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Everything posted by Vancvillan

  1. Someone needs to put the brakes on all these puns.
  2. Let's not get too excited. It would be a gouda start.
  3. Terrible crop and quality but you get the idea at least.
  4. Wagner is more exciting, Bruce has the experience. Though if experience is so important, wouldn't it be great if we could find a manager who had experience of taking a team that was relegated from the PL and motivating them to finish 2nd behind Newcastle? Because there is one available. Also, where did the monthly optimism thread go?
  5. Unless VT hates Dad jokes, this isn't getting anywhere near the amount of attention it deserves.
  6. I'm sure it's been mentioned already but we already had someone who burst onto the scene circa 2006, doing great things, exciting the crowd, full of passion and an ankle tattoo. The early promise of a bright future was followed by an understandable (or at least explainable) fall off to mediocrity on the stats front (less money because of divorce / recession, less goals because of being on the wing) before diving into the depths of depravity and becoming a symbol of everything that has gone wrong with Villa over the last few years. There's no real point to this post other than to say that Gabby is the Quantum Leap identity of Randy Lerner and I claim my five pounds.
  7. I'm fine with this. As long as he's prepared to go the extra Mile for us.
  8. NERD ALERT: I think 5 years between them at $50k each would be $13m. Either way, that made me vomit in my mouth. Shameful. Edit: $ means GBP. Stupid Canadian keyboard.
  9. This probably sums up a fair chunk of why I think we should give him time - I really do want him to succeed. Based on his performances for Villa it's purely sentimental. Thankfully I'm not likely to be the manager any time soon.
  10. Ah, cheer up you bunch of morbid bed wetters. Come May 2017 we'll be top, Gresford will be England captain and you'll only refer to Big Libor as "The Czech Dixie Dean". (I know what you're thinking. Of course I'm pissed. I had to put together a sofa bed tonight.)
  11. @choffer and @NoelVilla - if you're heading to Vancouver and have any questions, fire them my way. I've been living here for ten years, and love the place so much that me and my business partner made a book about it (www.soit.is).
  12. New owner, new start. New division. Anyone know anything about him?
  13. Money aside, it's at the point where I'm guessing most fans would turn the job down. If you've ever wondered what the eye of a shit storm looks like, come on in and check out the view.
  14. And for those of you who made it all the way through that article, the Samaritans can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 116 123.
  15. I disagree - I think if Bernie wins the popular vote from the primaries / caucuses, the super delegates will fall in line. Otherwise they risk splitting the voter base with either losses to an independent or a low turn-out from the Sanders followers. If the turn out is low, the GOP could well win - even with a nutcase like Cruz or Trump running, which given the situation with potential Supreme Court appointees would be a nightmare for the Democrats.
  16. You are Nigel Pearson and I claim my five pounds.
  17. Swindon 93/94. Take your pick of any game. I lived there at the time so went to a few games. Jumpers for goal posts. I got embarrassed for the Robins while watching Andy Cole and Beardsley tear them a new one on their own patch. I think they hit seven or eight past them. When we played them at VP they had a third choice keeper in nets. We won 5-0,and it was the only time I ever felt bad for an visiting team. What I wouldn't give for that feeling again.
  18. This post is worth a like purely on the words-to-good-old-fashion-footballing-cliches ratio. Not a dig at all - I really enjoyed it. At the end of the day it's a game of two halves and the lads need to go our there with their hearts on their sleeves. I'd be over the moon with 2-0. Prediction: 1-0 Villa. Gill with the cheeky lollipop, Gestade second post with little eyebrows in the 89th minute.
  19. What if you were managing St Mirren? Lambert isn't a Villa fan.
  20. I would hope it's clear that it is not meant literally, it is a mechanism used to highlight how bad they are in comparison to the rest of the squad and the league as a whole. Obviously they are not bad enough for League Two, in the same way people proclaim x player shouldn't even earn a wage as a footballer or the referee must be blind or we hope they give 110%... Sorry, should I just say they're all doing a better job than me so well done to them all? In fact every player today played better than any of the people who write on these boards ever could. Clap, clap, hooray for everybody. Except Richardson. I'm better than Richardson. I get it - but your original post opened with "Impossible to keep this squad up, absolutely impossible." Apologies for making this look poster-on-poster, it's nothing personal - you're one of many people who think we're down with no hope after 11 games have been played, but I can't get my head around that kind of dedication to being doomed. And agreed on Richardson. He shouldn't even earn a wage as a footballer, must be blind and never gives 110%.
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