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Redemptus, Nayson, Tatonka and (later) Gone are hardly rookies, as you said you also got the MT. We had Tiralas (Who my paladin **** CARRIED!!! on Illhoof) and Oswald, yes our group was stronger but there wasn't much in it TBH.

We had 4 people who had practically never set foot in Karazahn. We got Gone as we ASKED for it. Nighteye intended that Gone originally was in his group.

We had 3 healers, which 2 was so undergeared its unreal. Your group had the best geared players in ALL the classes, except the MT.

Your group was a LOT stronger. And imagine having Tangsham instead of Gone as he intended. Gone did 1/4 of ALL our damage.

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The groups were massively imbalanced in terms of experience.

Nighteye wanted to put together a group that was gonna nail the prince on four hours and one stick the others in a raid.

Ability vs experience cant be confused. I think Jay did very well, and im not saying that just because he will read this thread. I think Kinxer did himself proud too, he picked up a lot of things very quickly. He needs gear though. Still in a few greens.

Problem is having to stop to explain everything all the time slows you down. We didnt have the DPS, mana regen or the healing power of the other group.

We had the best geared tank.

You had the best geared everything else.

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Curator down (and chess). We got him on our last try before respawns, swopped the druid for a lock on the bolts- druid tanked flares. Also I swopped from mt to group healing, those 2 changes made all the difference.

What boss do you think its best to do next? shade?

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Yeah you should move to shade. But did you have a shaman on MT healing instead of dps healing? Not very clever tbh.

and chess

You managed the Chess Event? :o:mrgreen:

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Curator down (and chess). We got him on our last try before respawns, swopped the druid for a lock on the bolts- druid tanked flares. Also I swopped from mt to group healing, those 2 changes made all the difference.

What boss do you think its best to do next? shade?

Depends on your raid makeup i think.

Your three main options are Illhoof, Shade or Prince. IMO Shade is the hardest boss in Karazahn. Certainly before they nerfed him he was a much more difficult fight than the guy who drops the really good loot (Prince)

Shade trash is nasty and if you down him you get a free teleport from the front door to his room, so a dead Shade leads to much freer movement around the tower.

Id offer the same advice as most websites. If you have a physical heavy raid (including Hunters) its good for getting him. The Shade is a clothy. He is very good at slowing down casters attack speeds by not allowing them to stand still, and he silences all the time too.

Id say melee shaman, rogues, cat druids, fury warriors (etc) with a Warlock for Curse of Recklessnes (thats does the same for physical damage as COE does for fire..)

If you have a destruction Warlock with Nether Protection throwing out massive amounts of AOE, then Illhoof should be a walk in the park too.

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Yeah you should move to shade. But did you have a shaman on MT healing instead of dps healing? Not very clever tbh.

and chess

You managed the Chess Event? :o:mrgreen:

No shamans (not sure how you thought that)... we run with two pallys and 2 shadow priests. I have more plus heal but less mana, I think primarily (without blowing my own trumpet) I could heal the group and throw a spare heal on the tank now and again, where the other paladin struggled. We still dont have a 70 shaman in my guild.

Our make up depends as we only run one group and try and rotate. For curator it was prot tank, lock, feral druid, 2 holy pallys, 2 shadow priests, 1 rogue, 2 mages.

Thats pretty much our guilds best players. It was the first time that grp got together for curator and when he died everyone was standing, the tank was at 100% and I had half mana. The slight change in roles changed everything.

I think we'll try shade, if we swop in another rogue. I'll check on wowiki how much further prince was after chess. We did struggle with the trash but were running with 9 at that point with me as only specced healer. Found that the trash to chess was hard with the big guys and the little wraiths- but got easier as soon as the ethereum (damn ethereum- for the consortium!) turned up.

EDIT: so say with that grp you think prince is better option? Not much melee there

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Prince is a ranged fight. He has this debuff called "enfeeble" that drops you to 1hp, then he does a big AOE. If melee get enfeeble, they cant DPS until the debuff ends (it cannot be dispelled) whereas ranged can stand outside of the AOE and continue to nuke.

Problem is if you wipe a few times on Prince and havent killed Shade, loooooots of trash to go through when you get the dreaded respawns.

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Hi guys, we need a bit of advice.

Having been stuck on Moroes for weeks, with raid after raid cancelled for non attnedance, and guildies quitting, this week the guild after a bit of reorganisation and planning, (creating a core of people pledged toturn up and only leaving a couple of spots for signing up) managed between monday and weds to get stuck into Kara and manage to complete the Opera event, down the Huntsman, Curator, and complete the Chess event (what ever that means, I wasnt there!).

And so its getting to the point, now that wer've managed to organise full teams in to Kara almost every day this week, and the guildies are getting excited, and epix are dropping aplenty, that we need to organise some kind of DKP system for distributing the loot.

And so I ask you lovely Dashers, given your experience, what you find has worked best, and if you have any ideas on how we implement the system, then we over at INM would be pleased to hear from you....

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Juju it sounds like our guilds are at the same point!

My guilds had the same discussion, but have decided no dkp for kara. I find in our raid people are more likely to pass in a 50/50 situation than need.

It hasnt caused problems yet, but I think thats due to the fact that we're a smallish guild. For instance me and the other paladin pretty much share loot (eg take turns), cloths so far seem to be getting loot equally.

Dkp would definitely mean an end to the casual ethos our guild has.

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We've put a temporary halt on recruitment, whilst we work out what classes we need and dont need. Its got to that point we need to be a bit more organised, as we already have some of the DPS classes who cant easillly get into Kara due to a lack of spots, and we dont want to have unhappy guildies...

I sense having got to a sort of critical mass where raids are happening regularly, people are much more interested in going in there, and its trying to manage peoples "turns", and their expectations it beginning to take its ingame time.....

Still, I almost have 3 l60 characters to level now!

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Still, at leasy my alchemy and herbalism can keep pace with my tailoring and enchanting and my skinning and leatherworking....

Tradeskills FTW!

And thats 3 epic flying mounts to pay for..... 15k gold anyone?

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Gonna power up alch/herb on my pala today I think, she's nicely geared now, healed a pug heroic last night without any spriest support. Think she just needs a job now tbh.

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Been playing around with Kinxers Pala, and i really wonder why we even have priests anymore. 180 mana pr. FoL. 2 min cd on insta crit. 11 k armour. Better buffs. Better raid support abilities. And on top of this he has shit gear.

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Well i have now played both, and i can honestly say you have it better in almost every area. AoE healing almost never needed. Binding heal is a joke, actually intended for PvP, but even there its utter shite. Paladins are far better, and its quite silly.

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