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Everything posted by DCJonah

  1. Set us up brilliantly and the team are really playing well. To beat spurs and Liverpool and then play like that is incredible when you think of the performance we put in against hull.
  2. **** Sanchez as well! Gives it away and then a stupid **** foul.
  3. A shocking wall. Another **** gift.
  4. That goal is shocking. Guzans fault but why did vlaar play it back to him when he had so much space to turn?
  5. I think the set up was spot on, we've bossed the midfield and look dangerous on the break. **** Guzan let us down big time.
  6. We are certainly still in this. So much better.
  7. I blame guzan for the poor start we made. Take that away and it would probably be considered a postive first half.
  8. Come on!! Grealish getting a grip on things now.
  9. You know it's a bad day when benteke is shit.
  10. Oh its so bad. How can we go from last week to this?
  11. We're trying hard to **** this right up.
  12. Because the only other options are cissokho, whose not 100%, and an average rb.
  13. Westwood and Sanchez protecting the back four, 2 midfield players in delph and cleverly who will cover a lot of ground and then grealish with a free role. What's so terrible? Its one change from the team that destroyed Liverpool.
  14. Shit results. Oh why didn't we get rid of Lambert earlier? Hopefully we still have enough.
  15. We've just beat spurs and Liverpool and you're going to moan? And mainly because your favourite player isn't picked. Jesus.
  16. What have you seen that worries you? We play better, we play to win games, we play decent football, players are giving everything, he's promoted grealish and he usually puts players in positions to get the best out of players and the team. I haven't seen anything yet that makes me think we could do worse next season.
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