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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Is it possible to get Richard FitzGerald to come out and qualify his statement re: "Top Class Players", please. His comments are at odds with recent MON comments, where he said he was looking at simply making the squad bigger.

It is vitally important that fans do not feel like they have been lied to. We have had it for many years now, and if we are now not looking to bring in 'top class' players, or MON cannot sign these players for whatever reason, then please rather than trying to keep it up, can we just have what is exactly going on. We don't need names, we don't need sums. We don't need anything like that.

A poor summer, particularly after Mr Fitzgerald's comments re: Player purchases would dent a fair few people's faith (yes, not all), which would be a shame considering the amount of season tickets sold and the fan 'effort' to back the club into becoming good once more.

General Krulak here:

1. PLEASE..................Richard does not have ANYTHING to do with player signings. JUST LIKE ME!!! A "smile" about a "particular forward" means absolutely NOTHING...zero, zed!!! Confirming "top class signings" is NOT confirming anything. PLEASE...let's not get into this again. Richard is like you...or like me...he is a HUGE Villa Fan and wants the VERY BEST for the Club. BUT, we all must realize that he does not have anything to do with player selection. As I have said time and time and time and time again, "players are the remit of MON with Randy in support." We got ourselves in a turmoil over the same sort of thing just a short while ago. PLEASE listen to what I have to say...MON and MON ALONE (with his coaches/scouts) make the player calls...and Randy supports. Richard, the General, Bob Kain, etc. etc. have nothing to do with players and have NO INSIDE INFO!!!!! If any of us did, we would be foolish to say anything lest we harmed the transfer effort. BUT WE DON'T!!!!

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That is in no way a decent response from the general im afraid. What JC was asking is completely and utterly fair and the response from the general goes no way in answering the question.

It is not the general's job to back a man up who is so vastly experienced in business as Richard Fitzgerald. Rather than constantly hearing good things off the pitch e.g. the kit and the holte hotel, im afraid im with JC. Its about time that Richard Fitzgerald and ian storey moore, for that matter, come out into the open and clarify what they said. What has happened so far is so similar to the ellis tactic of selling season tickets, its scary.

Whilst i still have confidence in the villa board and the management team, im afraid it is no longer 100% confidence and its about time someone from the board commented on what is happening ON the pitch rather than the good things off it.

One final thing. M'O'N constantly states that the reason we failed to achieve anything last season is because we had a small squad and the players that he signed failed to have a decent enough pre season. Now whilst im no expert, Martin has signed 2 players (whatever anyone thinks of them ability wise) and sold 7/8/9?... How is this in any way going to alleviate the problem of having a small squad. And even if we do sign a couple more players as Martin has come out and said...will they have had a decent pre season....? same excuse used again....?

Villa fans want to hear from the people who matter, after all its our season ticket money that is the lifeblood of the club. I think we deserve an answer or two.

Thanks, i look forward to yours and Richards response.

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In which case, if Trekka's post is correct, then please General, can you find out why Richard thought it was necessary to say these things when it isn't his domain, and politely ask him not to get fans hopes up in future, as he may need educating in the fact that Villa fans have been lied to for years and years and it's not fair to us.

I'm not accusing him of lying, but making such statements when not knowing what was going to happen in the summer as indicated by the Generals post is a bit silly, and as I say unfair.

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Is it possible to get Richard FitzGerald to come out and qualify his statement re: "Top Class Players", please. His comments are at odds with recent MON comments, where he said he was looking at simply making the squad bigger.

It is vitally important that fans do not feel like they have been lied to. We have had it for many years now, and if we are now not looking to bring in 'top class' players, or MON cannot sign these players for whatever reason, then please rather than trying to keep it up, can we just have what is exactly going on. We don't need names, we don't need sums. We don't need anything like that.

A poor summer, particularly after Mr Fitzgerald's comments re: Player purchases would dent a fair few people's faith (yes, not all), which would be a shame considering the amount of season tickets sold and the fan 'effort' to back the club into becoming good once more.

