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Everything posted by PussEKatt

  1. The Great Wall of China, WalE,WalMart
  2. IMHO those 2 managers were the worst two we have ever had,The way DS is going he could end up a close 3rd
  3. Totally agree.We do not have the players for 4 3 3 and we could definately use 2 up front ( especially now that we need goals/wins )I remember Van Gall tried 3 5 2 at Manure and he didnt have 3 CDs so he player Shaw,He ended up getting the sack.
  4. Either that or he wants a payout, like Pocho got.
  5. 1 - Appointment of McLeish 2 - Appointment of Lambert 3- 2015 FA Cup final....lost 4-0 to Arsenal
  6. It says that Smith is an attacking manager.....If that`s the case then WTF is Wesley doing starting every game ?!
  7. Liverpool keep saying ( over the years and with different managers ) we keep doing the basics,eg passing,tackling,shooting,heading.Do you think footballers should have a digree in physics or what ?
  8. This is true,in our current position BUT what position in the league were Everton when they signed C.Anclotti ?
  9. I check a website called "NewsNow" they have sections on our last game,our next game,our midfield,our defence,our injuries and transfers.According to this site ( on 3/4 occasions ) we were looking at T.Henry at the time and Brendon Rogers said that he wanted to get back into English football.Apparently we didnt even consider him.And before yoy say anything,he wanted to get back into English football AND money talks.
  10. I agree BUT the other players botch SOME of their chances,Wesley botches every chance.He is consistant,Ill give him that.
  11. Make them watch soap operas for 12 hours a day
  12. I remember as a kid, me and about 8 of my mates would gather outside the newsagents at 4pm every thursday to get "Roy of the Rovers" as soon as it came in.Then we would all sit outside the shop and read about Roy and Billy Bunter and Billys Boots etc etc etc I also fondly remember lying on garage/shed roofs and talking with 4/5 friends.Thats what you did then.
  13. If he starts Wesley on Saturday then DS he needs to go on Sunday
  14. Football is a simple game.My theory on why we are so bad now is ( related to my post ) we started the season really well against Spurs and Arsenal etc but as the season has wore on the players have realised that they are runnung into a brick wall and are now on the point of giving up entirely.Nothing new is comming from DS,not Kodija up front ( or even El Gazar ) no new formation.Just keep plugging away at the old system no matter what and keep telling the bolloking the players for not trying while at the same time giving them no option at all up front.Keep playing Jack out wide is another of his master strokes.
  15. The owners have money ( lots of it ) I am just saying that all the top teams have a A list managers.If they really want us playing champions league football, we are not going to do it with DS.We had a chance of signing B.Rogers before we signed Smith.Rogers went to Leicester and they are second from top,we signed D.Smith and we are second from bottom.
  16. the other clubs ARE capitalizing on that advantage.We keep playing Wesley,Is that a 10 man formation or not ?
  17. He could do with looking at our formation depending on the opposition or the venue as well.
  18. The problem is that the owners dont really have a plan.They state that they want us to be playing champions league football then they hire Dean Smith.The thing is that if you look at the top teams, they all ( the successfull ones ) have A League managers ( for want of a better name )ie managers that are known for how good they are.Fergusson,Pocho,Moreano,Klopp etc etc.Everton have just signed an A List manager ( watch them climb up the table ) and they were close to us in the league table just a while ago.I am not running DS down.I am just saying that if the owners really want us to be playing champions league football, then they need to seriously rethink their management decisions.
  19. My reason for wanting DS to go now is this. The whole reason of any football match in any division, in any country in the world is simply to move the ball forward,to get it to your striker and then to score more goals than the opposition. What is our focus of attack..........Wesley and who keeps playing him in every game.....DS What are out tactics ...... 4 3 3 in every game, irrespective of whether we are at home or away.Irrespective of whether the opposition attack down the wings or through the middle.Irrespective of what formation the opposition are using.These are basic things,yet DS cant/wont see them.He cant see that Wesley is a young player in a foreign country,does not speak the language,is in a tougher league but on top of all that DS expects him to lead the line.Wesley has gone something like 12 games without a goal ( without even comming close to a goal ) but will DS try Kodija or 4 4 2 no. At the start of the season we did really well against Spurs,Arsenal etc.What has happened to cause our collapse.The players have lost confidence in Wesley ( they move the ball forward and what happens...nothing.They have lost confidence in the manager because he will not change anything.Different players have come in and out of the team,Jotta,Hause,Houraine etc etc etc but never Wesley. The bottom line is that DS does not seem to know what he is doing anymore.The faults are so very basic, but he apparently cant see them or he refuses to do anything about them.I dont know what his problem is but if we stick with him I can only see more of the same.How hard would it be to start Kodija against Burnley ?! I would not expect him to score a hat trick but he does offer more to the rest of the team. Dont worry about the defence for now, concentrate on scoring more goals than the opposition.
  20. Its because of the love of the club that DS must go,so that the club can stay up.As for our full support, I thought he had that from day 1 in the Premier league. The supporters have shown their full support.What has DS shown, apart from incompetence at this level.
  21. I remember when we got promoted from the old division2.We came up with Manchester United and Norwich.The following season we beat Norwich 1-0 in the League cup,Goal scored by Brian Little,I think
  22. No ,but he might score more goals than the opposition
  23. Dont forget he scored against the Liverpool under 23s.I bet if we played their under 12s he might score a hat trick
  24. We have to sack him ( as well as DS for starting him in every game ) no one is going to buy him or take him on loan are they ?
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