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Everything posted by foreveryoung

  1. That's the most articulate and awake I've ever seen Biden.
  2. Maybe he can't be bothered with films anymore, as this will open up a world of interviews to keep his life ticking along. Oprah's already text him I bet for that emotional interview where he opens up. Errrgghhh!
  3. All the a list celebrities agreeing it was acceptable. They all do live on a different planet don't they.
  4. No, Chelsea are in the shit, like a club in administration. These guys should be offering much less if they want an investment.
  5. Just reminded me of my pal the other day talking rubbish about how the vaccine is not tested enough and he has give it a miss. I remember how big he used to be in the rave scene, taking speed and popping pills like they were sweets, didn't worry him then did it. I will certainly remind him next time I see him.
  6. That Redbulls fast to be be fair.
  7. On Russell's tail already, car looks a bit better seeing off the Haas which is a quick car.
  8. He ain't the best, but comes with big money sponsors. Go figure.
  9. I can hear Horner moaning to the director now. Luckily this season they will tell him to do one!
  10. Yeah, but Lewis asked for it to be set up that way.
  11. Luckily I went fixed for 2 years when everyone was telling us not too. Worked out pretty well. Went online and checked, £350.00 gas and leccy Oct to Feb. Seems a bit cheap, how right that is I'm not sure.
  12. Swapped my tariff to British gas October 2021, not received a bill yet, an I'm hardly gonna chase, but you just wait for them demanding £1500 straight up when the bill finally comes in. Just proves they are not interested in helping people. How do they even know I'm gonna be able to afford it.
  13. I'll nuke emm myself if I see another knobber park in the mother and baby spaces (without a child) an can't even get between those lines.
  14. You shoulda just bought a converter, I got a few as USB C is in all new cars now I think.
  15. Remember the guy, I think he was from brum, used to make the pinhead models, like you couldn't see it without a magnifying glass. I think he made some money, but what would you buy one for, unless you was going to have a magnifying glass over it, which then defeats the object really.
  16. Yeah this h\s been argued, that they expect you to jump like a penguin.
  17. Russell's Merc wasn't to bad and 6th could have been improved on, if he had not clipped the kerb, which Brought on some oversteer.
  18. Apparently they can slap what ever price they want on him. He has a 65 million pound release clause, so unless they change his contract, which I doubt they can if he wants to leave, the next team to sign him will be paying 65 million, no more.
  19. Just telling my pal this. Couldn't bring Kane off any earlier in such a important game. What's 2 minutes gonna show Southgate
  20. Geezer wasn't even looking, how was that a penalty. Southgate the messiah! 2-1
  21. Gallagher best player speaks volumes, although Shakiri dictating the whole game.
  22. Not sure, all I know about is the aero problem. The car was ready to go with the previous set up, I.e standard body style with side pods. But they decided on this body style and have been having problems with it ever since, due to how the air flows underneath the car.
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