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Everything posted by tomaspg

  1. well, doubt he will ever play for us again, so why keep him? wasted wages. and as lerner seem adamant we sell before we buy..
  2. http://www.irishcentral.com/sport/Red-Bulls-want-Richard-Dunne-to-play-alongside-World-Cup-villain-Thierry-Henry-185271542.html dunne gone to america? how much wages would that clear up anyways?
  3. http://www.irishcentral.com/sport/Red-Bulls-want-Richard-Dunne-to-play-alongside-World-Cup-villain-Thierry-Henry-185271542.html dunne gone in january!?!?
  4. why is everyone so adamant to find a single person to blame? i think its a collective thing where the manager (previous and current), players, owners and even to some extent the fans have to take some of the blame for the shit performances we have produced. And i think what someone said about getting in a defensive coach wouldnt be a bad idea, anyone that has played any sport above hobby level knows that the best way of improving is to play with others who are better than yourself. In our case where everyone is sheit getting an old experienced player in to both help out during training and give the kids pointers aswell as helping out with tactics will benefit us. I dont see this as a threat to lamberts possition, if he did i rather think it would show him beeing proactive and doing something about the issues we have, rather that then have someone who just ignores the problem and continues digging us deeper into the shit. Maybe just as a temporary possition? less bickering, more discussions on how to get out of this sheit!
  5. tomaspg


    for us foreigners, what WM ? any links ? and hopefully Henke will be able to get us some quality abroad, doesnt have to be from the premiership. Even a couple experienced players from the german league would do us wonders at the moment.
  6. **** me sideways and call me suzie that was shit
  7. tomaspg


    where and when did lambert say this?
  8. redknapp isnt going to sign anyone this january i thought? and after his rant about overpaid players/agents it seems even less likely. meltface comes out with some ridiculous statements though, im sure hell sign beye on 250k a week come january.
  9. would rather have seen dunne shipped out before him
  10. i was just about to say lets get cuellar back as he looks alright in the sunderland - tottenham game thats on at the moment, then he does a own goal. would still have him back though
  11. the problem with offloading all our high earners is finding someone who actually wants them. i can see us beeing stuck with Given for the next 5 years, not sure who would come in for zogbia or ireland either at their wages. how long does nzgobia and ireland have left on their contracts ? anyone knows?
  12. some dr jekyll and mr hyde shit going on
  13. hopefully the money he didnt spend over the summer will be added to the january budget. And im guessing he wanted to evaluate and see what he had before bringing more players in. If all the budget was spent over the summer we might have ended up with some possitions having to many players but with massive gaps elsewhere. He probably thought we would be fine with what we had until january, now if that worked or not is debatable. Im looking forward to the january window, i think it will tell alot about how we will advance as a team.
  14. yeah stick with guzan, the man has been a bright light in our squad
  15. no, but every team hasnt gone through 3 years of selling our best players, the nightmarish manager appointments, wage cutting and the complete rebuild of the squad. were in a incredibly shit possition, we were never going to do great straight of the bat. as long as we stay up this year and improve even if it means taking a step back we should be happy, lambert should be judged on the next season not this one.
  16. tomaspg


    well, just because we have conceeded the most goals doesnt mean were most shit. It depends on how many games the goals have been spread out over aswell, if you let in 2 goals in every game it will combined with our low ammount of goals made give us alot more games with 0 points then if we (as in our case with chelsea etc) let in 8 goals in one games and keep it lower in the others making them winable. does that make sense? im tierd
  17. keith richards, the man has to die sooner or later! surley heroin fumes can only keep you going for so long...
  18. i think dunne is getting a bit more stick than he deserves, with the backline we have at the moment id gladly take him back. even if hes slower and a bit passed it he still has experience which isnt going to make him mentally give up after a single goal, he would hopefully be able to give the people around him a bit of support both mentally and footie wise. Not like we can get worse back there anyways
  19. everyone is going to get extra tv loot, everyone will know that all clubs have a bit of extra cash, surley this will drive up the ammount of money clubs and agents will ask for their players? personally dont think that extra tv money is going to have the impact people believe
  20. id take barry back, but dont think we can offer the wages or cash that would be needed. i just want some more links popping up in the media twitter, just to know if i should panic for the rest of the season or calm down a bit... january hurry the feck up
  21. sure the last couple of games havent been good, in fact they have been utter sheit. but comparing lambert to theunnameableone is riddiculous. his only tactics was not to let in any goals and try to hoof one in, it was dire dire stuff. Atleast now we might be shit but we are trying to do something, were gonna get spanked more than once next year but its something we have to go through trying to build the team in the way that we are. im not completely happy, lambert could have done certain things better.. but atleast hes doing something compared to previous manager.
  22. yes but its rare to get someone that good for that small ammount of money, for every signing of that kind you usually end up buying 5 waste of space players. We dont have time to buy someone for 2-3 mill and wait 3 months before they get good, we need someone who can bring an instant impact on our team. And as were gonna have to pay inflated january prices for whoever we get its going to get expensive, and its not like we can buy a single player and rely on him, we got some many holes in our squad its unbelievable, our whole midfield is sheit, we only really have benteke in front and even him is a bit of hit and miss, were one more injury away from a full blown disaster. guess we have to disagree on the idiocy of my statement.
  23. i honestly dont think 20 is enough, we need more. And its not just the fee's for players, were so dross that to be able to attract anyone decent we will have to offer riddicoulus wages for 4-5 years, which is the hole we have just starting to dig our selves out of. maybe give the players a % of the club so if they play like shit the value off the club goes down and they lose out. If we get relegated they loose all ownership. great idea....er..
  24. tomaspg


    i dont think well go down, but its more down to other teams **** up than us doing good.
  25. yeah and he had about 10 holes to fill, with the funds to either get 10 championship players or 2 decent ones. we would have been in the shit no matter who he signed. he needed alot more money than he got, and now were so shit no money in the world is going to attract decent players
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