanship I've seen in years. That's why it shouldnt have counted, not offside. Bielsa did the minimal required of him. Im not going to say honourable. Its his team of cheating, dirty playacting bastards. His club spying on teams training. If there is anything like karma or justice, the next time this scumbag club play Premier League Football, Mars will have a team.
  13. You always make out they're great. They've been average to shite for months now. Most of their so called pressing is just fannying about across the back 4 or midfield. To top it off they're dirty cheating bastards. If we'd been properly up for it we would have beat them and if we meet them again, we will. Sheffield United, Norwich and your own team deserve more respect to be honest.
  14. Completely disagree. We were jogging around for more than an hour. Understandably to a degree as players know we're in the playoffs and there's no need to kill themselves in this mostly meaningless game for us. We meet them in the final after they behave like this and its a totally different game. They're really nothing special technically, and absolute scumbags in intent. **** them.
  15. You mean tried to break his legs? If clearing in the woods of the year wasnt reffing they'd have been a man down from their nullifying.
  16. Overestimating Leeds I think. Most of their play was fannying about around their back 4. So what? We were flat and at half speed most of the game. The next time we meet them, if we do, will be different. The cheating bastards have written Deanos team talk for him. They didn't deserve to go up automatically and they don't deserve to go up any other way either. Like their city, a second rate consideration nobody would care if they never heard from again. I personally cant wait to meet them sgain. Like the last time we met them at Wembley, we'll teach them a lesson.
  17. Jansson isnt fit to lace Mings or Tuanzebe's boots. And he's a cheating bastard and spends most of his time with a handful of shirt if not actually wrestling opponents to the ground. An oaf, lucky to stay on the pitch. No thanks.
  18. Nothing special. Cheating dirty **** to boot.
  19. We were strangely flat today. We meet these scumbags again and they wont know whats hit them from the whistle.
  20. I hope they beat Derby and we meet them. They don't deserve to be promoted regardless. Dirty, cheating playacting scumbags. Only the manager has any credit in humanity at all. They're worse than blose.
  21. As long as this absolute knob ref is nowhere near another Villa match.
  22. Pontuss is a **** clearing in the woods.
  23. BigRed. Your club are the scum of the Earth. I hope we meet you in the final. I long for it.
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