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Everything posted by Reivax_Villa

  1. If he is going to Palace then it is to replace Zaha potentially? Will be interesting to see how he does for Palace.
  2. A right winger that is very left footed. He is another alternative on the width that we don’t have. For the fee being mentioned, he won’t be a starter unless he works his way into the starting line up.
  3. Some fans have posted a lot of content regarding Watkins stats and ability to why he is a stand out player.. Before making a judgement on the player do some research..
  4. What would you consider an inspiring signing?
  5. Hopefully we get this over the line. He is that good that this fee will be a steal. I dont understand why fans are complaining about their fee like it’s coming out their wallet.. This is the market for signing players, we will continue to break our transfer record if we want to progress..
  6. Many of us are biased towards our football club which is understandable however some realism is needed. We do not share the same stature as Newcastle,Everton, Wolves, Spurs and Southampton when it comes to attracting better quality players. We are 2- 3 years away from where those teams are, this will be a steady process whether we like it or not.
  7. We were definitely in for Wilson.. listen to the interview..
  8. Good value for a England international that can score goals at this level. Some fans will be disappointed but we do not have the pulling factor as other teams around us.
  9. Wilson would be a good signing he has over 30 goals on this league and is 2 seasons short of 30 years old, £20 million is good value and better than anything we currently have. Fans need to remember where we are currently. We do not have the pull factor as Everton or Leeds because they have world class managers that Continental players want to play for. A lot of these players that we desire may not have heard of Dean Smith. Despite that it’s up to Dean Smith to make his mark so that other players in Europe want to work with him.
  10. I’m actually excited with what is happening with our academy. Hopefully we will get some of our 17/18 year olds on loan in the lower leagues. It will be great for their development.
  11. https://www.avfc.co.uk/News/2020/08/14/philogene-bidace-contract
  12. Looking forward to some new signings, we cannot be in a relegation dog fight next season. We need to be signing players that will have take us up another notch in terms of quality. Ideally I want us to play against the bottom 6 teams and have too much quality for them instead of us scraping points. Stabilising ourselves in the league should be the aim next season.
  13. Abraham has proved himself at this level and European level.. There is no comparison with the other two..
  14. Tammy scores against Bayern yet he ain’t a CL striker
  15. He will be playing for either Real Madrid or Barcelona during his career, his ceiling is that high.
  16. What rubbish. I’m sure Tammy and the rest of his coaching staff that are professionals believe that he is more than capable Champions League player.
  17. Tammy won’t come here, he is a champions league striker.
  18. He has the potential to be top 5 DM in Europe he is that good he has everything that a player needs in that position and he has plenty of years left to develop. I will be appreciating his time here because he has the ability to play for Barcelona or Madrid.
  19. I said in the Dean Smith thread that he should bring someone additional with Premier league experience to the backroom staff. Im surprised but very delighted because I know that Craig Shakespeare knows how to drill and organise a group of players.
  20. HUGE appointment I’m very excited by this news. This story deserves its own thread and there are some in-depth articles about how he goes about his work. His analytics discovered Mahrez.
  21. For me Doucouré will be the most important signing if we were interested and pulled it off. His physicality is what will set us apart from a relegation battling team to a top 10 team.
  22. I would keep him, see how he develops but he needs to learn how to fight for his spot and have a relentless attitude.
  23. Soo NSWE should purchase a bespoke Data company?
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