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Everything posted by DCJonah

  1. Nice to see he's a hands on manager from the start. Wasn't Lambert no where near the training ground until culverhouse and Karsa were sacked?
  2. Paul Merson just said Grealish wasn't very good against spurs. What an idiot!!
  3. I don't think we're a club where the manager makes all decisions on transfers anymore.
  4. Westwood doesn't play like that all the time so I wouldn't be heartbroken if he left, but you'd think he'd be a good option in the squad and if he can perform like that more often he's a real asset. I'll trust Sherwood if he's got players in mind to fill the gap. I know nursey knew lots when Lambert was in charge but maybe he's on the outside now and guessing like most journalists.
  5. I think managerial choices played a big part in making it worse. Millions and millions paid in compensation to MON, houllier, Birmingham city and McLeish and now Lambert. And while they've had their moments, Ireland, bent, given, Hutton, nzogbia have not been value for money. Agreed but I suspect we could make 2 or 3 players very highly paid. And that's different to what went on before.
  6. DCJonah

    Carles Gil

    Think he will have a big role next season.
  7. Probably from the fact he's been told his amazing at football since the age of 7/8. And that he's excelled at every level he's played at. Hopefully that confidence continues to grow and grow.
  8. We've only just sorted ourselves out because we made other awful decisions trying to fix it. We couldn't sustain the 6th highest wage bill and finishing 6th, so getting in the money to compete was also an issue, hence saying there were other issues. No one wants the club to get to a point that it can't financially afford to be, but if we're not prepared to pay a few players top money we'll be an average team for a long time.
  9. Under Doug in the premier league era, we had top 6 finishes, won two trophies and competed in Europe. That looked good on paper but anyone who looks a bit deeper will know more.
  10. DCJonah

    Carles Gil

    I think people should post what ever opinions they have.
  11. Difficult one. Sunday was incredible but **** me, Its been absolutely awful for years to enjoy that moment. I wouldn't want to get to a point where that doesn't mean much but it would be nice to watch top players and win on a fairly consistent basis.
  12. DCJonah

    Carles Gil

    I think a few have missed the point. Of course you can have opinions and question the manager. No ones jumped on that. Its the ridiculous theories (designed to have a go at Sherwood) and the fact a comment that said I'd rather gill than Sherwood next season got about 11 likes that people have jumped on. Question away, make ridiculous digs because you don't like the managers decision while the team are doing well and people are bound to respond.
  13. We had the 6th highest wage bill and finished 6th. I think there were other issues than just high wages. Also the huge wages were given to everbody, rather than a select few.
  14. I think he'd have continued to play the odd last 10 minutes of a few games had Lambert stayed. I don't think he'd become a regular starter, which he surely will be for the rest of the season.
  15. Oh I 100% agree. We were only going one way under Doug. But after initially changing the direction (which let's be honest didn't take a whole lot of work) I think he's been pretty damaging to us. With FFP and massive TV money for league places, constantly finishing down the bottom is going to do long term damage to the club.
  16. He really hasn't. Under Doug it was the odd relegation battle during the premier league era, we've had 5 consecutive ones, and all these low finishes are allowing other teams to financially overtake us in an era where FFP is a big thing. I think he's been pretty terrible.
  17. DCJonah

    Carles Gil

    You missed out having a go at Sherwood. That's the issue, not what you've put above
  18. I do agree. And if only he'd run it this why for longer than 2 months, then my feelings towards him might be different. I also don't think its a coincidence that running the club smarter links in with failing to sell the club. While its good for us, these decisions have also been made to ensure he gets the price he wants for selling.
  19. Richardson was ok as a defender but pretty poor on the ball. Cissokho will probably be more solid but they're both god awful with the ball.
  20. I feel sorry for the fans that get him next. Unless he can figure out what used to work for him, because he was useless for 90% of this time here and just got worse and worse as time went on. That's not the sign of a manager who can be top class again.
  21. Haha so strange listening to such a positive one. Haven't been many of them and for good reason. Agreed with lots and so right about the emotions when the players were celebrating on the pitch. The one thing I disagreed on was the decision to drop Guzan in the last final described as 'a dick' move. Guzan was bloody awful in the semi final against Blackburn, especially the first leg where he looked terrified at every cross in the box.
  22. But who recruited Tom Fox?Credit for that but given his time here, hiring a decent CEO and staying away hardly deserves a round of applause when we win the fa cup. I think it will. He's made mistakes, sure, but nothing was done out of malice. If he leaves us with our first FA cup win since 1957 then, despite these four years of hardship, that'll be alright by me. As I said not for me. If things had gone to plan he wouldn't even be here. On the whole the season has been a disaster. It's been saved by Tom Fox and more importantly Tim Sherwood. All Lerner has done is nod his head.
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