General Krulak here:

1. PLEASE..................Richard does not have ANYTHING to do with player signings. JUST LIKE ME!!! A "smile" about a "particular forward" means absolutely NOTHING...zero, zed!!! Confirming "top class signings" is NOT confirming anything. PLEASE...let's not get into this again. Richard is like you...or like me...he is a HUGE Villa Fan and wants the VERY BEST for the Club. BUT, we all must realize that he does not have anything to do with player selection. As I have said time and time and time and time again, "players are the remit of MON with Randy in support." We got ourselves in a turmoil over the same sort of thing just a short while ago. PLEASE listen to what I have to say...MON and MON ALONE (with his coaches/scouts) make the player calls...and Randy supports. Richard, the General, Bob Kain, etc. etc. have nothing to do with players and have NO INSIDE INFO!!!!! If any of us did, we would be foolish to say anything lest we harmed the transfer effort. BUT WE DON'T!!!!

Why wasn't that posted immidietely after Fitzgerald made those comments? Then maybe the fans expectations wouldn't had hit the feckin roof.

The cynical side of me thinks we wouldn't of sold as many season tickets though.

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Not trying to speak for Richard or the General or anyone else here (and please don't delete as it seems some people have had a chance to have their say on the matter) but who is to say the "top class" signings are the same "top class" signings we'd have imagined at the club? O'Neill is the manager and maybe, just maybe Martin identified Harewood and other players as the "top class" needed to take the club forward. Call me obtuse for believing this if you will but MON being the manager has a say on who is "top class" and if Randy, Martin and the rest of VP believe the signings we've made/making are genuine "top class" where we need to be at this moment in time then how is the Fitzgerald comment wrong when he said "we expect top class signings"? 1 man's version of "top class" might be totally different to another and I'll leave it at that as it's not exactly fair on this thread anyway.

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It's all about opinions isn't it? Is MON allowed to have the opinion that Harewood is "top class" needed to improve us or is he simply not allowed to think that because some other people do not? I'd suggest it's the former and if I'm honest I'd rather trust MON's judgement. I'm sure the General will reiterate the players are MON's domain and his domain only and if Martin thinks a player is "top class" then why should the club apologise or explain a statement that they believe is the case and as such have said nothing wrong? Sorry General/all, I'll leave it at that.

several posts deleted. This thread remains exactly the same as before. Comments and questions and answers to/from GK, NOT purely between posters. Blandy

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Is it possible to get Richard FitzGerald to come out and qualify his statement re: "Top Class Players", please. His comments are at odds with recent MON comments, where he said he was looking at simply making the squad bigger.

It is vitally important that fans do not feel like they have been lied to. We have had it for many years now, and if we are now not looking to bring in 'top class' players, or MON cannot sign these players for whatever reason, then please rather than trying to keep it up, can we just have what is exactly going on. We don't need names, we don't need sums. We don't need anything like that.

A poor summer, particularly after Mr Fitzgerald's comments re: Player purchases would dent a fair few people's faith (yes, not all), which would be a shame considering the amount of season tickets sold and the fan 'effort' to back the club into becoming good once more.

Did Fitzy put a time limit on this quote? Did he say this summer or just in the future?

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General Krulak here:

1. With regard to negotiations: Are you talking specifically about drafting the contract or are you talking about dealing with the agent or are you talking about meeting with player?? The actual contract negotiation is really a matter of several people...with MON playing the lead role. Drafting is a different issue altogether. I guess i am not sure what the question really is...because more than one hand is in the pot.

General sorry my question was not clear.

I guess I was trying to understand the end to end process really so who negotiates with the selling club, then who negotiates with the player the actual terms of the deal.

I was interested to make the murky world of player transfers a little more clearer

General in all the commotion you may have missed my updated question ..

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Is it possible to get Richard FitzGerald to come out and qualify his statement re: "Top Class Players", please. His comments are at odds with recent MON comments, where he said he was looking at simply making the squad bigger.

It is vitally important that fans do not feel like they have been lied to. We have had it for many years now, and if we are now not looking to bring in 'top class' players, or MON cannot sign these players for whatever reason, then please rather than trying to keep it up, can we just have what is exactly going on. We don't need names, we don't need sums. We don't need anything like that.

A poor summer, particularly after Mr Fitzgerald's comments re: Player purchases would dent a fair few people's faith (yes, not all), which would be a shame considering the amount of season tickets sold and the fan 'effort' to back the club into becoming good once more.

Did Fitzy put a time limit on this quote? Did he say this summer or just in the future?

he said this summer in his quote

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The General said he will be away until after the weekend so dont expect any answers too soon. Just pleased somebody (JC and V111AFC) have finally put into words what i have been trying to say, english never was my strong subject at school.

