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I have never pissed in the sink, it makes no sense. Shower, you do it sometimes because you are in the air, relaxed and don't want to get out but sink is next to the toilet, therefore pointless.
Not in my house it isn't, it's in a different room!
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Used to piss in the sink at uni. There were sinks in most rooms, btu no toilets.

When drunk, a walk to the toilet is far too much effort.

Incidentally, a guy I knew at uni, on his first night in halls, really needed a shit, but didn't want to go in the communal toilets in case everyone thought he was disgusting for stinking the place out.

So he attempted to do it in his sink, thinking he could just wash it down.

It didn't go well, and he ended up with a waste paper bin full of shit and ripped pages from books which he'd used to try and wipe the shit away. Disgusting.

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Used to piss in the sink at uni. There were sinks in most rooms, btu no toilets.

When drunk, a walk to the toilet is far too much effort.

Incidentally, a guy I knew at uni, on his first night in halls, really needed a shit, but didn't want to go in the communal toilets in case everyone thought he was disgusting for stinking the place out.

So he attempted to do it in his sink, thinking he could just wash it down.

It didn't go well, and he ended up with a waste paper bin full of shit and ripped pages from books which he'd used to try and wipe the shit away. Disgusting.

Ahh see, now this I can get, at Uni if you don't have en-suite and someone is using toilets and your dying.

I want en-suite at Uni but it's like £400 a year more, I absolutely hate going to the toilet to do a number 2 in any place bar my own house embarrassing.

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People say "I'm just going to the bathroom" when going for a piss... Utilise it! Also urine is sterile, so pissing on dishes is constructive! :lol:

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sink is next to the toilet.

This is why i do not understand why?

Not in my house it isn't, it's in a different room!

Where abouts though? still don't get it, surely you just go to the bathroom....

Bathroom = bath/shower and washbasin

Toilet room = toilet (and a lot of books)

There may already be somebody in the toilet. And you're in the bathroom, maybe naked and about to get in the shower (probably with a skinful of beer), and you suddenly realise that you are busting for a slash. Ergo...

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What I don't understand is why you're shocked!

We're men, we piss anywhere!

I've pissed on top of Great Gable.

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First year: I was in halls, and my room was miles away (well metres away, but still) from the toilet, so I kept a plastic container under my bed and used to piss in that when I couldn't be arsed to walk to the toilet (usually when drunk).

Second Year: I had a random sink in my room, but no toilet, so that used to get pissed in.

Third Year: Mr room was right next to the bathroom, so used to piss there rather than in a makeshift en-suite (i.e. plastic container under my bed).

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