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Everything posted by DCJonah

  1. We've had a few false dawns with a couple of youth prospects but I think this kid is the real **** deal.
  2. Was very happy with his appointment and he's been brilliant. Ridiculous turn around in such a short time.
  3. I can't imagine a future where I'd think wow we really missed Westwood today.
  4. That trailer was superb. The opening shot of it was great and the end with han and chewie makes me smile so much.
  5. That's why just going on just stats is pretty pointless.
  6. If we get £6 million for Westwood we've done very well.
  7. So glad he's finally able to play on a regular basis and is performing. Looking forward to seeing him given a chance next year.
  8. Never been a huge fan and think he's very overrated on here by some. I'd have liked him to play over Sanchez but that's more to do with how poor Sanchez has been. I'd say Westwood being a consistent player under Lambert was one of the reasons we've struggled so much.
  9. I think you've got to take lots into context than just a simple view like that. But that's the implication What other club, remembers the owner for success or failure. It's the manager that rightfully or wrongfully that takes that roll......why should we be different? Plenty I'd imagine, as neutrals we have little knowledge and focus on the manager because that's the obvious point. But I'm sure fans of clubs who have succeeded and failed judge the people making the decisions the same way we do.
  10. And that's the point. The rot was started but not set in or spiralling out of control. It wasn't difficult to fix IMO but we ended up making things much much worse. MON is responsible for the mistakes he made but he's not responsible for the mistakes made after him.
  11. I think you've got to take lots into context than just a simple view like that.
  12. I'd put a few of them above MON for blame. Houllier ruined most things that were decent from MON's time. Mcleish made things even worse. Lambert then continued the downward spiral but unlike the previous two, at least he wasn't handing out massive contracts at the time.
  13. It started with MON but it was a situation that could have been handled pretty easily. Instead we continued to make a complete mess of nearly every decision on and off the pitch. That's nothing to do with MON and everything to do with Lerner.
  14. I don't know why we keep jumping back to MON, its been 5 years. The 5 years of struggle have much more to do with poor managerial appointments, continuing to waste wages after we reached breaking point and then finally with Lambert, providing a poor manager with a very limited wage budget. When I look at the money spent since the day MON left we really shouldn't be anywhere near this position. I think our situation was easily fixable. For me Lerner deserves all abuse he gets for the way he's gambled with the future of this club.
  15. So much better. Storylines are better, you care for the characters as they're much better (the Guvonor is so much better in the comics) and its much more enjoyable. Give them a go, they're fantastic.
  16. The comics are so much better than the TV show.
  17. Yes. See it's not that hard. Well done you.
  18. I hope if they put him on the big screen the fans give him a 'where were you when we were shit?' Chant right in his face.
  19. With recent poor performances from Sanchez I'd like to see how Westwood would do in our current diamond set up. Never been a huge Westwood fan but I'm really not enjoying Sanchez in the team at the moment.
  20. No this is the Paul Lambert thread so I posted a thought I'd just had about Paul Lambert. The thread titles give you a clue if you get confused in future.
  21. Not sure what that's got to do with Lambert. Unless it's in honour of his gutless managerial performance here? If that's what we're doing then I will also have chicken in recognition of what a coward our past manager was. I like it.
  22. He wasn't appreciated by the real madrid management as much as the star players like ronaldo or zidane, but the fact he went to the richest team in the world for a pretty big fee shows he was hardly an under the radar type of player.
  23. I was using Makelele as a reference for the position. Defensive midfielders often go under the radar. I think Sanchez's positives far outweigh his negatives and he is a massive asset. Well I disagree, while he won't get the same level of credit as delph or benteke due to the kind of things they can do, good players are noticed when they play well. There are games when he's been a big asset and his positives outweight his negatives but I didn't think yesterday was one of them.
  24. Went under the radar from who? People who didn't watch him much. I'm not claiming to know all about Makalele or that I watched him week in week out but he clearly didn't go under the radar due to the fact he played for top teams and succeeded there. So people who watched him and saw him play knew he was good. Sanchez isn't going under the radar because people who watch him are missing things.
  25. Makalele played for real madrid and chelsea, i'm pretty sure he didn't go under the radar, he was clearly a good player. Sanchez at the age of 29 played for a shit team in spain and a pretty poor team in england. He also doesn't go under the radar, he got a lot of credit for some of his performances in the world cup and at times when he has played well for us. Players performing well in their position don't go under the radar.
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