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Paul Lambert


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Lamberk the clown does it again! We can't even beat a league two side over two legs and we've now failed to beat a Championship club who themselves are on a woeful run of form. Blaming a lack of money doesn't wash when you're getting beaten these teams. He is, by a country mile, the WORST manager we've had the misfortune to have at this football club in the a long time.

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I thought no one was bothered about last night's game? I certainly didn't. In fact I wanted to go out. So why the overreaction?

Some of you should be embarrassed at the stuff you're posting. You certainly will be at the end of the season when Lambert keeps us up against all odds.

You WANTED Villa to lose a football match.......and yet others should be embarrassed?

Seriously **** up!!!!

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The denial that some feel to Lambert is reminiscent of someone who just wont accept that a relationship has broken down and is never going to work. This is the Tony Blackburn / Tessa Wyatt moment (for the older ones - google it you younger ones :-) )

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Norwich City fan here. I still follow his progress because I do want him to do well after everything he achieved for us. I think some of the reactions on here are very extreme but I can understand them. The situation is precarious particularly when you factor in losing to lower league opposition twice in a week. But you have to look at the situation rationally and logically. Even if you sacked Lambert right now there are only 5 days left in the transfer window. That isn't even remotely enough time for a new manager to come in, assess the squad and then make some new signings. Whatever you think the rights or wrongs are about the experience/balance of the squad that is what you are playing the rest of the season with. They have to get you out this mess and the person most likely to get the best from them is the person who has signed them and invested a lot of faith in them. A new manager at this stage would create all kinds of doubt at a time when they need someone who they know will keep believing in them and give them leadership.  

It is also important to take a long term view. As a Norwich fan I have been here far too often. Between about 2006-2009 we were constantly fire fighting relegation from the Championship by changing managers. It isn't a viable long term strategy and really damages your club after a while. It is very expensive and leads to a high turnover of players who are unable to form an kind of identity or cohesive unit. That is why it is important to look at the actual viable alternatives before calling for Lambert's head. You don't want some journeyman manager who is going to leave you in exactly same position 12 months down the line. All you have effectively done is wasted more time and money.


It is also important to remember the circumstances and perameters Lambert is working in. The budget has been slashed and the ridiculous wages of the O'Neill era are long gone. This means the only way around it is to box clever and buy young players who will appreciate in value. He has got a track record for doing this that very managers can match. He has made some good signings too. I have enjoyed watching the likes of Lowton, Westwood and Benteke when I have seen them. They look like players of great promise to me. While admittedly other players like Joe Bennett have really struggled. But very few managers get all their signings right. If Randy Lerner is to remain in charge of the club this strategy is the best chance Villa have of remaining competitive in the Premier League. Lambert is doing the right thing for me even if the results aren't forthcoming at the moment.


I think it is also harsh to criticise some of his press conferences. I know the stock phrases become horribly predictable after a while but that is actually a good thing. He hasn't turned on his players in public which is why I don't think he will ever lose a dressing room. Strong words will be said in the dressing room and behind closed doors to the players but that is exactly how it should be. If you weren't covering yourself in glory at work the last thing you would want is a very public humiliation in front of everyone. That would make you feel incredibly small and you would really resent it. That is the art of man management. I still believe given his achievements so far, his grounding in the game and his pedigree as a player that he has the ability to be one of the best managers in Europe.


This season is going to be painful and its going to be very tough for you. However if you survive it you will reap the rewards for years to come. Just remember how close David Moyes came to taking Everton down in his second season and look where they are now. Lambert can do the same for you in my opinion.



such a top post. Clarity in it that you only get from not being close to the events, from having the benefit of being able to take a step back and review in objectivity.top top post
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From Mat Kendriks match report - how true


But an emergency is unfolding at Villa too. And despite the blaring
sirens too many people at this football club are putting their fingers
in their ears and hoping the sorry situation will remarkably right


Edited by Denis_B
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Sorry that Norwich fan post was just a long version of 'everything will be ok'

I still refuse to believe you thought we'd be this bad Richard.

I don't believe for one second that those that continue to show blind support believed we would be so much worse than last year.

