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Everything posted by Beastmix

  1. Slightly unnecessary personal dig aside, I'm basing this on the fact he has spoken about enjoying working with Smith at Brentford and continuing their professional relationship was a key factor in him moving to Villa. I don't think it's beyond reason to suggest he would like this to continue, especially as he's doing so well under his management.
  2. I'd rather we just disassociated this game from the PES series completely. It's its own thing... and it's an unspeakably bad thing. I've been PES since ISS Deluxe on the Mega Drive (with a brief periods of Sensible Soccer and FiFA Road to World Cup '98 in the mix) so seeing/playing e-football hurts
  3. Yeah, I think players 'supporting' a club is a lot different to you and I supporting a club. I mean, he slammed 3 goals past the club he 'supports' over two games last season, whereas if we were pro footballers, we wouldn't really want to score against Villa... and this is the difference in mindset between them and us. I don't think it much factors into anything anymore.
  4. Pretty sure this summer has taught us quite a bit about how much modern-day players value playing for the club they support... I think Ollie loves playing under Deano, to be honest. I can't see him leaving while he's still our manager.
  5. It's one of those defeats you love to hate. It sucks to do so well and not win, but on the plus side you have a squad of players actually putting up some numbers. I'd rather lose big than have a team full of duds.
  6. Turned inside out by the Korean Michael McIntyre today. He was top notch, to be fair.
  7. Once taken off, they'd probably retire the shirt.
  8. Even as a Cowboys fan, I feel bad for the 49ers after last night. I can't stand Rodgers and his knack for getting it done with seconds to go. So smug. As for game clocks, I remember in 2013 when, on an important drive, they were giving Tony Romo 25 seconds per play instead of 40 due to a play clock malfunction and NOTHING was done about it. The NFL officiating has always been generally pretty poor, in my opinion.
  9. Feels like quite a transitional period in the NFL. The strong teams of the past 10-15 years are trying to find new identity or outright struggling: New Orleans, New England, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Seattle, NYG The weaker teams over that period are experiencing a resurgence: Cleveland, Cincy, Chicago, and Oakland all seem to be on similar trajectory as Buffalo and Kansas have over the past decade. Not saying they'll get there, but they're all far better than they have been. It's quite disorientating ...and then there's the good ol' reliable Jets.
  10. Absolute UNIT. Will be interesting to see how much of that he could get away with in the NFL. The tangibles are certainly there though. Could even end up playing something other than QB... and, by the looks of it, it could be literally anything haha
  11. I meant it shouldn't have even been a yellow. Perfectly good challenge.
  12. I still can't believe he got a yellow for that.
  13. I want Nakamba's infamous tackle on Aguero, but on Ronaldo. If he achieves this (and somehow stays on the pitch with Mike Dean at the helm), I'm content.
  14. Sanson leaving the treatment room this morning: Seriously though, I hope he gets a run of good health sometime between him next returning and the end of the season.
  15. We're on to something special with our youth players, for certain. No fear in any of them and some of the close control was outrageous against established Prem/European players. Top level experience for them tonight. Archer looks ready to be unleashed on the likes of Norwich, Newcastle, Wolves, Arsenal, etc...
  16. Was a nightmare for Chelsea all game (as he is against most teams). He should keep his head up after that pen miss because he was class.
  17. Don't let David O'Leary see this...
  18. Typical, isn't it? I hate Rodgers too. Steve Carell looking motherflipper
  19. One point in it going into tonight. It'll all depend on whether or not Rodgers is forced to air it. I can't believe I got Brady and Gronk so late, to be honest.
  20. @rjw63 that Tampa D really got you back into this one! I was miles ahead going into the 4th quarter... Bloody Matt Ryan.
  21. Pleased Dallas won, but it sucks to lose with the last kick of the game. Happened to us last week. I thought the officiating was decent. They're usually doing their best to screw us over.
  22. Streets of Rage 4 with the recent update DLC is outstanding. It's great without it too, but with the DLC it's next level. Survival mode is so addictive.
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