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Everything posted by TheMelvillan

  1. wait. is he whit trouser sunglasses man or dark jogger, dark top man? either way i thought he was blonde?!
  2. I've looked at the stats, some youtube videos and past games, considered elements such as turf conditions and wind direction, and can honestly estimate that Ty would still beat Maguire in a footrace in his current state. Maybe just need to reinforce his crutches a little, and give Maguire a head start to make it competitive
  3. And they say that debate and discourse is dead That was like Frost/ Nixon all over again
  4. I see the media, certainly on twitter, are already trying to ram this saudi league down are throats - posting about games/ results etc. I cant express enough how little I care and unwilling I am to take it seriously as a professional league
  5. thought this kit looked really good on the pitch on sunday. very sharp
  6. dont need a stick. Any poor to average fullback should do it
  7. Whilst our goalkeeping position represents the greatest drop off on quality between starter and backup, left back will soon have the greatest drop off in handsomeness However I am willing to let this slide Genuinely though, would Acuna be considered a starter over Moreno when all are fit? He certainly seems to be a better defender/ tackler than Moreno and we are famous on this site for overrating our players when they are injured over a long period of time.
  8. Nah I saw the medical report, it was a missing spine
  9. striker has a crush on you too?
  10. looking online, opinions on this guy range from being a clumsy crock of injured, moody poop, to an unstoppable totti/ ibrahimovic hybrid megastar. Curious to see whereabouts on the spectrum he actually falls
  11. Christ I'd be mortified if I thought for one second that our players looked at this site. I've slagged every single one of them off to some degree over the years
  12. huh, so apparently I fancy the arse off @Kiwivillan Who knew?!
  13. dont think he is in any way a better than Digne to be honest. Can only assume Digne has expressed an interest in leaving for the saudis otherwise i see no real benefit unless wages for acuna will be lower (which, lets face it, is incredibly likely) Incidently he does have a very Luke Shaw type build. reckon he'll be a right chunker a few years after retirement
  14. Games rigged yo Starting to wonder what is the point in it all. We can buy all the players and coach them right and support them til we are blue in the face but this league is simply not a level playing field . Disgusting and corrupt and I hate myself for being so emotionally invested in it!
  15. and lets face it, in the grand scheme of things, in the context of allfoorball worldwide, Villa arent exactly tight with their spending either
  16. An image of Ty in his Buendia tribute t shirt before the game will be kinda poignant now
  17. Drinks trolley smashed into his knee knowing our luck
  18. They are going to start like a team possessed I reckon due to their crowd, excitement of the new season, inflated expectations. Need to keep it tight early doors as a quick goal from them would be annoying Also, I got a free £2 bet and used it for 0-2 villa so that would be nice
  19. You could see that emery was distraught when our players scored in preseason - thoughts of players using up all their apparently pre allocated goals just too much to take
  20. he offers us a physicality that we dont currently have in forward positions - tall and excellent upper body strength. personally much more excited about this transfer than, for instance, the ferran torres rumour please note i havent actually compared the stats of the players mentioned above before anyone starts quoting how much they can bench press etc. Just from the eye test alone Zaniolo looks a beast
  21. Starting to realise I'd make a rubbish scout. I'm sure caicedo is great but he has never really stood out for me, let alone as a £110m player...
  22. As great and exciting all this transfer news is about forward players, I still feel we are lacking in the fullback department and this will continue to be our weak spot, especially if injuries hit. However, looking at the squad, I don't forsee many occasions where will be groaning at the team sheet an hour before kickoff. There's not many villa players now who I will resent seeing their name in the starting 11. This has not always been the case!
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