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Everything posted by jjaacckk91

  1. I just got one one today and have had a play with the camera, and honestly, I don't know what the fuss is about. The pictures look fine on the phone's screen, which isn't exactly small. And coming from an s3 myself, I really don't think you'll notice too much of a difference. EDIT: just like to add the rest of the phone is just as good as near every review says. build quality just blows the s3 out the water
  2. Hey guys looking for some help making a decision here, my S3 decided to die for no reason last night(i suspect some update killed it as there were no warning signs),and have 7 months of contract left =[. I don't know whether to buy a cheap phone to get me through, buy a decent phone and then go sim only, or cancel my contract a get a new one. Ideally I don't want to cancel my contract 'cos it will cost me about £100, so are there any hand sets you guys would recommend?, I'm a bit out the loop as i wasn't expecting to be looking for another 6 months. Just in case anyone here knows anything more than I do this is what i've tried to fix my S3. It won't boot past it's first screen, I can't access recovery mode(to do a system restore), and I can only access a 'download mode' where I should be able to reinstall(flash) all the stock firmware, but it(odin) wont even let me do that saying a need a pit file, so i found the pit file as a last resort and it still doesn't like it. I've trawled the internet and got nowhere. thanks in advance
  3. I just saw a vauxall zafira(the people carrier). it was lowered with a body-kit and had a bad boy exhaust fitted.
  4. I really enjoyed it, finished a playthrough (hero). should add I haven't played an infamous game before. The kicking dup out of areas aspect is a bit of an after thought for me as you can quite happily run through the whole map without doing it, and having to do it before a mission was the only reason I did. I am interested to see how your decisions affect the game because I think the differences could be pretty huge. overall a fun game fun story even if it is a bit short.
  5. have you watched Henderson play recently? his workrate is one of if not his best attribute.
  6. I just dreamt I was driving to work, it was pitch black and there was a kid in the road. after repeatedly purposely not letting me past I got out my car and walked up to him and said something. he said like 123 and then this massive wolf came to kill me. just as it went for my neck the kid called it off so I ran away then the kid appears from nowhere, he calls his wolf from miles away and it looked like he was just going to kill me, but it just stopped right infront of me and just kept rising in height the kid says 1,2... and then his dad appears, the kid seems to listen to reason that he shouldn't be in the road. then we were by this door, and things seem to have calmed down as I walk through it. when the kid throws a knife kills his dad gets out a four pronged knife comes at me 123 and the wolf tackles me, I then woke up. I think I died, no idea where the dream came from though.
  7. You mean make players rarer? That would just make even the basic players far more expensive for even the poorest players. Thats not the problem its just the fifa community is terrible and has no imagination and then EA are an absolute joke making it the way it is, its supposed to be "ultimate team" yet they made it even harder this year than it was last year to make interesting and different teams and now you just end up with standard premier league teams or serie a teams and it just makes the whole thing dull. Think they had it spot on in 11/12 UT but since its became popular this and last year its basically build the sweatiest team and have a game of arcade sped up hoofball where any player can rocket in 35 yarders. I think this is exactly what he means though, you'd have less rare/gold players, and having a gold player would be a big deal so you wouldn't play against the same players every game. whereas at the minute there are probably enough sturridges for everyone to have one. And playing against all gold 100 chem teams every game is expected. I remember I had much more fun on 12 I think when you could play with a bronze team or a couple of golds or full gold and get a fairly even match regardless.
  8. his loan ended that's why he's come back though isn't it? perhaps Lambert wants to see him around the squad?
  9. why do people at work insist on making things as difficult as possible. i took the time to write a procedure for a job another department should be doing that us saves hours doing the job. the least they can do is read the damn thing. but no because I need one signature of someone that is "too busy" it can't be put into circulation. so busy they left at quarter to 4 infact. /rant
  10. so who's been worse, lescott or the ref?
  11. lescott is having a nightmare, dearly me
  12. I just had this exact conversation. 3 men offside, they don't come back onside. so surely they're gaining an advantage from being there. although I think the goal would be given all day it should be offside for me.
  13. I think it's just a case of trying to say pistorius is lying about his story, so could also be lying about thinking she was an intruder. his story(I think) is he shot then put his legs on and broke the door with the bat. prosecution were trying to say he shot and then broke the door down without his legs on. and the door being tampered with is just ridiculous. how it can possibly still be used as evidence is beyond me.
  14. this reminded me of something I heard last year, a commentator on a fulham game(I think it was niall Quinn) kept saying "sascha riether the young German fullback", or "riether showing his youthful inexperience there", he was 30 or 31. I had to Google his age just to reassure myself because the commentator was convinced he was young. how some of these people are actually getting paid for it is beyond me.
  15. I just wrote a massive massive rant, just writing it had calmed me down, I moved my finger to the post button, my entire phone crashed, and now I'm furious all over again.
  16. I am about to explode it's all my sisters fault
  17. saw county were getting absolutely battered so pretty glad to read this
  18. best I've had this year is ramos, had a few informs(kalou, some Belgian gk) but I've opened a lot of packs, especially around toty
  19. that game was awful. newcastle were awful. we were awfullest. we need points against norwich.
  20. I don't like being told to pay a service charge, it ain't British. I do tip a good meal, by that's probably only half the time. I'm sure this has been done before in this topic mind. Although the American compulsory tipping model works well, we don't do that over here. I agree completely having a service charge forced on you is wrong, but it was the petty way they went about using that as an excuse not to leave a tip. "I would've tipped but I'm not now" It's not the waiters fault ffs. if the service or the food didn't deserve tipping that's fair enough. giving me the tip I had left back was just too much.
  21. just had for a meal with friends waiter brings over receipt I put in for mine and a tip already. one guy looks at receipt, sees 10% service charge "I ain't paying a service charge", someone else says it's extortionate, and starts taking it off everyone's meal and giving out change. ****ing hate when people are being cheap about a tip, and I put in for a tip don't start giving it back to me as 'change'.
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