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Is it possible to get Richard FitzGerald to come out and qualify his statement re: "Top Class Players", please. His comments are at odds with recent MON comments, where he said he was looking at simply making the squad bigger.

It is vitally important that fans do not feel like they have been lied to. We have had it for many years now, and if we are now not looking to bring in 'top class' players, or MON cannot sign these players for whatever reason, then please rather than trying to keep it up, can we just have what is exactly going on. We don't need names, we don't need sums. We don't need anything like that.

A poor summer, particularly after Mr Fitzgerald's comments re: Player purchases would dent a fair few people's faith (yes, not all), which would be a shame considering the amount of season tickets sold and the fan 'effort' to back the club into becoming good once more.

I'm absolutely with John here. What's going on?

The fans have done there bit by coming back in droves buying season tickets, but where's the beef from within Villa Park?

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I too have a sneaking feeling we may have been at best misled, and at worst lied to in regard to transfer expectations.

Is MON working to a tight, sell-to buy budget, something which his recent statements have hinted at?

If this is the case, then I can't help but feel those record season tickets sales were achieved under false pretences.

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Another question regarding the official site,

Can we please ensure that it is accesible for all - ie, at the moment only people using Windows computers can access Villa World. With more and more people leaving Windows machines for Mac and Linux, to cut off this section of fans is disappointing.

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this is NOT a thread for discussion between posters. GK will have a lot to look at when he comes back. if you want to discuss with other posters there are numerous other threads on exactly this topic. This one is for the club to communicate with supporters. ta. blandy

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Would it be possible at some point for MON to do a brief questions and answers session with the fans, perhaps on the new official site. I understand that he is very busy both in the off-season and during the campaign but it would be nice to be able to ask him a few questions rather than relying on the drivel journalists usually spout at him. Maybe we could gather a few questions from fans on sites like this one and then MON could answer them (wouldn't have to answer all of them just the selected few) in his own time and then they would be published on the OS.

Just an idea...maybe not a good one but its Wednesday morning after all ....

Last season we had one on Capital Gold and another where you could call in on Radio WM. I suspect it will happen again this season as there were 7000 applications for 600 tickets at the Capital Gold forum.

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Is it possible to get Richard FitzGerald to come out and qualify his statement re: "Top Class Players", please. His comments are at odds with recent MON comments, where he said he was looking at simply making the squad bigger.

It is vitally important that fans do not feel like they have been lied to. We have had it for many years now, and if we are now not looking to bring in 'top class' players, or MON cannot sign these players for whatever reason, then please rather than trying to keep it up, can we just have what is exactly going on. We don't need names, we don't need sums. We don't need anything like that.

A poor summer, particularly after Mr Fitzgerald's comments re: Player purchases would dent a fair few people's faith (yes, not all), which would be a shame considering the amount of season tickets sold and the fan 'effort' to back the club into becoming good once more.


Have to back these comments too. Its important to know what the real situation is, because with little time to go until the end of the tour and the beginning of the season, my optimism is waining with every passing day. Having been lied to by the previous regime for years, it would not be a good move by the board to follow the example set before, and all the goodwill that you have created since coming here will have been largely destroyed. Fitzgerald really needs to explain what he meant, in what context it was said (it looks like he said it in the context of immediately, this summer etc) and if he has no part to play in transfers, why he said it. We grew sick and tired with soundbytes from Ellis, don't let the same thing happen again, after you have acheived so much.



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easy mate, call Nicola Keye at the club, everyone has said how helpful she is

thanks pal, whats the number? or is it just the main ticket line number?

Villa Park Ticket Office Opening Hours Monday to Friday 9am-7pm

Saturday 9am - 5pm Sunday 10am-2pm Call Consumer Sales on 0871 423 8101. blandy

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Hi General, I used to post occasionally on the official site but have found recently it is almost impossible to use properly.... By this i mean it is ok when posting replies on existing threads but whenever i try to start a new thread, 9 times out of 10, when i hit the POST button it comes up with a message saying "you must be signed in" even though i am signed in!.. when i then try to re-sign in it says "you could not be signed in" I assume because i am already signed in! .. This is very frustrating as it takes a while to log in, sign in write a message etc & to be honest it has become a bit pointless trying to use it... I do like to contribute however... It is not my PC as i have tried using various different ones but with the same result... Is this a problem with the site in general?

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