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From Mat Kendriks match report - how true

Its a great summing up Den. Obviously on forums such as this certain people, typical of those with fingers in their ears, will claim that Kendrick is just trying to cause problems etc, but the reality is there for all rational people to see. Step 1 in sorting out this emergency is getting rid of the incompetent, incoherent Lambert. Step 2 can and will follow afterwards

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Right! Where am I?

Embarrassed, humiliated, angry and frustrated. I don't think Lambert is doing a great job, but it's an average performance with a poor squad.

It's not Lambert it's the players.

Clarke = Not good enough, not going to be

Bannan = Not good enough, not going to be

Herd = Not good enough, not going to be

Lichaj = Not good enough, not going to be

Ireland = Not good enough, not going to be

KEA. = poor so far but has potential

Nzog = talented but only shown up recently

gabby = talented but inconsistent

That's the basis of the team there. If Lambert was given £20 mill to spend in the summer there is no way he could have replaced all of that rubbish. It's going to take a few years to get rid of the people without the ability or the attitude. I hope he can be ruthless enough.

I'm not happy with Lerner and Faulkner, they lost all goodwill I had for them after the appointment of McLeish and the management of the club has been shocking. Faulkner needs to disappear rapidly, not got a **** clue and I would express in person how quickly he needs to go!

On the FA cup. . . , meh! If we had a big enough squad, we were mid table I would want a cup run. We don't have that luxury. Tuesday is bigger than all of that.

But let's stick with Lambert, we are in it for the long haul. I still have faith even though its been severely dented.

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Sorry that Norwich fan post was just a long version of 'everything will be ok'

I still refuse to believe you thought we'd be this bad Richard.

I don't believe for one second that those that continue to show blind support believed we would be so much worse than last year.

i didn't john.

I thought we would have a bumpy ride the first half of the season but as the team gelled and as we got new investment in January to strengthen some key areas for us that the second half would be better and we would move away from the relegation spots. For me strengthening in January was key.

It was obvious other teams would. One of the main problems with the "strategy" of Lerner in the last three years has been that in many ways it is isolationist. It ignores the fact that we have competitors and whilst we do not invest in the right manager, right players etc others would do. They will not allow us to make corrections to our team whilst they do nothing.

It was fairly obvious other teams would strengthen this month, and we had to too.

Results have been worse than I anticipated, our league position currently is about where I thought we would be, maybe a place higher or so. But I also though that we would move away if he was allowed to strengthen. The fact that he is not able to do that, and certainly not early enough in the month is a huge huge issue for us as a team. If he could have got a couple of players in early enough I suspect that things would be looking a lot different now.

It is the reason why I now expect us to go down. I'd be amazed if we didn't . Yet I would still keep the manager. I know you feel differently and I respect that. I'm certainly not going to have a go at you for holding that opinion. This game is all about opinions and the way you express them. That's fine chap.

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Rich, we are the blaring sirens together with the press and RL, PF and PL have fingers in their ears - simples?

 Definately agree that at board level, fingers are certainly in ears and the sirens are being drowned out by choruses of la la la la la.


However, PL has been hung out to dry, he obviously knows we need reinforcements but has to tow the party line dished down from above.


There's no point in sacking PL, who're are we going to get to replace him and it won't be complete in time for the obligatory couple of new faces a new manager brings in with him???


PL was sold a line of ambition by RL/PF in the summer (why else would he have left Norwich - who were better than us last season?) which appears to have been reneged - yes he was backed in the summer and in my opinion has brought in some decent players in Vlaar, Lowton, Westwood and Benteke.


The fact is we've cut back too much too soon and unfortunately still left with the dregs like Hutton, Warnock, Makoun on the books. This is of the clubs doing, not Lamberts.

Edited by theboyangel
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I looked back at my first post about Lambert. I saw this CI and then checked to see if you'd changed your pov. Not because I want to make you look foolish or anything, but just to see if this whole sorry saga had got to you as much as it seems to have got to most fans. Just shows how bad things have gone lately when a fan who says he will stick by Lambert no matter what, suddenly proclaims that he now has to go!

It's a fair point Villarocker, I was aware of that as I too looked back at the first few pages to check how views have changed over time. I guess my view has changed as I didn't think it was going to be anywhere near this bad. I never was an advocate of appointing Lambert I don't rate him I didn't rate Norwich last season but I thought he would do a job on a

Par with McLeish. He clearly isn't . The most alarming things for me are the tactics and set up and team selection which is absolutely dire. I'm not sure sacking him will improve us but I don't see things improving if he stays . The players overall are garbage and we have no leadership. This team won't bounce back from the championship, if anything they'll go down again to Div 1.

