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Predator - Attack Helicopter - Chopper Gunner

The havoc


On that bit of scrubland with the bunker in the middle (forget the name of the map), that was awesome!  It was a daft game, but so much fun.  OMA was just insane.

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There's no aim assist. Makes aiming difficult if you're not used to it as almost every other shooter has aim assist.


More of an old school game too. That being said, I'll probably trade it in the near future as well. Just doesn't grab me multiplayer wise as something I can play for tens of hours.

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the SP is set in the future and is basically south america combining and calling themselves the federation or something daft and is at war with north america, its hardly a masterpiece in writing, its full of set pieces and jumps around a lot meaning it hasnt really got a decent flow


the MP they have introduced a squad point system where you spend squad points to unlock items so before they unlocked when you leveled up now when you level up you get a squad point and can unlock them in any order you want, you also get squad points for doing the challenges, the maps are poor IMO still got the old CoD flaw of having large maps where you go a couple of minutes without seeing anyone, most have pinch points where all the action takes place and you still have the respawning issues where you'll respawn right in front of someone and just get killed again, also had it happen where ive respawned about 5m behind an enemy and got an easy kill

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Started playing Killzone again, this time at my leisure as it's  already been reviewed... I'm not sure what's  going on but it's about a million times harder now for some reason. Couldn't get past one of the first bits before giving up. Massive WTF

Actually tempted by NBA 2K14. Looks amazing and has good reviews. This or Need for Speed. Which one guys?

Go for NBA

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i found the start of killzone really hard for some reason too, set loads of alarms off and struggled to get them turned off, ended up using the owl to do most of it whilst i hung back

I found the same thing too. Once I got to chapter 3 it got a lot better.  Really enjoying it now.

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Started playing Killzone again, this time at my leisure as it's  already been reviewed... I'm not sure what's  going on but it's about a million times harder now for some reason. Couldn't get past one of the first bits before giving up. Massive WTF

Actually tempted by NBA 2K14. Looks amazing and has good reviews. This or Need for Speed. Which one guys?

Go for NBA

Go for NBA??


The game EA have actually said isn't as good as they expected and is basically a work in progress??


and you're a games reviewer?


2k14 is worlds better looking and playing.


Dubbs, if you have gone for NBA, unlucky.

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Started playing Killzone again, this time at my leisure as it's  already been reviewed... I'm not sure what's  going on but it's about a million times harder now for some reason. Couldn't get past one of the first bits before giving up. Massive WTF

Actually tempted by NBA 2K14. Looks amazing and has good reviews. This or Need for Speed. Which one guys?

Go for NBA

Go for NBA??


The game EA have actually said isn't as good as they expected and is basically a work in progress??


and you're a games reviewer?


2k14 is worlds better looking and playing.


Dubbs, if you have gone for NBA, unlucky.


nobody ever mentioned ea's game... he asked nba 2k14 or need for speed, and i told him to go for nba. how did that trip you up exactly?

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