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Everything posted by JamieZ

  1. Right? He should have scorpion kicked it to Bobby Wood at the halfway line for a breakaway opportunity.
  2. I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark here and say that Costacurta could spot a decent defender. Do you have any statistics to back that up?
  3. JamieZ


    I recently interviewed for a job in Shanghai. I didn't get it, but I've been looking at other options. What did you move for?
  4. I guess the operative question is "As whom?" For 99% of people over 99% of human history, being alive at all means living day-to-day with a 33-year lifespan, hoping the harvest comes through or that you're able to catch enough food to survive, praying your village isn't sacked by raiders and that your kids survive childhood, and wishing your toothache would go away or that you didn't have a club foot. It would be interesting to be a Persian monarch during the Achaemenid Dynasty or an Egyptian pharaoh during the Middle Kingdom or a Chinese emperor during the Han Dynasty or something, but that would probably suck, too, as you were just as likely to get poisoned by your mother-in-law or stabbed in the back by a court eunuch than to live to old age. And they had toothaches and club feet, too.
  5. The new album has really been growing on me. At first, I wasn't convinced—it seemed a bit thin to me—but now I'm absolutely loving it. I may go up to Toronto to see them in September.
  6. I overheard this playing on a radio or something. I've had the chorus stuck in my head for a week.
  7. The whole idea challenges my instinct to strive for even tuning all the way around the drum, but I think the idea is that the snare is not a typical drum, and what works for toms and kicks might not necessarily work for snare drums. Being able to dial in overtones (I like my drum sound relatively lively, personally) is a great option to have, and to be able to do it without extra muffling is great. So yeah, I'm going to give it a go on my snare tonight at the studio.
  8. I did some work this week for Metric and their sound guy showed me this snare tuning trick. I'm going to try it the second I get back home to my kit.
  9. Holy moly! I didn't know Soulyman had recruited Four Tet on production! I believe his entire last album, 'Wenu Wenu', was produced by Kieran Hebden.
  10. What are the green, yellow, and red lines? Is that who's allowed to pass to whom? Like, green—go, yellow—if you discuss it beforehand and the manager approves it, red—absolutely not. Because if it is, we're going to have some problems getting the ball out of our half.
  11. JamieZ

    Gym Routine

    Thanks, guys. I'll start slow, maybe ask the pretty girl who is always over there doing different types of squats like a freaking champion for some tips, and work from there. In the past, I've avoided doing these things since I run as my primary lower-body exercise, but I've been injured and really want to rebuild some strength in the area before I ease back into serious running. I can only imagine a decent lower-body routine would improve my general fitness, anyway.
  12. JamieZ

    Gym Routine

    Best advice would be to ask someone on your gym to show you as its hard to explain in writing, also watch youtube videos aswell. Then just start with the bar only on both exercises until you feel you've got the form correct and the movement feels natural Yeah, I'm sure you're right. I guess I'm anxious to start something new when everybody else over there is lifting small trucks like Bulgarian Olympians. But I'll start slow. How do people work them into their routine? In terms of grouping them with other exercises, are there ideal times to do them or things to avoid?
  13. JamieZ

    Gym Routine

    Okay, so I've been working out with weights for about six months and it's made a pretty massive difference in my fitness. I'm not anal retentive about counting calories or keeping a journal or following a strict programme, but combined with running, the results have been undeniable. However, one thing I've been shying away from that I would actually like to do more with is squats and dead lifts; I just don't know what I'm doing and they terrify me, so I stay away. I feel like my form would be wrong and I'd slip a disc or something. Any advice on easing into something like that?
  14. JamieZ

    Gym Routine

    Do you bring your goat to the gym? Because that would be pretty tacky, in and of itself.
  15. JamieZ


    Just went for my first trail run since injuring my calf a month and a half ago. The run was slow and easy, but aside from some stiffness, I don't seem to have done any further damage, so here's to steady improvement.
  16. JamieZ

    Gym Routine

    It's a major problem here in the States, as well. It drives me mad to watch grown adults who pay a monthly fee to go to a place in order to lift heavy objects and put them back down again refuse to pick up after themselves...by lifting heavy objects and putting them back down again. I'm not a big guy (5'10", 165lbs), but I've gone up to people much larger than me and said, "Are you done with that? Oh. Here, I'll put it back where it belongs then," and pedantically put it back on the rack. Bunch of clowns.
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