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The New Condem Government


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Sorry, I forgot that democracy isn't open to debate. Certainly that's why the Tories brought in that gagging law.


I liked that 'student' line, very amusing :thumb:

Yeah, that's unfair. People can vote for whoever they like. All I ask is for them to be aware that the man they are voting for is a racist, privileged scumbucket.


Damn it CED, the man is just tired!

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But, but...splutter...Farage is the cheeky, anti-etablishment outsider* Not like the others.

*obviously by "outsider" I mean an MEP for the last 13+ years on a big salary, with allowances of millions more on top. And from a typical outsiders background of private school education, fancy College and then following in his fathers footsteps and taking up a career in stockbroking. He would never, sorry does "employ" his family to work for him on expenses.


Well UKIP isn't backed, sorry is backed by multimillionaires like the tories are. Outsiders, see. The little chap standing up for the downtrodden.


Who could possibly not want to fall for them? even with their collection of racists, bigots, xenophobes and religious nut jobs.

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Sorry, I forgot that democracy isn't open to debate. Certainly that's why the Tories brought in that gagging law.


I liked that 'student' line, very amusing :thumb:


Damn it CED, the man is just tired!

Basically those who wish to 'debate' democracy stamp it out, so no debate.


So maybe you are even further to the left than you seem?

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Might I add, his German wife coming over here and taking the job that a British person could do.



Poor bloke. It's bad enough worrying about the prospect of some feckless Romanian criminals moving in next door without waking up and finding out the Germans have gone one better and invaded your house.

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But, but...splutter...Farage is the cheeky, anti-etablishment outsider* Not like the others.

*obviously by "outsider" I mean an MEP for the last 13+ years on a big salary, with allowances of millions more on top. And from a typical outsiders background of private school education, fancy College and then following in his fathers footsteps and taking up a career in stockbroking. He would never, sorry does "employ" his family to work for him on expenses.


Well UKIP isn't backed, sorry is backed by multimillionaires like the tories are. Outsiders, see. The little chap standing up for the downtrodden.


Who could possibly not want to fall for them? even with their collection of racists, bigots, xenophobes and religious nut jobs.

Unfortunately a lot of people, and if that is the way that they wish to vote, in a democracy, that's up to them.


It's a free country, which means giving a platform to people whose views that some of us are not in tune with, and do not like to hear.


Unfortunately for a seemingly small amount of us, that is just about everyone who has a platform, but that's life.


The only joy that I get out of this poll is that I have put an unopened David Cameron into the recycling today.

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It's interesting how you argue seemingly support Rendelc's vote for UKIP then when Blandy brings up some valid points about Farage you change your argument to the cheap point scorer "Uhh... all politicians are bad!" *phew*

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It's interesting how you argue seemingly support Rendelc's vote for UKIP then when Blandy brings up some valid points about Farage you change your argument to the cheap point scorer "Uhh... all politicians are bad!" *phew*

I didn't change anything, I argue for democracy, period. The guy put forward his view, and you jumped on him, as you do, in some kind of attempt at being cleverer than him - trolling, plain and simple.

And I didn't see me 'point scoring' against anyone, but maybe that is why you contribute to this thread. I don't need to score points against anyone.

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democracy involves debate, if someone states their opinion others ae allowed to question it, this is democracy in action, certainly not trolling

in the democracy that is VT, I wholly disagree with you on this point.


Trolls are easy to sniff out, and glaringly obvious.


But you are a mod, so I shall desist from further comment.

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It's interesting how you argue seemingly support Rendelc's vote for UKIP then when Blandy brings up some valid points about Farage you change your argument to the cheap point scorer "Uhh... all politicians are bad!" *phew*

I didn't change anything, I argue for democracy, period. The guy put forward his view, and you jumped on him, as you do, in some kind of attempt at being cleverer than him - trolling, plain and simple.

Not any definition of trolling I've ever come across

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The only joy that I get out of this poll is that I have put an unopened David Cameron into the recycling today.

For some reason, that line gave me an image of someone feeding David Cameron into a woodchipper, Fargo style.  Quite a pleasing image, as it happens.

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Oh dear. Isn't it about time Michael Gove was sacked. Teachers have zero confidence in him, with good reason it seems.


His policies are failing. His disrespectful comments to teachers and the teaching profession. His disrespectful comments regarding WW1. The guy is clearly in over his head.

In primary school there would always be one kid not trusted with the scissors. Usually for good reason. Someone please for the love of god take the scissors off Michael before he does any more damage.

Edited by Kingfisher
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The problem with people like Russell Brand saying don't vote is that it's only going to appeal mainly to the already current abstainers and a few disillusioned voters on the left who want radical change. The right wing hegemony will love that.

So if you want a shift away from the extreme right wing politics of this country, where greed and capitalism for the rich is god, get out and vote. The EU vote is proportional, your vote will be counted.

Remember, it isn't hard to vote and you can bet a lot of people who are MASSIVE ****** definitely will, so every normo who shows up is a bonus.

If the demographics that tend not to vote did vote, we could instil radical change in our politics through a shift to the left. Make change happen.

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The problem with people like Russell Brand saying don't vote is that it's only going to appeal mainly to the already current abstainers and a few disillusioned voters on the left who want radical change. The right wing hegemony will love that.

So if you want a shift away from the extreme right wing politics of this country, where greed and capitalism for the rich is god, get out and vote. The EU vote is proportional, your vote will be counted.

