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BTW, where have all the Shaman gone? Rerolled? You're the only one I've seen Riss

Was thinking that myself! Have seen Paz on once or twice, but that's about it.

Strange, as grinding's an absolute breeze with my ele/resto build. Since hitting 61 I've got Elemental Mastery AND Nature's Swiftness, which means I can often 3 shot a lot of L60 mobs. Plus with my old healing gear I can still main heal a 5 man through the earlier instances.

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Im very interested to see how many priests who actually remain now, or who plan to level to 70. The population has taken a nose dive methinks, but im not sure how to check it. I guess there are numbers indicating the percentage of each class? The one thing making it all so obvious, is that nobody bothers to level a priest these days.

Locks, hunters, mages, rogues and ofc. paladins. Levelling my lock now i saw every class i think, but not druid,shaman or priest. Druid and shaman is accepted as Blood Elfs cant take those roles, but they can become priests.

TBC itself is good, but once again every class can combine instance runs and questing together, except priests. This isnt even a moan TBH. I like both holy and shadow, but the bloody wandering between trees and weekently respecs, so you can enter one instance...makes me cry in apathy.

And btw. i did my succcubus quest earlier today. What a damn retarded quest! Had swim and die, ress,die and die some more for a **** eternity before reaching Wetlands as a lvl 20.

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Ah but the difference is that people demand me beeing disc or holy. Furnace is okey, but i was turned down for underbog due to beeing shadow. How many classes experience that eh?

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To be fair. The constant **** over healing classes and buffing dps classes, along with the general view of how WoW is to be played...why would people want to be healing classes anymore? The main reason you still see some healers, would be that they cant be arsed to level a char to 60. Healing in itself is fun, but when the entire game is built around dealing the most dmg, it kinda fells short.

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Wouldnt let you in because you are shadow specced? Or wouldnt let you in because you wanted to go in as DPS when they were looking for a healer?

Shadowpriests can main heal any five man on the game in my experience. Shadowpriests could mainheal UBRS when UBRS was a lot harder than anything that TBC has thrown at us so far. You dont need to be holy if you arent healing through 10-15 minute raid encounters, surely?

Some people really are ignorant in this game.

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Too true.

Managed to off heal in the ramparts as an Enhance shammy with zero healing gear while the main healer was a feral druid. It can be done....

... but a priest - of any build - would've done it better.

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I know I was never very good at PVP, but largely I am finding that Rogues and Hunters are completely unstoppable and so to a lesser extent, so are Paladins. They silence me to that I can do nothing. And then just keep me still and stunned as they wipe me out.

It completely kills the game. I appear to have no ability as an all round druid of either out damaging them, nor are my heals good enough to keep me going as with massive damage, I'm dead before a slow old heal can kick in. TO be honest, I think the game has gone progressively backwards.

Think of it like aircraft battles. WW I. Slow planes. Approach seen for miles. Much jousting and skill, development of tactics like Immleman turns and the like.

WW II - Like I but quicker, and if the opponeent has the armoury or numbers and advantage of height or in sun, its as much as one can do to get away.

Present Day. Seen at radar at 200 m. Fastest plane who is fiirst to fire big shitty missile wins. Opponenent blown out of the sky. Game over.

They've so destroyed the hybrid classes for any use outside of PVE encounters now, they might as well prevent you rolling a shammie or Druid on a PVP server.

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Wouldnt let you in because you are shadow specced? Or wouldnt let you in because you wanted to go in as DPS when they were looking for a healer?

Shadowpriests can main heal any five man on the game in my experience. Shadowpriests could mainheal UBRS when UBRS was a lot harder than anything that TBC has thrown at us so far. You dont need to be holy if you arent healing through 10-15 minute raid encounters, surely?

Some people really are ignorant in this game.

Nah thats the thing. Ironically it was for healing. I know i can heal in shadow. Hell i can heal better then most classes in shadow (except resto etc. who will have better mana conservation), and due to my gear i can probably push it even harder. But they dont want that. I know i can dps in instances aswell. I can do quite a bit of dps actually, but people dont see me as a dmg dealer either.

Disc/holy only shines at really hard bosses with high dmg output, or long regen fights.

People still actively think that shadow priests are poor healers, and a no-go in raids. And after Blizzard's attempt to make us a buff-bot, well that hasnt helped either.

After the 2.0 patch i think or whatever patch which made hots stackable, healing aggro has increased quite wildly. However how does this affect the healing classes? Shaman's have MAIL, so any aggro off mobs isnt a great issue. Druids can shapeshift into bear, and along with that use leather while healing. And Paladins have PLATE. So why, oh why, must priests use 10 talent points in the disc tree, just to enter an instance?

