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World of Warcraft


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Its pretty sad that while i was on holiday all I could think about was playing WOW.

It is at your level whilst you can still escape!

Me, I woke up last week mid dream wondering what the hell "Wildvine potion" would actually taste like. Thats just weird....

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Me, I woke up last week mid dream wondering what the hell "Wildvine potion" would actually taste like. Thats just weird....

Thats nothing!

I found myself one day wondering that given if you were hit with fire magic it would feel bloody hot, or if you were hit with frost magic would feel very very cold, and assuming that nature damage would probably feel like an electric shock, how would you describe the feeling of Shadow or Arcane?

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Finally completed WC last night. Took 2 hrs and a group of 4 of us, led my a lvl 20 mage who has a couple of lvl 70 characters too, he was very helpful.

Remember my first WC run, made every mistake in the book. Rolled need on all loot, dropped searing totem all the time, and got sworn at in about 4 different languages.

Fast forward 2 years, and not a lot has changed!

Anyway onto tales of possibly the most inept 2v2 team in the world, ie me and Si, although in fairness, the fault lies with me!

Last night we decided to do our 10 matches for the week, and for at least 6 of those, we came up against the same lock/mage partnership, who tore us a new hole in a variety of new and interesting ways! Anyway 9 straight losses later, we entered our 10th and final match, and promptly battered the **** out of a rogue and loladin partnership!

Got to say I really enjoy playing with Si again, think having a break has done us both the power of good.

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Hmm shammy Warr should be quite powerful tbh, The best 10 matches I've ever managed was 7-3 in my favour, normally its 50-50 but practice does help and even if it costs you rating it can be worth it in the long run.

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Is there a mod available that can give you the spells you need as a hotkey rather than scrolling through them that wastes valuable seconds?

And also a timer for buffs and spells readily visible?

I am going to roll my alt tomo, thinking of going for priest or mage, but warlocks also look cool, any suggestions?

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Oh this is something bizarre too, if my character jumps off say a cliff, i get this funny feeling in my stomach, like when you drive a car over a hill sometimes, is it just me?


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Still remember my first PvP encounter and first kill. It was life or death. It was sweaty. Your heart pounded, and you realised this **** deserved a beating. Orgasmic.

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Is there a mod available that can give you the spells you need as a hotkey rather than scrolling through them that wastes valuable seconds?

Ho wmany action bars you got open on your screen? Your scrolling though the 1-6 lines in bottom left of screen? If you go into your options, there ought be facilities to put another complete line of buttons on top of the existing rows, and then more up the left and right of the screen as well.

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Put your spells on your bars and bind a key to them, go to interface options and enable blizz floating combat text, targets target, enemy cast bar and buff timers, basically all the mods they stole and incoportaed into their own UI.

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Still remember my first PvP encounter and first kill. It was life or death. It was sweaty. Your heart pounded, and you realised this **** deserved a beating. Orgasmic.

Heh heh... good times. I still remember the first time I ran the flag in WC in the 10-19 bracket. Heart pumped so hard I thought it would leave my chest.

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My super quest item that billows green smoke out everywhere and can be dragged around with a mouse. And no one else can see it :(

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Still remember my first PvP encounter and first kill. It was life or death. It was sweaty. Your heart pounded, and you realised this **** deserved a beating. Orgasmic.

Yeah, mine was just outside the Zoram Ztrand, think you, me and Dan were about to do Blackfathom Deeps, and I chased some little gnome bastard halfway round Ashenvale before extinguishing him. Thought I was going to be sick at the end of it, my heart was going that much!

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My super quest item that billows green smoke out everywhere and can be dragged around with a mouse. And no one else can see it :(

probably been asked loads of times before, but what addons are you using there, thats a really nice UI

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Is there a mod available that can give you the spells you need as a hotkey rather than scrolling through them that wastes valuable seconds?

Ho wmany action bars you got open on your screen? Your scrolling though the 1-6 lines in bottom left of screen? If you go into your options, there ought be facilities to put another complete line of buttons on top of the existing rows, and then more up the left and right of the screen as well.

Yes at the moment I am scrolling through 1-6 - how do i change it so I have 2 bars as the ones I use the most.

Also is there a mod to re-buff me when my buffs run out?

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My super quest item that billows green smoke out everywhere and can be dragged around with a mouse. And no one else can see it :(

probably been asked loads of times before, but what addons are you using there, thats a really nice UI

Yeah Nays that screen looks really neat, spill the beans!

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Ive been thinking about using my heroic badges at shadowpriest gear. Mostly because the healing rewards are shit for a priest, so i havent spent the badges yet. And another good reason is that i can get some quite good dps loot for Trl, especially if i were to respec shadow.

So right now im stuck between getting the offhand right away, or saving up for the trinket. Since ive almost got the blessings deck and ZHC, im not sure wether i should prio. the trinket? The offhand is really nice though, but i still fancy the staff from Curator.

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Simple answer is "get both"

The offhand is the best shadow offhand in the game bar none at the moment, and the trinket is pretty awesome too. If you blow it every cooldown you are looking at about 68-69 damage on your toon (43 passive damage, and use/cooldown=26.7 damage).

Depending on what your DPS weapon is id be tempted to go trinket first and take your chances with the staffdrop, then fill out to the offhand. With some repgrinding you can get the same combo of weapons that Sam has, which i think you will really struggle to find better than anytime soon. A good 250 shadow damage from your mace and offhand.

I head something that one of the guys from Nihilim said yesterday though. That guild kind of agrees with you in that these days holy is probably the offspec for Priests as Shadow is so useful in raids.

Its gonna be a **** to try and get into Shacks head (guild leader is a healer, so he seems overly bothered about healing) but the point that raid encounters appears that more and more they are being based on mana users having endless mana. Having a Shadowpriest in the healer group and one in the DPS caster group surely is the "optimal" raid setup, you need to push a Feral to go healing as Feral seems a lot weaker in 25 mans than it is in 10 mans. I think the guy's exact words were there are guilds that take two shadowpriests to a raid, and guilds that are still wiping on Gruul.

I might try and push Shack/Nighteye a bit for a second Shadowpriest to be a regular 25 man role.

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