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Call of Duty: Black Ops


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Multiplayer on this is **** awful. As many have said, the spawn points are terrible - the amount of times ive spawned on the edge of a map thinking 'right, theres nobody behind me' only then for some **** to spawn out of nowhere and pop me in the ass....ive lost count. The guns are shite too...takes about 4 bullets to kill someone with the M14 (supposedly a powerful gun) - even though its perfectly possible for somebody with silenced mac10 to put 2 bullets in me from accross the map and kill me?!?! Then theres the recoil. **** me. Oh and flashbangs, grenades, etc are totally useless.

The ONLY thing that this does better than MW is the levelling up system and wager matches. But that is far from making up for the shedload of garbage elsewhere in the game.

How have they managed to get it so wrong from MW2?? Its like burning toast...only an idiot could do it. Well done Treyarch. Next time you buy up somebodys hard work and hope to make money off it yourself, put some decent **** effort in.

Certainly the last COD game i will buy. Its getting traded in as soon as i finish single player aswell. Just awfull.

That is THE biggest over reaction ever! :lol:

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Multiplayer on this is **** awful. As many have said, the spawn points are terrible - the amount of times ive spawned on the edge of a map thinking 'right, theres nobody behind me' only then for some **** to spawn out of nowhere and pop me in the ass....ive lost count. The guns are shite too...takes about 4 bullets to kill someone with the M14 (supposedly a powerful gun) - even though its perfectly possible for somebody with silenced mac10 to put 2 bullets in me from accross the map and kill me?!?! Then theres the recoil. **** me. Oh and flashbangs, grenades, etc are totally useless.

The ONLY thing that this does better than MW is the levelling up system and wager matches. But that is far from making up for the shedload of garbage elsewhere in the game.

How have they managed to get it so wrong from MW2?? Its like burning toast...only an idiot could do it. Well done Treyarch. Next time you buy up somebodys hard work and hope to make money off it yourself, put some decent **** effort in.

Certainly the last COD game i will buy. Its getting traded in as soon as i finish single player aswell. Just awfull.

That is THE biggest over reaction ever! :lol:

Im sorry but i think its a big steaming pile of turd.


Not an over reaction though, as what ive said is correct. Im just disappointed more than anything.

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So... what's Black Op's equivalent of the MP5/Ninja setup from MW2? :twisted:

There wasnt an MP5 on MW2! :winkold: That'll be the UMP.

There was. MP5K.

Yes your right. I stand corrected.

People actually used that thing? :?

I used it for a bit, recoil on it was terrible though.

I think the load out Gareth was referring to was the one with the Silenced UMP like you said, Commando etc. Running round like a headless chicken cutting people up.

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The MP5k was probably the best extreme close quarters gun in the game. It wasnt a patch on the MP5 from COD4 though because at medium range or further, the MP5k was wildly inaccurate.

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HK21 ftw, a starter light machine gun. Takes about an hour to reload but get that red dot and mags on and BANG. Saying that, I'm level 17 now and was wandering if you lot have found any 'epic' guns?

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Stu is right on half the points he made, whether they're valid enough to get annoyed over is another question.

The spawning isn't flawless.. but then it was worse in both MW2 and COD4, the only flawlwess spawn system I've known so far is World at War, which was helped by the huge maps.

The guns have recoil. I don't see how it's a negative to be honest, it's nice not being picked off from the other end of the maps from those ACR and UMP snipers. Recoil creates balance, in MW2 everyone used the same guns because they didn't hav balance. Now more powerful guns are harder to control.

Hit damage/health is also another thing I think they've improved. MW2 guns could kill in 2 shots most the time which is stupid, you have absloutely no time to react. At least on this if you get hit, you have a chance to get to cover.

Another complaint I've seen is the grenades. Yeah, anyone that's played COD4 will know exatly why grenades shouldn't be too powerful, that game was broken with the 3xfrag perk.

Oh, a negative I have found is that they've gone with Infinity Wards pace of how the game runs, big mistake. It makes the knife too important as you can cover ground and knife people before they put enough in you to kill you. In World at War the knife was essentially there for the off chance you had no ammo and needed to try and defend yourself, but it was pretty pointless or the most part - how it should be.

IMO the jump in quality from MW2 to Black Ops is similar to that of COD3 to COD4. Improved the way it plays and added in some ideas that'll stick. I wonder what it'd be like going back to Modded Warfare now, I wonder if all the boosters have jumped to Black Ops?

