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Everything posted by Delphinho123

  1. He's just like bloody Villareport is that HalfTimePost. Either making stuff up or plagiarising.
  2. I've only seen Gallagher a handful of times and each time, I've been impressed. He was far and away Palace's best player in the match where we beat them 2-0 at their place under Gerrard. Didn't he also really impress in an England shirt on his debut? I don't think we'll sign him, I don't even think we're interested, but he's not a bad player. He's around the same level as Ramsey. I certainly don't think he's any worse than Ramsey.
  3. So the door isn't closed at all then. They're just waiting for an offer close to £40m I imagine.
  4. Sure. I don't doubt it. I just feel he'd have preferred someone from La Liga that he might know better who might be better value.
  5. I think this point gets overlooked a lot. The same people saying Purslow has only made one mistake are probably the same people lamenting the fact we aren't signing anyone. Well, I'm afraid that is a symptom of spending huge sums of cash on transfer fees, wages and hiring managers.
  6. That would be a weird one as we've been linked to him for what seems to be forever. Would suggest Emery doesn't have total control, unless Emery himself really happens to like the player and wants him.
  7. I'd take both tbh, as long as there was a buy option at a reasonable price.
  8. Definitely. And to a club that then gets promoted so they can give us a few million for him!! (dreaming I know).
  9. I do agree with what you're saying, but it's hard to just 'let it go' when we're still paying the price of Gerrards tenure. It's not just letting go of an argument with your missus, or if your mate owes you a fiver....We're paying close to 300k a week in wages to Digne and Coutinho. It's not just that to be honest, I think we've been less than impressive on the footballing side of things in the last 2/3 years. Basically, ever since Grealish left. We've spent/wasted a LOT of money. The Gerrard appointment/sacking alone probably cost the club close to £20m. I wouldn't be best pleased if that was my money! I don't know what Purslow does, or doesn't do, so it's hard to criticize, but given he's the man at the helm, I guess the buck stops with him. Either way, hopefully we've turned a corner now that Emery is 'at the wheel'. Onwards and upwards* *Our transfer market activity/policy still worries me.
  10. From a Boro fan… ‘I know it's early days for Archer but he looks a superb talent - he's like a young Jermain Defoe with his blistering pace, ability to find half a yard to get a shot off, sharp turning circle and deceptive strength for a short guy’
  11. Surely Guilbert wasn’t on 40k? I imagine Sanson was but like you say, we’ll probably be covering half of those wages at least. Be surprised if Bednarek was on 50k too. We need to shift Coutinho and Dignes wages in the summer. That’s 300k a week right there on two players that probably won’t be starters for us.
  12. The mad thing is, I think he’d be getting a game here now. Quite regularly actually. He’s gonna have his work cut out trying to get into that Chelsea team next year.
  13. They’ve got a few good players for sure that will be surplus to requirements.
  14. I’m really hoping it does, but the big teams have too much power now. The Premier League is the super league in reality and I honestly don’t think the top teams really care about FFP.
  15. I’m not sure I agree with all of what you’ve said, but you raise some interesting points for sure. I did find that story odd earlier in the window that Emery was looking to work with a new sporting director. That’s like me going into work tomorrow and telling my boss I don’t fancy working with him anymore and I’ll handpick his replacement?! Ive no issue with not signing anyone in Jan, but Lange and Purslow do make me a little nervous. The whole Gerrard saga probably set us back 2/3 years. It’s going to be an interesting Summer for sure. I’m expecting a few outs and at least 4 new first team players if we’ve any real chance of keeping up with the pack.
  16. Given what Chelsea are doing (another £100m on Fernandez), we’re going to have to have one hell of a Summer to compete with the big teams. Newcastle will only get stronger, Man Utd looked to have turned a corner and Arsenal are miles ahead of us again. Spurs and Liverpool might be the weakest of the lot but I imagine they’ll strengthen. I wonder if they’re gearing up for a complete rebuild in the Summer.
  17. In talks to sign Fernandez for £100m. It’s genuinely wild what they’re doing. They’ve taken spending to a new level. I know they’re giving out long contracts, and that’s fine, but surely this isn’t sustainable within the realms of FFP?
  18. I wish I knew what these meant. Aren’t they just normal flights?!
  19. I’ve got the Williams brothers to my right, Guendouzi behind me (Insert K. Williams gif), Moleiro is a few rows ahead and Alex Scott is sat on my lap.
  20. This is kind of where I’m at. If somebody wants to call themselves a woman or a man, that’s fine by me, I’ll treat like I treat anybody else. Doesn’t hurt to be inclusive. I must admit though, I have a hard time signing up to some of the arguments put forward by some of the debate but best to steer clear of debating this topic I feel.
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