We are a club in crisis.

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 Definately agree that at board level, fingers are certainly in ears and the sirens are being drowned out by choruses of la la la la la.


However, PL has been hung out to dry, he obviously knows we need reinforcements but has to tow the party line dished down from above.


There's no point in sacking PL, who're are we going to get to replace him and it won't be complete in time for the obligatory couple of new faces a new manager brings in with him???


PL was sold a line of ambition by RL/PF in the summer (why else would he have left Norwich - who were better than us last season?) which appears to have been reneged - yes he was backed in the summer and in my opinion has brought in some decent players in Vlaar, Lowton, Westwood and Benteke.


The fact is we've cut back too much too soon and unfortunately still left with the dregs like Hutton, Warnock, Makoun on the books. This is of the clubs doing, not Lamberts.

didnt think there were many posts I would "like" today just shows how wrong I was as I have run out of likes! Needless to say I definitely agree with this opinion 110%
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Would those supporting Lambert rather go down and keep him in charge to rebuild or stay up with say replacing Lambert for Hughes?

I get the impression that some don't mind relegation as long as Lambert keeps his job.

i don't think t is a case of either or, or that replacing him is in our long term interests.
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It's a fair point Villarocker, I was aware of that as I too looked back at the first few pages to check how views have changed over time. I guess my view has changed as I didn't think it was going to be anywhere near this bad. I never was an advocate of appointing Lambert I don't rate him I didn't rate Norwich last season but I thought he would do a job on a

Par with McLeish. He clearly isn't . The most alarming things for me are the tactics and set up and team selection which is absolutely dire. I'm not sure sacking him will improve us but I don't see things improving if he stays . The players overall are garbage and we have no leadership. This team won't bounce back from the championship, if anything they'll go down again to Div 1.

We are a club in crisis.

Yup Villa fans will give a manager time, but only when the team is doing well.

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I have always been a fan of Lambo, he has built an incredibly strong team at Norwich in three seasons, taking over the day after the canaries had lost 7-1 with Lambert's former club Colchester.
But THIS Paul Lambert looks as the double of THAT Paul Lambert. For instance, Paul Lambert's Norwich conceded the lowest % of goals from set-pieces in 2011-12, Aston Villa the highest (47%).     
Apart from the fact that our midfield is the weakest ever, this Villa don't have even the clue of a defensive organization. Since the Chelsea defeat the team deeped in a crisis of mistrust that Lambert hasn't been able to manage.
But I don't blame Randy for this. Everyone that now blames him was happy for signign Lambo and we must not forget thet the chairman  pays 80000 £ a week for players like Stephen Ireland.  
It's  quite clear that we must do deep changes if  we want to avoid relegation. But I still would prefer to be relegated with this Villa, run by people that love the club, than to play in champions league with a club  that sells its roots and identity to a russian billionaire  
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Surely staying in this league is key to our long term future.

For me Lambert is not getting the best from this squad. I truly believe a new man could organise the team better, motivate the team better and put in place better tactics.

I don't think anyone would take this squad to top half but I do believe a change would help us stay up.

Lambert is not getting anything from these players, its highly unlikely it's all going to click into place.

We need better.

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Atm I am no fan of Lambert. I like the guy but the results have been woeful.


However,  the guy has had 6 months working with one of the worst premiership squads I have ever seen. Things need to improve but he hasnt got a magic wand that he can just cast over. Neither did Mcleish. So I dont get why people get upset when he says: 'wel dust ourselves down and go again' etc. Firstly its probably not a true reflection of whats being said in the dressing room and actually, its quite a good attitude to have. Hes not going to say 'we are shit, We are trying to work on it, but Im afraid to say I have absolute dogshit players (some of which I bought) - Thats the truth but he would never say that.


People need to get real with where this club is/has been for years - A relatively big club in English football that hasnt won anything of note for donkeys and who havent finished higher than 6th for nearly 2 decades. In that time there have been some woeful finishes as well.


My take is that things will still need to get worse to get better (as we are still clearing the shambles that Lerner/MON created) and sacking Lambert WILL NOT speed that up.

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