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Everything posted by VillaForever1970

  1. Do people realise that if we get taken over it doesn’t automatically mean they’ll spend anymore than Lerner? I suppose as the vast minority of people just want the club run properly that will be the most important thing anyway...
  2. Kop fans are hilarious. You know when there attendance dwindled under Hodgson, the football was shit nobody wanted to watch it. Well apparently nobody went because they ‘knew’ what was going on and that new owners were coming in. Nothing to do with body wanting to watch shit football. Worlds greatest fans.
  3. Now Villa are safe the kop can do one, I hate Pulis and his cap but I hate Liverpool more.
  4. As long as the new board run the club properly that's the main thing, not spending loads of money.
  5. If there was dislike button, I would click it. There is no way Norwich will claw back a goal difference that is -17 worse in only 2 games. Do you think they are going to smash champions league teams Chelsea and Arsenal 5-0. Get real. No i don’t, but i didn’t think Sunderland would beat City. I just want it set in stone so this god forsaken season can be put to bed.
  6. We’re not mathematically safe! I’m saving celebrations till hopefully Norwich don’t win tomorrow. We could ship 12 goals in our last two games remember!
  7. Thats one of the most disturbing films i’ve ever seen, i needed a wash after it; it was so grim. I dunno if you could say its an enjoyable watch, but well made for what its trying to achieve..
  8. You could argue the ‘older’ generation don’t realise what is racist and what isn’t. I had to inform my parents (I’m 34) recently that calling black people ‘coloureds’ was a little racist, they are black and we are white we’re both coloured. They are in no way racist though, they just didn’t realise it may offend people. I personally don’t think it makes your racist if you call someone the n word, especially not in the context Clarkson did. Someone could call me a word removed and i would be offended but nobody would shout from the rooftops. But if i called someone a n word i would be labelled a racist.
  9. Didn’t even MON have similar to those dreadful ones?
  10. I just hope the usually knee jerk Villa fans don’t expect him to come back and light up the premier league? He may well do, but he’s been playing in League 1 and a club that could still be relegated in league 1.
  11. I’m clutching here but since the bad apples have left and Lambert has done training himself with Sid etc have our performances actually improved a little? I know we’ve not won or banging in the goals and i’ve not seen the games personally but the reports of the games seem to say we’ve played better just lacked cutting edge. Is this true?
  12. They’ve said they will be moving away from the books a little from this season onwards. However, the ending is clearly a spoiler from the Winds of Winter.
  13. Faulkner's plan all along it seems. Get us relegated to get the finances down. You do realise it doesn’t work like that yeah?
  14. And their away record is shocking as well Does your team have a striker that can't score? A defence that can't keep clean sheets? A terrible away record? Don't worry, soon you'll be visiting Villa Park. This is very true, i would rather they had won their last 20 away games as we would have had a chance. As they are shit away from home means they’ll win for sure, ffs.
  15. We're really not though, are we? Even if we get no more points, we'll probably stay up. I really don’t get this type of thinking (not getting at you) i just don’t get it. We’re bottom of the form table and we probably won’t get another point, Lambert cannot get anything out of the players and they are not doing themselves any favours either....Villa fans some of them apparently. So its out of our hands because we’re that shit. Anyway the team that slips us up is Fulham, i’ll think they’ll win one of their games and then its down to them not getting anything in the other which is a big gamble.
  16. Gareth Evans says hi. When Evans can direct something other than martial arts then he might be worth considering. E.g the car chase in the raid is poor, it maybe a money thing but it wasn't exciting and a bit dull. The martial arts stuff is superb, but that's all he's managed so far.
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