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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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From what I can gather and I’ve just completed a dissertation on inconsistent and inappropriate regulation, the Council have no say on the safety inside the ground?

The soul body for implementing the licensing of football stadia is the FLA (football licensing authority) I was under the impression that the council didn’t have any say on the matter. I am also under the impression that ‘persistent standing’ was a stipulation by Aston villa as part of the agreement we enter into when buying a ticket, i.e. there is no formal law that prevents it and therefore you cannot be removed by police because of it. Just confused why the council are getting involved when another ‘independent’ body is responsible for safety inside sports stadia (as per the 1990 football spectator act).

Sorry to drag the debate on, just if this is the case, we could just tell them to ‘jog on’ and increase parking prices or council tax to make some more money rather than rob our serial philanthropist, Sir (just a suggestion) Randy Lerner.

That's not true. Rather than drag this thread off from it's purpose, perhaps you could read some info on the FLA and council's roles

FLA Statutory Remit ...the Government...charged us with ...monitoring local authorities' oversight of spectator safety at international, Premiership and Football League grounds...Safety certificates are issued by the local authority. ..Birmingham City Safety Advisory Group Birmingham City Council, 1 Lancaster Circus, BIRMINGHAM B4 7DY
Ta. Blandy
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General Krulak here:

1. I posted earlier but somehow it did not "take."

2. The Council does have a say on what happens at Villa Park Simply put, they have cautioned us against persistent standing. What has happened to other Clubs re. this issue...how this stacks up against open terrace standing...how this is dealt with in other stadia is not the issue now. The issue is what happens at Villa Park. We have asked for your help on this issue. We understand we cannot solve it alone. We need your help. I would not be on this site asking for the help of the fans if we didn't need it.

3. The ticket office will be open.

4. Randy and I will be at the game.

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Just thought I'd share it with you and maybe you can feed it back to Randy.

On my way into work today they were talking about the Liverpool fiasco on Radio 5 and talking about football clubs being the "foreign billionaires play thing".

However, after speaking about Hicks, Gillett and all they then said "however, not all foreign owners seem to be like this". They then talked about Randy for around 2 minutes and stated what passion he is showing for the good of the game and how he (on the outside anyway) is not purely in it for the money like the others, but is looking to give something back.

Obviously we Villa fans can see this and have done since day 1, but it is a credit to all the new board (and I include all, not just yourself and Randy) that the whole of the country now seems to be seeing it.


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Forgot to ask the reason I came on here !!

Can you state the reason for the delay in the season ticket info. Obviously you can't give prices etc.. but is there a reason for the delay ?. If I remember correctly, they were sent out late March last year and you had to renew by the end of May.

Is it something to do with seeing which competetion we will be in (ie: if we are in the Uefa cup - are they considering including it in the ticket) or am I way off the mark ?

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General my friend who im taking to the Wigan game is in the Army and just joined, hence is going through basic training etc, having had a pint last night with him i wondered whats the scariest moment you faced in your career in the army?

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There has been several stories in the paper about our captain and hero gareth barry being sold to liverpool. I would be absoultely devestated If Barry left the villa and therefore i ask you to do everything in your power to stop it. This might involve paying him 80k a week if needs be, but we simply cannot afford to sell our best players, please please dont let this happen.



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General, can you confirm if the Holte Suite will be open Sunday and if so what time? Fancy a beer before the game to calm the nerves and I'm sure business will be brisk if there's some nice brekkie available!! :D

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General, Hope you are well and are prepared for what you will witness on Sunday.

I can totally understand the Police not wanting to release any details of what they have planned for Sunday but there are those of us who are concerned that our usual routine may lead us into trouble due to some restrictions that may be put in place by the law.

We have a great deal of fans who are not from the area and who use the same route week in and week out and if they can't take this route they may end up ending up in an area which could lead them into trouble.

If you could offer us any information that would not jeopardise the police operation it would be appreciated

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On the new sponsor, you've said that the club are contractually bound not to announce anything at the moment. Can you say when this clause expires? Is it at the same time as the current deal expires (I am assuming 31 May?)


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General Krulak here:

1. On the upcoming game. The Club will put on the Official Web Site some info re. security for the game. Obviously, the police have asked us not to post all that they are doing...might cause troublemakers to alter their plans and render some of what the police are doing ineffective. Keep an eye on the official site and just use common sense as you come to and from Villa Park.

2. Paulanddonya: I will pass on your kind message to both Randy and the Board. As for the season tickets...they will be out soon. We really do not see this as a delay...we are just working on pricing...what is the right construct at this time.

3. Don't worry about the ticket office being "underworked" ...Nicky and her team are always working on something. They will have plenty to fill their days.

4. Yes I have seen the new kit and the sponsor on it.

5. I guess the scariest time I had as a Marine was the first time someone shot at me with intent to kill. Not too much fun.

6. As far as I know, the Holte will be open. This game will not change the way we operate our Hosiptality.

7. I have read the same thing you have read about Gareth Barry. Obviously I am not the one to comment on whether the media have it right or not...it is not my remit to make decisions on players. Gareth is our Captain.

8. 31 May is a good date.

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I went paintballing the other day for the first time and i couldnt help but think afterwards if those paintballs were replaced with bullets, what it would have been like.

I know its no comparison, but i cant imagine what its like to be shot at with people trying to kill you! If you slightly stick your arm out or your head up you will be shot. Its mad.

Based on my paintballing experience, it makes me proud to have a bloke like you at the helm, someone who has done something so daring and challenging like fighting in wars. If a man like you and Randy cant lead our club to success, then no-one can.


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General with all your connections and influence could you perhaps do us fans in the USA a little favour. This Sunday we will be up at the crack of dawn and flock to the pub for the 7am kick off EST. This has been a struggle all year, I for one enjoy my weekend lie-in but have had to sacrifice it many times this season for the Villa. I understand there's not much you can do when the powers that be in the Premier League and the Police decide a game should be played so early but maybe you could do something about the time zones.

A quick phone call to the joint chiefs and the President would settle it. Convince them that in the interests of security you find it is in America's best interests to move their clock back 5 hours to match Grenwich Mean Time. Think of the benefits:

Terrorists would be left confused and off guard by the strange decision, any plans they may have for future attacks will be left in tatters.

Agencies across the globe would be able to better communicate as they wouldn't have to count on their fingers trying to work out if Bob has arrived for work in Langley yet.

With New York trading at the same time as London it would prevent any sudden upsets in the markets leading to economic stability.

With 5 extra hours of sunshine in the evening the general population will be happier, will get more excersize, do more shopping and use less gas thus curing obesity, fixing the economy and saving the enviornment.

Most importantly TSV and the other US based villans would have a nice lie in. Do you think you could swing it general?


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Hi General,

Just a question on the new kit, you had said you have seen it, I thought (don't know why) that the shirt itself would be the same and only the sponsor changed but reading your comments it seems like they are both changed, is this true?

It would make sense to change both at the same time as you normally would keep home shirt for two years as with the away and rotate one of them changing every


So is there also a new design for the away shirt or will we be keeping it for the next season then change?

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