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The New Condem Government


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WhenLabour get back into power in 2 years time, ther situation for the new PM would be infinitely better than 5 years previously, as hopefully the domestic and Uk economy begin to stabilise, and the bad-will that was felt to the labour govt has subsided over the 5 years of disastrous Tory rule.

I'm not so sure about that, Jon.

As was shown by the IFS analysis after the budget (and in reports about Beaker and the spending review to come), it is likely that the government will be bequeathing to its successor (whichever flavour that may be) large departmental budget reductions for 2015/6 (and beyond) and a notional idea of a ceiling for Annual Managed Expenditure (which seems to be a loose idea about setting a number and acknowledging that one doesn't really have control about whether one stays below that).

If people thought that it was a good idea not to win the last election, it may turn out to be utter madness to try and win the next.

I agree with that and actually laughed at the logic in Jon's comment. According to him it will be 'better for a Labour PM in two years time because the economy will have recovered during the five years of disasterous Tory rule from the mess Labour left behind and people won't hate them anymore'. Genius.


Even more laughable is the idea of any "recovery" at all, imo. An interesting stat I read the other day said that between 2000-2010 public spending in absolute terms rose by 53%. Since the last election that figure has been reduced by 2.7% and people are screaming blue murder about it. Conclusion, the UK Gov are still spending eye watering amounts of money they don't have and there isn't a politician alive who will stand up and say the country is still living far beyond its means because no one wants to hear it. The big UK banks remain under capitalised and are masssively vulnerable to the euro's slow motion (for now) train wreck, but if they don't have the money to recapitalise and lend simultaneously (which they don't) then there can be no recovery. Eventually the UK will go bankrupt along with the rest of Europe - probably followed by a bloody big war if history is anything to go by.  I can't see how an alternative (better) outcome is possible.

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More leaks from disgruntled job centre staff. Job centre scorecard.


"Whilst my work colleagues and I fully understand and support the need for sanctions to be applied to those claimants who are not actively seeking employment, who become unemployed voluntarily, who refuse reasonable offers of employment and those who fail to participate in courses, schemes and provision to help them into employment, the reality is that when targets are imposed, the focus shifts not to those abusing the benefits system but to the most vulnerable and easy-to-hit claimants, those with language barriers, caring responsibilities and those moving from other benefits having been found capable of working."

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I thought this bit in the article was also well put:

...There is officially no target to achieve referrals to DMA [decision-making and appeals] officers, but in Greater Manchester central and Cheshire district the target we don't have is 6% of our live load...

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I'm voting for UKIP.

And me . The sooner we are out of the EU the better ,

that may or may not be the case, an opinion you are entitled to. Just a question though, exactly what good is it voting ukip in local elections?
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I'm voting for UKIP.

And me . The sooner we are out of the EU the better ,

that may or may not be the case, an opinion you are entitled to. Just a question though, exactly what good is it voting ukip in local elections?


Because the other sheep are doing it.

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Just a question though, exactly what good is it voting ukip in local elections?

I would never vote UKIP, but to answer the question, the same as voting for anyone else - to register your choice. If people think that UKIP is in line with their views more than say Labour or Tory, then vote for them.

It has the effect of influencing other parties. At the moment all of tory Labour and Libs are veering off towards UKIPs (IMO mistaken) policies on immigration etc. so it has an effect.

Or people might vote UKIP because they particularly don't like modern toryism, but would not choose a left leaning party out of personal views. Lots of tories seem upset at Cameron for gay marriage or for being elitist or whatever it is like referendum about the EU that irks them.

Not that many people look deeply at their (UKIP) policies, which are in the main part either just mad, or unachievable headline grabbers with not a chance of ever happening.

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I'm voting for UKIP.

And me.

Having failed to identify the apparent madness in their policies then me too, and I think they'll win the euro elections next year outright.


To Richard's question on why vote UKIP in the local elections,  most parties only break through into Westminster when they have established themselves in local government first and built the grassroots organisation required to deliver the bigger wins - basically the lib dem's model. If one thinks the Tories under Cameron are a joke - but would rather go down on a menstruating hooker than vote labour - then UKIP provides an alternative option.  I agree with Blandy in so far as UKIP do not have a fully worked up and properly costed manifesto yet, but then again Labour are currently a policy void and those ideas the coalition do have seem to be failing, in the main. If that is the stick with which to beat UKIP then it should also be applied with equal intellectual force to the so called 'main' parties.


UKIP have a long way to go in terms of finessing their policies and front line personnel, but there is a gap in the political market for a genuine centre right party and they look like the only people capable of filling it, for now.

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UKIP have sanitised their recent manifesto something fierce. I've posted their more 'suspect' policies here before and I should think reasonable people shouldn't be blinded by this rather convenient polishing.

Be grateful if you could re-post them please, instead of content free innuendo that amounts to "oooh, they're really rather nasty, you know..." maybe we could discuss some of these unreasonable horrors?

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When will people realise Con/Lab/Lib are all as bad as each other, Flip floping between them every election hasn't worked yet and never will. Currently immigrants have more rights than the english people it's a disgrace. The UK doesn't need dictatorship but it does need leadership, someone with a pair of balls that will lay down rules. These posh boys that win every election will never learn the true meaning of reality. I'm voting for UKIP or no one, they're the only ones who listen to what the people want. 


Labour will win regardless, I can't bare to imagine that plum Ed Miliband representing my country  :puke:   

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When will people realise Con/Lab/Lib are all as bad as each other, Flip floping between them every election hasn't worked yet and never will. Currently immigrants have more rights than the english people it's a disgrace. The UK doesn't need dictatorship but it does need leadership, someone with a pair of balls that will lay down rules. These posh boys that win every election will never learn the true meaning of reality. I'm voting for UKIP or no one, they're the only ones who listen to what the people want. 


Labour will win regardless, I can't bare to imagine that plum Ed Miliband representing my country  :puke:

You make politics in the UK sound like X Factor

The idea is to vote for policies not personalities

And when did UKIP suddenly become "centre right"? I must have missed the announcement and resultant policy shift

Labour are "centre right"

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