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Everything posted by PussEKatt

  1. There is a lot of talk on here about Pocho and Big Sam,What about John Terry ? I think he would be good.He knows the team,he has played under some of the best managers in the world, he wants to manage and last but not least, he couldent be any worse. Your thoughts on this please.
  2. So you are saying that Smith had no choice but to buy these players.Was he also forced to play Wesley EVERY game,especially when we needed goals to win ?! Is he also forced to play 433 week after week ? Because if any manager we have/get is forced to go by these rules then we might as well get used to league 2
  3. Makes you wonder what he has to do to get a start.He scored 2 goals midweek and its his goals that have got us so far in the league cup but Wes got the nod to start instead.So instead of picking a striker who scored 2 in his last start we go with a striker that has not hit the back of the net in 13+league games.If that was me I would be really P...ed off.
  4. Its not a sudden loss of form,its more a case of giving up.I mean, put yourself in the players position.First off they are ordinary people just like you and me and they get dissapointed,frustrated and brassed off, just like us, so imagine what its like for them to.They turn up every week and see Wes leading the line.They turn up every week and see that we have suprised the opposition again by playing 4 3 3 irrespective of wether the opposition is at the top of the table or at the bottom also irrespective of whether we are at home or away.Then finally look at Kodija, he trains all week,scores a brace in midweek and what happens on saturday.................Wes starts FFS. This is the same team that did well against Spurs away on the opening day of the season.This is the same team that did well against Arsenal a few games later,so whats changed ? They have given up because week after week they give it their best shot and what happens the manager persists in starting Wes.DS even refuses to play 442 and have Kodija up front with Wes, no lets carry on with 433 and Wes and everything will come right in the end. As for a new manager.We dont need one, all we need to do is rearrange our staff.JT has played under some of the best managers in the world,he has reached the top in the toughest league in the world.he knows the players.the club the ground staff and even the tea lady AND he wants to manager.So why not just demote DS and put JT in charge,at least he should know what he is doing.
  5. No,true.Theres bush fires all over Australia atm.
  6. And once we have all that,what are we going to actually do with the ball ?...... Pass it to Wesley
  7. We shouldent of paid 22m for a striker that was not good enough to go streight into the PL
  8. What suprises me the most is that Wesley is that he didnt get a season loan in the championship first.FFS compare how good wesley is compared to Tammy A, and yet Tammy was with us in the championship first.Wesley goes streight in to the PL with a team that has just gone up.The major fault lies not with Wesley but with D.S
  9. Either I am missing something here or everybody else is.What has DS actually done ? Has he ever won promotion Has he ever finished in the play-offs Has he ever won the FA Cup Has he ever won the Lge Cup His teams apparently play good football but thats all they do,they never win anything they just play good football.So what we have to look foreward to is a team that wins nothing but plays good football.I thought the new owners were more ambitious than that....maybe not, as they have given him a new contract. Correct me if I am wrong on any of the above.I live in Australia and watch the PL but I am not up with the play with the championship or below.
  10. Surely there must be a video game somewhere that comes close to that ?!
  11. According to the 10 day forcast its going to be 41 here on xmas day.
  12. It was Lambert.I remember that game well because I was there.
  13. And out of those 8 times that we hit the post,how many of those times was Wesley the player that hit the post ? My guess is zero.
  14. But you will probably find that the other players had,say a total of 35 shots at goal in that time to score those goals.How many shots has Wesley had, on or off target ? In other words these guys had shots at goal and some went in.Wesley dosent have a shot at goal, which makes it extremly difficult to score one.
  15. Its like I said before.DS is obviousl;y stubbon and wont change anything.Thats why Wesley is still leading our attack and thats why we are still playing 4 3 3
  16. If we are going to stick with 4 3 3, why not sign the strikers from Plymouth Argyle,Carlisle and Coventry ( whoever they are ) and really put pressure on our opponents.
  17. If your going with Morelos you might as well have a punt on that striker in Austria that is scoring hatfulls of goals.He would1nt be any worse that Wesley.
  18. We didnt get a lot from Bournemouth at home either and they are a terrable team away.
  19. What Wesley needs is a season on loan in the championship so that he can get used to the English game.That way it would not be such a step up back in the Premier league.That is assuming we are still in the Premier league.
  20. Well if we are going to stay up we definately need someone ( anyone ) like him but, what I think is the problem is that Ds comes over as a very stubbon man and he signed Wesley as a striker and thats what he is gonna be.I think he is too stubbon to admit his mistake and he is also too stubbon to chanbe the formation we play.
  21. I read in DS press confrence, he said that "goals change games" that explains why he keeps playing Wesley ?!
  22. We need at least 9 points from those three games.The reason is that after those three teams every single team we play will be above us
  23. I didnt think he would be worth that much.Oh well, back to the drawing board.Surley though we could get in a striker who is older,dosent cost too much and is used to the English game. and can score goals.Age shouldnt matter too much as we desperately need someone ( anyone ) just for this season,then we will have more time to suss out a proper solution for next season..
  24. A wife ask`s the preacher at her local church if he can have a word with her husband as he cant leave her alone,he wants sex all the time. The preacher tells the husband.Look I know you are newly married but you must learn to controle yourself as far as sex is concerned with your wife or I will not let you in to this church. The following sunday the preacher asks the husband if he managed to control himself during the week. The husband replied.Well father, I managed to control myself all week till saturday morning when I saw my wife bending over the freezer getting something out.Her skirt lifted right up and I saw enough of her leg to turn me on and I had to take her right there at the freezer. Father.Well my son im sorry but I cant let you in this church Husband. Yeah, well we are not allowed back in Tescoes either
  25. After the way he has been treated I wouldent be suprised if he couldent be bothered.I mean he couldent even get a start while Wesley was NOT scoring goals so why shoul he put himself about now.Probably cant wait for January so that he can leave the club and get some games in.
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