Remember, it isn't hard to vote and you can bet a lot of people who are MASSIVE ****** definitely will, so every normo who shows up is a bonus.

If the demographics that tend not to vote did vote, we could instil radical change in our politics through a shift to the left. Make change happen.

In that case then, the only option for those on the left is surely Green? I will be using my vote, and I will be going green in 2 days. I've gone green before, and it felt good. I went Lie-beral Democrat at the last GE, and haven't stop showering to get rid of the dirty, unclean feeling since.

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Anybody intending to vote on Thursday, get a good nights sleep. Otherwise you may inadvertently put and X in the UKIP box.

Remember. Tiredness makes you racist.

I will definitely put an x in the UKIP box.
Aww bless. Go to bed.


Wide awake .



I take it you agree with their tax and NHS policies too then?



I am not sure this amounts to what might be considered trolling, because compared with the other sites, where slight dissent invites an instant hostile flashmob (no names no packdrill :)), this hardly registers, but it does seem to suggest that anyone considering voting for UKIP should be required to take a written.


But then, what are they likely to find, should they actually study the UKIP manifesto?


Not a lot, just a collection of old Tory policies, which offer a better guide to the anxieties of those who are likely to vote for them, rather than an education in economics or a detailed analysis of the problems of the NHS.


The only conclusion I could come to, was that UKIP's existence has been entirely necessitated by the failed policies of this and the last government, which exacerbate the consequences of open-door immigration, and prompt people to resent the tax-burden imposed by the EU, when they are told to resent any UK party who might tax and spend.


Most of UKIP's policies can be traced directly to the failure of government policy or their propagandic effects.


So Labour's planning free for all, which seems to have given a free pass to every new supermarket development, in total disregard of local residents' wishes or predictable environmental consequences, and Labour's planning law which designates every garden as a brown-field site, has led to increases in housing density, as six houses are built where there used to be one, add up.


All these things invite people to make the link between a growing population and the destruction of their quality of life.


The Tories have put benefit cuts and long-term unemployment at the centre of their policies. So people can't be blamed for making the link between 2m unemployed Brits and 4.5m foreign workers, and concluding that one might be the cause of the other.


The Tories have also made the necessity of cuts in government spending a major part of their plan for the UK. 


People can't be blamed, then, when exposed to daily mantras about the necessity for cuts, for noticing that these universal truths peddled by the Tories do not apply to Europe, who demand an increase and the fact that that increase is slightly less than they demand is presented as a triumph by the government.


I won't be voting UKIP but it is hypocritical for the other parties to dismiss all anxieties about open-door immigration as xenophobia, when their policies have contributed massively to those anxieties.

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The problem with people like Russell Brand saying don't vote is that it's only going to appeal mainly to the already current abstainers and a few disillusioned voters on the left who want radical change. The right wing hegemony will love that.

So if you want a shift away from the extreme right wing politics of this country, where greed and capitalism for the rich is god, get out and vote. The EU vote is proportional, your vote will be counted.

Remember, it isn't hard to vote and you can bet a lot of people who are MASSIVE ****** definitely will, so every normo who shows up is a bonus.

If the demographics that tend not to vote did vote, we could instil radical change in our politics through a shift to the left. Make change happen.

In that case then, the only option for those on the left is surely Green? I will be using my vote, and I will be going green in 2 days. I've gone green before, and it felt good. I went Lie-beral Democrat at the last GE, and haven't stop showering to get rid of the dirty, unclean feeling since.
The EU is a bit more complicated. Labour are part of a socialist party in Europe, the second biggest party. The Greens are part of another (I think more radical left) socialist party, the third biggest party. The conservatives used to be aligned with the biggest party, who were centre right - Cameron left them and moved to a party on the right of politics, the fourth biggest party and subsequently lost a lot of influence in Europe. UKIP have taken a typically though not exclusively far right stance by not aligning themselves to any party (non-inscrits), don't vote, don't do anything - except pick up their salary.

The socialists that labour and the greens are aligned to want to reform Europe, as you'd expect to become a more egalitarian and democratic model.

The centre right, which Merkel and the other big players occupy seem to be moving further to the right, with some alarming policies such as the transatlantic trade agreement. The Conservatives jumped ship because they want root and branch change to the way the EU operates, along with less restrictions on trade.

I decided it's time I learnt about the EU myself, I'm learning as I go along. I might be wrong on some of those points. But that seems to be the gist of it.

I'll be voting Green, because I'd like to see a radical shift to a more egalitarian socialist Europe. I'd also like to see the system operate more democratically. So fundamental changes to the way it's run.

Edited by Kingfisher
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We've got local and EU elections. 


In the local one, I'll be voting semi-tactically. Labour are nowhere, the ward is traditionally Tory/LibDem split. I'll be (reluctantly) voting LibDem as the least bad option - although they're probably a shoo-in due to UKIP splitting the Tory vote anyway. 


In the Euro election I'll be voting Green, same reasoning as Kingfisher's above. 

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We've got local and EU elections. 


In the local one, I'll be voting semi-tactically. Labour are nowhere, the ward is traditionally Tory/LibDem split. I'll be (reluctantly) voting LibDem as the least bad option - although they're probably a shoo-in due to UKIP splitting the Tory vote anyway. 


In the Euro election I'll be voting Green, same reasoning as Kingfisher's above. 

If there were only 3 candidates in a local, general or Euo election, and they were Lie-beral Democrat, Tory and You Kip, I would not be going to the booth. I view the Lib dems with the same disdain as the other two. I didn't use to ....

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