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I don't know why people seem to think the game was a buggy mess, because it wasnt. I don't recall coming across boosters, never had spawning problems, anything like that.

You never saw boosters in MW2? Blimey. At one point about 80% of all FFA games had boosters in it!

Only really played TDM.

Yeah same really.. I only really played TDM and HCTDM... really didnt have much problems with the game, other then the noobtube! Used to annoy me, but other then that i honestly didn't see much wrong, but it may have been i just didn't notice it going on?

But then again, I only played for a few months after launch, and then for about a month before BO. I probably stopped playing it before people found all the glitches etc.

Thanks for the explanation Rev. Bungie developing the COD series will be interesting. Unlock the Masterchief haha...

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The people complaining about recoil are the ones that are dissapointed you can't put 17 bullets into somebody chest from 400 yards with the ACR, aren't they?

If you'd go back and play the older CoD's you'd realise MW2 was the disasterous game, not this one. This one has goneback to CoD4/WaW. If you got into the series at MW2 though, then you're obviously going to dislike it.

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I don't know why people seem to think the game was a buggy mess, because it wasnt. I don't recall coming across boosters, never had spawning problems, anything like that.

You never saw boosters in MW2? Blimey. At one point about 80% of all FFA games had boosters in it!

Only really played TDM.

Yeah same really.. I only really played TDM and HCTDM... really didnt have much problems with the game, other then the noobtube! Used to annoy me, but other then that i honestly didn't see much wrong, but it may have been i just didn't notice it going on?

But then again, I only played for a few months after launch, and then for about a month before BO. I probably stopped playing it before people found all the glitches etc.

Thanks for the explanation Rev. Bungie developing the COD series will be interesting. Unlock the Masterchief haha...

I cant see Bungie making Call of Duty games. In fact, I have a feeling that Black Ops might the the last time a game in this series is an "event" and while there is no doubt that there will be more Call of Duty games that will sell very well indeed, the series will begin to head in the same direction as Tony Hawk did as people get bored with it and increasingly less talented studios get tasked with churning out yet another sequel.

Bungie will do there own thing. They left Microsoft because it appears they were bored with making Halo games. They were in the position where they could pitch whatever they wanted and get picked up by a major publisher. They are a bit above making bi-annual sequels of somebody else's franchise. The same will happen with the ex Infinity Ward guys (known as "Respawn Studios") who signed up with EA. I have a feeling they will be announcing an all new title next year too.

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The people complaining about recoil are the ones that are dissapointed you can't put 17 bullets into somebody chest from 400 yards with the ACR, aren't they?

If you'd go back and play the older CoD's you'd realise MW2 was the disasterous game, not this one. This one has goneback to CoD4/WaW. If you got into the series at MW2 though, then you're obviously going to dislike it.

Ive played every single COD game ever released (inluding the original call of duty on P.C) and this is the worst. Worse even than COD 3 and thats saying something. MW1 was the best, then id say COD 2 followed by MW2. After that you can put all of treyarchs efforts in whichever order you like because they're all shite.

I wonder how the lad off Youtube likes this game, you know the one who had "played MW2 solid for 16 hours and just couldn't get into it" he then started crying and punching the wall till his knuckles bled.

Id say hes probably hanging from the rafters of his shed as we speak...

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Funny how people see things different.

Black Ops with a considerable lead over World at War, then COD4. Modded Warfare is just way down below. I can see why people liked COD4, but the embarassing hit detection, terrible maps and game-break grenade spamming were just too much to overlook for me. World at War never had any real game-breaking featue, I know alot complained about the MP40s damage.. but it was also the hardest gun to control on the game (if you think the guns on this game have bad recoil.. :lol:). The maps were all very different and just looked better overall. The only bad mark you can really give it was that Infinity Ward did it first, most of the ideas, that is. But who cares? I want the best product, not the one who did it first.

Oh, and the small matter of community support. When I buy a game, then pay extra for DLC, I don't want to be repeatedly killed by someone who's hiding inside a damn rock. If that happened on a Treyarch game it'd likely be patched before you even had time to notice it.

Each to their own though I suppose.

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I wonder how the lad off Youtube likes this game, you know the one who had "played MW2 solid for 16 hours and just couldn't get into it" he then started crying and punching the wall till his knuckles bled.

Id say hes probably hanging from the rafters of his shed as we speak...

I'm pretty sure that was a parody. Maybe I'm giving the lad the benefit of the doubt because of his football allegiance...


...but the going by the other weird shit on his channel it's pretty clear he is in it for the lulz.

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