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Everything posted by tomaspg

  1. so well deserved for zogbia aswell, hes had some really close shots lately, im glad for and with him!
  2. i still think we can snatch something from this, even if we look dire
  3. been out for a smoke, came back and it seems weve completely fallen apart in the second half? what the feck?
  4. i wish i had two more hands so i could give this shit four thumbs down
  5. close ron! would be so nice going into the second half with a goals lead
  6. we should be able to grab this, fairly easily, come on already
  7. This is Lambert we're talking about, so probably not. lets hope his eightball is right atleast!
  8. indeed a weird pick in bowery, actually the whole line up was quite different from what i expected. Hope he knows what he is doing...
  9. Getting quite nervous myself. Time to smoke a real fag, screw the shops and walk to VP to actually watch the game at the stadium. i would have done the same, but have spent my student loan millions on other things..
  10. tomaspg


    possibly, but they should count them selves lucky if they get any points during march, the only ones i could see them take some points from is us. other than that they gor a pretty harsh run left and we all know what a couple of losses in a row can do to the players self confidence.
  11. tomaspg


    we should be able to beat qpr on the form they are showing at the moment, same with reading. wigan is more then winnable not just as likely as the others.
  12. getting quite nervous, time to roll a smoke, hit the shops and get seated in the sofa! 2-1 to villa! as some has said, i hope he will try baker beside vlaar and maybe clark in a midfield possition instead. something has to be done with the defence.
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