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Oh, and ding 7000!

7k gold.how much?...

Got approx 1500 spread out over bank alts,so i suppose the 5k (?) needed for epic mount isn't unfeasible..


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But at least as a priest, you can just play on weekends and will get invited to raids. I don't think that applies to any other class.

Oh it applies to every class, some classes are just overpopulated.

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But at least as a priest, you can just play on weekends and will get invited to raids. I don't think that applies to any other class.

Oh it applies to every class, some classes are just overpopulated.

Heh heh...

Try telling that to a non-resto spec'd shaman and keeping a straight face.

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I did Old Hillsbrad with a dual wielding Shaman.

The DPS those guys can pump out is sick. This fella was easily outdamaging the Rogue in our group.

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Old Hilsbrad is very fun, more of an escort q then an instance but a nice change anyway.

Also Blizzard finally found a use for all those spare marks of honour, go to Org and you can turn them in for health pots, though only 10 at a time.

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You remind me of our guilds first level 70 Rogue sometimes. He will scream imbalance somethings just **** him, only its always a half truth. He got nailed by a Lock the other day and was bitching. After a bit of coaxing it turned out he had previously been camping said Warlock for about 20 minutes and killed him at least half a dozen times!

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You remind me of our guilds first level 70 Rogue sometimes. He will scream imbalance somethings just **** him, only its always a half truth. He got nailed by a Lock the other day and was bitching. After a bit of coaxing it turned out he had previously been camping said Warlock for about 20 minutes and killed him at least half a dozen times!

Who, me?

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i dont think his buttons take up enough of his screen.

Questing with Trl in Blades Edge and we were on top of a tower waiting for a boss.

Heard a little "ping" and got the "KILL" popup in the middle of my screen. Yep. Our Druid friend again! Killed twice and a /spit for good measure.

I hope he remembers why im going out of my way to kill him.

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Sure. Ive got a couple of hours before i have to go into town mate. Just getting some breakfast together at the moment. Gimme 15 minutes or so.

After the instance run last night i got thinking about a few things, 1] how we met the most retarded and shit warrior ever. He couldnt even DPS and Offtank! 2] How stupidly overpowered Druids are at the moment. That guy was level 65 maintanking a 68-70 dungeon and holding aggro on 69 elite bosses. I was giving the first boss hell and i could not pull aggro, and you know how good Locks are at generating threat. I actually feel quite sorry for Warriors at the moment. They have been made totally redundant by this insane bear form Druids have, and to be honest that does kinda suck. 3] The dungeon sets. You got the first bit of the priest set last night so i went and had a quick look at the rest of them before i went to bed. They are here and it seems there are two "superior" blue sets on the go. There is one for each class, then a general one for each armour type too. Im not sure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. I guess it was put in to stop it feeling like your gear being the one that "never drops" but now you could just find that its the gear you are chasing that never actually drops. I really like the Warlock Oblivion set. Its designed for Dark Pact users too, the set bonus gives our demons mp5!

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Had a quick look at the Shattered Halls. As expected, its nuts.

Basically the game is asking you to pull huge groups. Starts off with packs of four, then five, then six and finally seven mobs at once.

We just couldnt beat the seven. Only 5 of them were elites, the other two were level 69 mobs with 10k hitpoints. The elites were level 70 with 25k+ hitpoints.

I think it might be one of those places where if you arent part of the "golden" group (Tank, Healer, Rogue or Mage) then you will struggle. Sap, Sheep and Nova would be very important in there, though i found that it is actually quite safe to use fear because while the game is asking you to deal with these huge pulls it does give you a lot of room in which to work.

Full level 70 group. Decent gear too i think. 10k+ hitpoints and probably 15k+ on your tank. Still, it was well worth a look to see what im letting myself in for in a couple of weeks. Just not yet!

Oh, and for Dans amusement:


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TBH its a bit frustrating with the current healing aggro. After they buffed it after 2.0 i think, its **** insane to heal. I can spec 5/5 in threat reduction and still get aggro off renews ticking. I really hope they give holy priests a panic button, or you will realise that paladins will be the most saught (rigth word?) healing class in 5 mans. The mobs you talked about will rip me apart. Hell even the mobs in Mana tombs can one-two shot me, and i have 7 k hp and 2.4 k armour.

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Just to let you guys know, I've decided to pack in playing to concentrate on music. Had a possible signing offer come up and need to pursue it. Don't think I'll be returning to the game either.

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