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Everything posted by TheMelvillan

  1. I feel like the shamen put a subtle hidden message in that song but cant quite put my finger on it...
  2. I pay £1 per month for the Athletic and somehow still feel ripped off
  3. Hope you returned the favour and let him know that if he tried to get his surname on a villa shirt at the club shop he would just end up with a massive L on his back
  4. I'd better happy to watch a villa 11 Vs villa 11 to be honest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. i just find Man City to be such a soulless dispassionate club. If I were offered a season ticket for any club in the prem next year, Man City wouldnt even be in my top 10, barely even top 15. People used to joke about Highbury being a library (think that was more to do with the convenient rhyming to be fair) but there is nothing about that man city ground that would entice me. Even the fact that they are a good team, its because they should be a good team. everything about them is so formulated and sterile. horrible. would rather watch a real football team, where games could genuinely go either way and without the expectation of winning being a foregone conclusion. i.e. football mind you if someone was to give me £250k + per week to follow them I would probably have to consider it
  6. See now I'm considering putting together a grumpy 11. Anything to take my mind off this dumb grealish situation
  7. Jaysus. martial and Wesley. Grumpiest looking striking partnership in football history. Just need to re-sign ayew to complete the set
  8. Granted my life isn't exactly as interesting as jack's, but my family know feck all about my life, future plans and emotions. Further, theres a possibility that even jack doesn't know what he is planning to do, let alone his second step niece in law twice removed
  9. if i ever find myself in the unlikely position of having my head grafted onto a villa players body i hope to god they use mings or jack rather than mcginn or targett !
  10. dumbest movie ive ever seen. will definitely watch it again, oh, and Pitch Perfect is obviously the best trilogy ever made
  11. Well obviously the villa shop are higher in the hierarchy and more in the know that villa Twitter because jack was @'d into a club tweet an hour ago
  12. Can we lock his agent in Julie b's basement til the start of the season. Am convinced he is in his ear constantly about moving.
  13. (Can't believe what I just had to type into the gif search box to get that )
  14. Is no. 20 his official squad number or just a pre-season thing?
  15. hope the whole villa interest thing helped the lad to milk them dry!
  16. Or a team with Ramsay X2 and chuk X2 if the papers are to be believed
  17. I love el ghazi to bits but I think we are outgrowing him now. And whilst we have rich owners and can spend spend spend there also has to come a point where we have to sell some assets to balance it off a little. Anwar is probably at his most saleable now and I think if we were to get a shiny new winger we could see him getting sold. Mind you I still have him ahead of trez in the pecking order so he may also be an option to sell - he still has reasonable reputation himself
  18. Would love to see him using his raw strength a bit more to his advantage. Needs to become a bit more of a bully. Looks at the likes of hartson, shearer or Sutton. They were physical bullies on the pitch and it paid dividends. Wes hasn't got the greatest levels of skill or speed but he does have physical strength in spades which could occupy defenders who would hate to play against it. He's just a bit too timid and nice for my liking. I also never want to see a front two of Davis and Wes again - not great lol
  19. reckon we'll have a season of sancho/ bailey comparisons if he signs. but 15 goals and 11 assists is an incredible season by anyones standards
  20. Q: Should we have a v neck or a collar? A: Yes
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