While druids got Imp. buff in their 5 first points in resto, ive gotta spend 7 points in disc to get Imp fort. As this is a must, thats 7 points in another tree then holy just there.

To get Imp. spirit, i gotta spend 22 talent points in Disc. Thats 22 talent points many guilds already has as raid requirements. 29 points left to be spent, meaning i wont benefit anything from higher holy talent points.

All priests while raiding gotta have Meditation. Its alpha @ omega. 15% increased mana regen while casting. Druids got this in their resto tree aswell, after 10 points.

Priests on the other hand gotta spend 18 points in disc to get the same.

Earlier i said priests had to spend 10 talents points in disc to be viable in raids regarding threat reduction, healing aggro. Druids got this in the resto tree aswell.

Druids get tranquility which gives NO threat at all. In resto aswell.

Druids get 15% increased spirit, while priests only get 5% increase.

To put it short. Druids get everything they need to raid in one single tree. Priests cant benefit from high level disc or holy talents. Priests who are supposed to be the spirit class, are falling behind druids. They get higher amount of spirit and their benefit from it was increased with the 2.0 patch. Druids get better tier sets aswell, and im not joking. They can easiley combine Imp. buffs, mana regen and high upper resto talents (all in one single tree, mind). Priests cant. And along with this the general consensus think shadowpriests cant heal, and druids are an excellent backup class no matter what spec.


Btw. just checked the shaman resto tree, and they also get threat reduction in their resto tree. funny thing.

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I know I was never very good at PVP, but largely I am finding that Rogues and Hunters are completely unstoppable

Haha! Youre a druid, ALL rogues attacks are melee, not magical, and are thus mitigated by armour. In bear form you have over 10,000 armour no doubt. It takes us about 5 minutes to take down a druid in their current state. Our 5 point finishers hit you for about 300. Even if you do somehow get low on life, you can root us, shift and heal! if youre struggling against rogues now, then God help you when druids get hit with the nerf bat which will be soon.

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I'd much rather have a Druid in an instance, even if he's feral, they can Tank/offtank, buff, tranquility, innervate AND combat res. IMO it should be priests that can res in combat, or Shammies even.

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I'd much rather have a Druid in an instance, even if he's feral, they can Tank/offtank, buff, tranquility, innervate AND combat res. IMO it should be priests that can res in combat, or Shammies even.

There you go.

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Bear form my armours just over half what you suggest and that including the new l60 stuff I've picked up from drops.

And of course, in bear form, I can't do much damage back either, certainly less than the rogue hitting me. I just find it sad that the game now relies of good net connections and fx cards. If your lagging, slow to update, theres not the time in any melee these days before your dead.

I must admit I am now getting quite bored of the game. TBC hasn't provided me with any of the answers I was looking for.

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Heya Juju

Shammies feel much the same way. We get owned in PVP and our talent trees outside of resto are limited and largely hopeless. We now have Pallies on the Horde side, which do a better job at buffing, tanking and healing and now deal decent DPS. Add to that the limited gear for pure DPS shammies (be that melee or casting) and there is no point inviting one to a raid.

But the hope is that, by level 70, some of these problems will be addressed. I'm not ready to give up just yet.

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Heya Juju

Shammies feel much the same way. We get owned in PVP and our talent trees outside of resto are limited and largely hopeless. We now have Pallies on the Horde side, which do a better job at buffing, tanking and healing and now deal decent DPS. Add to that the limited gear for pure DPS shammies (be that melee or casting) and there is no point inviting one to a raid.

But the hope is that, by level 70, some of these problems will be addressed. I'm not ready to give up just yet.

Nah, I love being a shammy at the moment! I'm L62, and am 31/0/21/ EM and NS, awesome grinding, and still able to heal a 5 man instance. Plus we get some nice group buffs and totems later on in the levels, we'll be alright, you'll see!

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Nah, I love being a shammy at the moment! I'm L62, and am 31/0/21/ EM and NS, awesome grinding, and still able to heal a 5 man instance. Plus we get some nice group buffs and totems later on in the levels, we'll be alright, you'll see!

Ah, Elemental Mastery. I do miss that.

But have made up my mind to stay full DPS since I hate just healing in end game/instances. 0/41/11 at level 62, with a view to going 0/42/19 at 70.

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Eeep! (luckily it didnt decurse my amplifed Exhaustion and i escaped)

Dinged 64 now.

Also, why the hell is this a green item?

Its an Affliction Warlock/Shadowpriests wet dream, surely? Ive had a quick look aroud thott and there really isnt that much about that would be an improvement even at level 70. **** crit!

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