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Yep. But then at our starting spot we had a lot of things in common that we dont have now.

The guy is just writing stuff that suits him. Everyone does that in WoW. Im guilty of it too. Doesnt make it true though.

If melee classes dont know about how spellpower scales (i remember Xai lecturing me about it once and he completely back tracked when i pointed out that gear scales differently with each spell depending on the length of its cast/channel/duration. He was completely unaware.) then thats probably down to ignorance because they would never have encountered how +55 healing or +28 damage & healing actually affects their abilities. Casters do and should.

In a raid environment harder bosses usually are harder because they have more hitpoints to take out. Giving something more hitpoints means the DPS have to kill it before the healers are OOM and the tank dies. Its a thing that involves all three of the jobs in a large group. Sure, bigger bosses hit harder it doesnt scale in the same way as their hitpoints do. Nefarian had exactly twice as many hitpoints as Ragnaros. And more Adds. More hitpoints to take out was the difficulty there. He hit harder, but he didnt hit twice as hard. The healing had to rise, sure, but the heals per second to kill him didnt have to rise as much as the damage per second would have.

Whether you agree with that design or not, thats the way it is in this game. Classes are given coeffients for PvE reasons, and yes, we can PvP with them while we are at it. All the good PvP builds are generally full of abilities which help you hit someone while not getting hit. Raw spellpower and scaling arent really as big an issue in PvP as they are in PvE. Im not saying they dont affect it, but its the "other" abilities in PvP that swing fights. Not because priests used to get 3x as much +heal on their gear as casters get +dmg once upon a time and now they dont.

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But isnt 0.333 comparison nicked from our starting spot in WoW?

Would it be fair to say that this is how it starts because people are still learning? And because it's very easy to die just by aggroing 2 mobs?

Conversely, by Level 70, would it be fair to assume that they know their class/role (more or less) and so it could change to a different proportion other than 0.3333?

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So after beeing ganked over and over in holy, i had my fun in shadow today.

When this picture was taken i was planning to ambush a druid! Where is Trl?!


Then later i got a quest where i was turned into an orc! MC Hammer FTW!


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I dont think any caster needed to know that unless they were a retard Trl.

I do like how the guy writing it slips in "lets assume that something that isnt necessarily true is indeed true and the golden rule of everything casters relative power is balanced around" though. Almost so quitely so that a lot of people wont even notice it and read the rest of the article off of his "water tight" theorycraft.

I hate vested interests masked as fact.

Anyway, Limpid and Sie, remember our Druid friend from Hellfire last night?

He isnt so tough on his own. Especially when he is feared with four dots and three mobs beating on him before he realises what the hell is going on. :mrgreen:

Props to Dan for reminding me about Opium.

Ha.That drood was ganking loads earlier.With some loladin mates.

Glad you pwnd him.

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Now this is more like it. Old Hillsbrad. Its not your common or garden instance, but its Hillsbrad Foothills with a couple of insane quests in it. You can see Southshore underneath me as i take a rather funky flightpath.

It bugged for us right at the end, but id love to have a crack at it with us lot. I think it is one of the first places to make people think of going back PvE spec though. And though you can go in there at 66, a level or two more might be a better idea. Some of the pulls in there are mental and you can be kept in combat for a hell of a long time. But its great fun. Some really nice surprises in there too. When you see it yourself for the first time it will make you smile.

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For those of you that want the epic flying mount, you might want to consider doing what I'm doing, and saving a couple of zones til you hit 70. Quests then give you 15-20 gold a pop. I'll level to 70 in instances from now on pretty much.

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TBH i dont get how i will get Epic mount. Im at 400 g now due to maybe 8 respecs the last 2 weeks and trying to save, hence the shadow spec, but reaching 900 g will be hard enough. And say i got 1500 g when i hit lvl 70, then i will have to respec holy to get tier sets, then i gotta enchant the sets, which means i have **** all money left.

The only way a healer ever will get this epic mount IMO, is EBAY.

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Not at all, you can respec shadow for a week and make 1-2k gold if you grind properly. You can't respec 8 times in 2 weeks and then whine about not having much money though!

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How can i respec shadow for a week when i can only play weekends?

And TBC is ment for casual gamers... 7 days a week gamers... casual gaming my arse.

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They could have made it far more easy for casual gamers and thats the point. The job to get an epic flying mount isnt even class balanced, and its **** unfair.

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Of course it will take casual weekend gamers longer then hardcore gamers to get an epic mount, thats why theres a relatively cheaper alternative. You can't spend far less game time and still expect the same rewards, in these games you get out what you put in, and hardcore gamers will generally get more out of the game then weekend gamers.

You're "I can only play weekend" argument has taken this completely away from your "being a Priest sucks" argument, which I did actually have some sympathy with ;)

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No not really, its very much combined. The reason ive kept playing this game is because i love PvE. So every week i get to play thats what i want to do. Not stay in PvP spec and grind, because apparantly thats the only option i have to get the mount. Wether you like it or not Tanks and Healers has always had it hard to combine grinding, PvE and PvP, and Blizzard hasnt done the part of getting an Epic Mount any easier.

So thats it , isnt it? For me to get a flying epic mount, i need to drop PvE and stay shadow for maybe 2-3 months. Wont happen.

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Limpid has a point there.

The classes that have the hardest time grinding have the easiest time getting into groups for things. Swings and Roundabouts i guess.

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