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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. * Must resist temptation to make trades before International break. *
  2. Who chose 1-4? *Clicks View* Ah of course!
  3. Personally think Lloris is one of the best keepers in the world. He'd start ahead of de Gea every day of the week (in my opinion). de Gea's only 22 though, so got plenty of time to improve.
  4. Very good window. Kinda glad we didn't sign an attacking mid this window. Gives me hope that we'll sign Kiyotake in January
  5. Speaks good English for a big man. /trap
  6. By Luna's beard! He's finally gone? Great news to start the day!
  7. Best of luck to Barry. He copped a lot of stick on this forum (rightly or wrongly) and it was probably exacerbated by the posts of a certain forum member, but I'm glad we can all move on. Hopefully he can make something of his career at Palace. Another couple million pounds produced by the academy, which is always good to see.
  8. Daniel Storey ‏@danielstorey85 Parma have brought in 166 players this summer on permanent or loan deals for a cost of £5.5million. That's not a typo. http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/parma/transfers/verein_130.html
  9. And why would that be in our interests? paying 10k of his wages.. whats the point? if you let him rot till January.. he might actually decide he wants to play and accept lower salaries to leave in January. Because 10k a week (if that is even what it is) is still half a million pounds that we would not otherwise be getting. There is no reason to turn that down and have a disruptive influence handing around the other players. He hasn't done so far, and I doubt he'd have a change of heart 6 months from now.
  10. If we are spending the speculated €9m on this fellow to play second fiddle to Benteke, that would be a very interesting call to say the least. Could the money be better spent elsewhere to get in someone who can effectively take set pieces? Maybe? I'll trust Lambert to know what he's doing.
  11. Sounds like a lot of people almost wish that Spurs bought Benteke.
  12. Only made two signings so far which were frees. I expect that to change though.
  13. From Twitter obviously: "@HowardHodgson: @stonydaz Still think we'll land an ACM that PF says we've been tracking for a while.. We'll know soon enough.. #avfc"
  14. Ki Sung-Yueng has gone to Sunderland on loan, not Palace. There's still hope for Bannan to go there though.
  15. We've offered Barry Bannan a new and improved contract.
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