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can you post a colour version of it as well for comparison .. the "orange" roofs of Prague are what give it it's charm imo and there might just be enough buidling on the right hand side to bring that out

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I like the Prague one, because there is absolutely nothing to date it. That picture could probably have been taken the day before Hitler rolled in, in 1939. In fact the lowering clouds give it exactly that feel.

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That Prague shot is great mate! Looks like a painting!

Glad this thread has been revived! Here's some of my efforts from Dubai this year



Does anybody know a good local photography club. I'm looking to take the next step in my new found hobby but all the clubs I can find are full of pensioners?

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Nowt wrong with pensioners on the whole, I just want to find a group of people that I can relate to and have an interest in taking similar sort of photos to me rather than churches and flowers. I don't want to hear hundreds of stories about how it was different in the days of film.

I had that problem over here. They weren't pensioners necessarily, just old, miserable bastards, and I went once and never went back. As a nervous beginner I was after a bit of guidance, but they had this weekly competition going on, and they just slagged each other's entries off rotten.

There was this one Welsh woman, who said something like "I went to an old abandoned farmhouse, and got my friend to dress up as a homeless so I could take a photo" "A homeless"...stupid bitch.

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Fair enough, that sounds appalling.

Thing is, I'm spoilt by being in a club (running in this case) where there really isn't much of a generation gap at all between the younger and older members.

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I'm no spring chicken myself at 41. I just want to find a group of like minded people that are into photography the same way I am.

I have a nightmare with my hobby to be honest. All my mates are very blokey stereotypes and I get no end of piss ripped out of me for being into photography. Any time I'm seen out with my camera I get all the peado jokes, and are you crb checked blah, blah, blah... I know their just joking with the usual crap macho humour but it's starting to really grate on me now to the point where I've considered giving it up.

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I'm no spring chicken myself at 41. I just want to find a group of like minded people that are into photography the same way I am.

I have a nightmare with my hobby to be honest. All my mates are very blokey stereotypes and I get no end of piss ripped out of me for being into photography. Any time I'm seen out with my camera I get all the peado jokes, and are you crb checked blah, blah, blah... I know their just joking with the usual crap macho humour but it's starting to really grate on me now to the point where I've considered giving it up.

Sounds you like need to change your mates, rather than your hobby!

DO NOT give it up, as you're really rather excellent at it, and it was your photos on here getting on for a year ago that inspired me to go out and buy my Nikon.

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Cheers mate. They don't mean any harm and I know they actually appreciate my stuff as some have had photos off me of their families.

I just don't think they realize how much it gets too me and they aren't the sort of blokes you could ask to stop without giving them more piss take ammunition! I described the situation to my wife that it's just like a grown up version of the inbetweeners lol!

The thing is that my biggest weakness with photography is my confidence. I'm quite shy to get the camera out and get amongst the action to get the shot so all this piss taking really hurts my already weak point.

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My last wildlife effort got crucified on here but here is another couple of efforts Ii quite like

can't do a huge amount about the tree / leaves in the way , but what could i have done differently to turn this from "Ok" to "wow"


and another


and inspired by the B&W photos , here is the Potala palace given the B&W treatment ..


I tried a night time shot of it which got horribly over exposed using my Limux starry night mode , it's a shame it was almost a nice shot and I can't bring myself to delete it in case i can repair it in photo shop at some point once I read the manual , if anyone knows a way then let me know :-)

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The black and white one is excellent, you really get a sense of the scale of the place. The red panda is the better of the shots in my opinion, as the composition is better and it looks more "natural". A slightly shallower depth of field to keep the red panda focussed but the grass a bit more blurry in the backgroud, and it would have been even better I reckon.

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There's been quite an interesting little miniseries within the otherwise execrable "The One Show", with some bloke learning photography techniques, most recently wildlife photography. Dunno if it's on iPlayer or YouTube.

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Might have some live music shots to post at some point, off to take some shots of Vic Goddard and the Subway Sect tomorrow night

(because my mate Joe is drumming for them as a one off and he wants something to remember the gig by)

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hmmm, not a great shot. A combination of work finishing really late so all a bit rushed, sun inconveniently located, still haven't read the manual so still can't do much beyond auto setting, plus just didn't have my arty creative mojo on after 4 hours hours of discussing rubbish in a meeting that didn't even have coffee or water. So I'm also blaming dehydration.

How can it be hard to find an interesting photo in the middle of London?

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