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Bollitics: The General Election 2010 Exit Poll


How Did You Vote in the General Election?  

194 members have voted

  1. 1. How Did You Vote in the General Election?

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David Miliband is absolutely hopeless and would be an awful Labour leader.

His brother would be a far better candidate. Also, Miliband doesn't exactly have overwhelming support from his pwn party.

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I figured that Cameron wouldn't go public with a deal if it wasn't already agred in principal with Clegg ...

assume they are just leaving it a suitable length of time to make it look as though they are thinking about it .. either that or trying to find a hit man to take out Osborne

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In fermanagh and south tyrone, the first count had the unionist candidate winning by six votes.

by the third vote sinn fein's candidate had won by 4.

I think an electronic system needs to be put in place, human error is to great a risk to take in an election.

I suspect that might be something about northern ireland and how voting goes as a rule...

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His brother sounds like a wally though.

I imagine he walks into things and says stuff like 'golly gosh..huh huh I didn't see you there mister table'

It would be hard for David to get enough support from the Unions and the local party constituencies though. He doesn't have enough support on the backbenches.

I'm not saying his brother would be an excellent Labour leader, far from it. He would be better than his brother though.

I said a few weeks ago that the next Labour PM is on the backbenches, or is yet to come through. I still stand by that.

The only competent leader they could get that would stablise the party would be Alan Johnston, similar to what Howard did to the Tories before Cameron came onto the stage.

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Guest Ricardomeister
I will be surprised whatever happens if VAT if isn't increased

unfortunately i think your right julie. vat will be increased to about 19% i think. however with vat that can be controlled as its up to you how and when you spend your money.

taxing more your wages each month is far worse in my view a syou ahve no control over that

no pain, no gain.

Adopt the Lib Dems first 10k tax free idea, then raise the basic rate to 25p in the £ up to higher rate threshold where increases to 40p in the £ as now. The ridiculous new 'upper' rate of 50p in the £ should be scrapped.

But that's neither lib dem not tory policy - so hardly a meeting of ideas.

And "introducing two tax breaks - instead of one" won't help the budget balance now, will it.

Removing the discriminatory 50% rate is not a break.

Raising the basic rate to 25% would bring far more into the coffers, and make for a fairer society.

Only a Tory voter could think that would make a fairer society! The vast majority of people earning over £150k pa have been lucky enough to have enjoyed far greater opportunities in life than most basic rate taxpayers so I think it is their moral duty to contribute more into the pot. If I were ever lucky enough to earn over £150K pa I would have no problems at all with the new tax rate. I could never be selfish enough to think that the 50% tax is discriminatory and should be removed and the basic rate of tax be increased. Reading such statements just re-inforces why I dislike the Tories.

Anybody who really wants a fairer society should put tax evasion by the privileged at the top of the agenda and crack down on the creative accounting that is widespread. But of course the readers of the Tory press have been duped into thinking that cracking down on those layabout benefit cheats costs far more when the truth is that tax evasion costs us 15 times as much as benefit fraud. Until the Tories address these important issues then Cameron's words about governing for "the good of the country" are totally hollow.

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^ The Trees is advocating a "fairer" system. You however seem to want to punish people for daring to do well. The politics of envy, aka, socialism (or the equal sharing of misery).

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i think clegg and cameron could actually be a good partnership. two young fresh politicians, new ideas, new policies.

i think clegg will reject the tories and go with labour though personally

:lol: Sounds saucy

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Big weekend this, I just can't see Cameron giving his word to Clegg on electoral reform, just wouldn't make sense.

I can't see Cameron giving his word to Clegg that he wont implemant this 6bl out of the economy thing that was part of his manifesto (major part) that Clegg objected to as folly live on telly and to his face.

I can't see Cameron agreeing to raising the Tax level up to £10,000 a year for every working person, that so isn't the Conservative way of doing things.

However, i can see Clegg getting all the above if Cameron gives him a cast iron set in stone, date an all, on electoral reform and proportional representation, and for him to do that he's giving any future Tory party election a mountain to climb to get in again............................can't see it.

On the other hand I can see Labour give way on electoral reform because they have already made sounds in that direction.

Labour already agree with the Liberals on the economy thing and not to endanger the recovery.

I have no doubt Brown would give the £10,000 tax thing to the Liberals.

So where is the problem, the problem IMO is Brown himself, he doesn't come across to me like a bloke you can work with, I think Clegg would want assurances between them of a date when Brown would step down, the way Blair give such an assurance to Brown for his full support. IMO. would Brown give such a thing ?

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Clegg knows if he gave Brown the support he needed to stay in Downing Street he'd be cutting his own throat. There is no way he's that stupid.

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Although I think Tony is right, Cameron wouldn't come public like that if a deal wasn't agreed in principle.

Well if there is no deal it's a good way to pressurise Clegg into accepting terms to avoid looking like he was just being vain and power hungry, after all, 75-80% of something is better than 100% of nothing...

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Glad to see that the markets aren't suffering like people said they wouldn't with a hung parliament! NOT. Also talk of a review of our triple A rating. NIce endorsement of PR

Those on here who voted LIB DEM, and you know who you are!, how do you feel about a Lib dem Tory alliance, Jon?

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Richard, the markets will meltdown if there is a Lab/Lib alliance because that's a sure bet that the required cuts won't happen. Until then I think we're just seeing the product of uncertainty rather than an "oh sh*t!" moment.

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PR will be the big factor in who forms a government with who. Labour can go ahead and say 'Yep, we are for this', whereas the Conservatives at best will offer a referendum sometime in the future.

I think the majority of the people in the country want political reform, so it'll happen eventually, it just depends on wether or not Clegg wants to support Labour and get it sooner or go with the tories and get it some years down the line.

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CED: I think he will struggle to back Brown, I wouldn't put it past him though, for me that depends on the rewards.

I think for Clegg to back Cameron he must give way on electoral reform, and because the Libs where stitched up before ( i think be the Tories) on even just looking at reform previously and the Tories took it straight of the agenda once they got what they wanted, they would have to go public in the event that the Tories don't come good they can be exposed.

Personally all in all i just can't see how any of this can be stable government, can't see how it can work, and can see another election within a few years, really IMO they should call this of, go as you where boys, reschedule for later in the year, set a date and go for it.

If you think about it common sense and a bit of solid nouns and guile tells you that if Cameron did the savvy thing and said right now, OK guys the public haven't decided sufficiently enough, lets go again later, then Brown will be at the helm of setting the most austere programme in British political history in the next few months, Brown will have to guide the nation through the rough, by the time we get to October and another General Election the country will be screaming for the removal of Brown and Labour, The Liberal/Clegg novelty thing will be gone, in fact already has, up rides a knight in shinning armour heading up the Tories saying well i did tell you this would happen if you didn't put us in in May, you now can correct that, the Tories win the Election on a sweeping majority that will probably put them in power for generations (so sayeth the governor of the Bank of England in retro) that's it, but i suppose you have to have a devious mind to think all that ho ho !!!!!.

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