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Funniest moment yet on WoW.

Dan, TRL and myself had just ganged up on a level 30 elite, and saw him off with hardly a scratch, here's a picture of us wallowing in our new found glory:


A little bit further along, was his MUCH harder mate, but buoyed by our recent conquest, bravery got the the better of common sense.

As we all prepared to attack, it noticed Dan and killed him stone dead in a split second. Cue the now not so heroic me and TRL running like the clappers to the hills out of harm's way! Well I guess you had to be there!

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Well I guess you had to be there!

I was there! The fact that he saw me even though I was invisible coupled with the effortless stab that killed me in a split second was what made it my most enjoyable death ever. It was class.

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Feck knows what all this is about, but zooming in on the rissok picture in the top left reveals that a visit to "make up" might be in order. You're looking a bit rough, dude.

I'll have you know I'm quite a hit with the Orc laydeez!

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Funniest moment yet on WoW.

Dan, TRL and myself had just ganged up on a level 30 elite, and saw him off with hardly a scratch, here's a picture of us wallowing in our new found glory:


A little bit further along, was his MUCH harder mate, but buoyed by our recent conquest, bravery got the the better of common sense.

As we all prepared to attack, it noticed Dan and killed him stone dead in a split second. Cue the now not so heroic me and TRL running like the clappers to the hills out of harm's way! Well I guess you had to be there!

And if you read the chat log on your picture Risso :mrgreen:

"There's another"

:clap: I actually laughed out load when Dan was killed in one blow. Couldnt stop laughing either.. the might of his strike.. priceless :lol:

Btw. D1 no problem mate. Im just to thick to understand humour like that.

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I remember when myself and Si were standing in that spot looking at bloke.

"Reckon we can take him?"

"Yeh, probably"

"Wanna have a crack at it?"


(15 seconds later)

"Fuuuck! Im dead here! Help!"

"I cant, i cant move, im **** here"



(we both die)

We did come back and pay him a visit a week or two later though...

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Hoho remember when you said shadow-priests was hard as nail in Duels etc. Nays...

I almost had a 34 alliance mage now. 7 levels higher then me!!! My inexperience sold me as i used my mana throwing 2 dot spells in a row.

He was so SO red when i died. Im guessing he has something like 50 hp, i couldnt even see the colour on the hp bar.

I think he was shocked when i attacked, and even more shocked when he looked like loosing...arf SO close.

Btw. That spell-buff add0n..how can i choose what spells to be auto-casted??

It keeps casting my shield spell, and without that when i need it im ****.

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Mages and priests are opposites, as far as the cloth wearers go.

Mages are just out and out damage dealers. They can give out some serious damage, but they go squishy very quickly. They just hit you with everything they have and hope to god your health runs out before their mana. This is quite often the case though.

As you know, Priests can take one hell of a kicking, and hit back all the time they are taking that kicking. People always estimate them, and thats why they die.

Btw. That spell-buff add0n..how can i choose what spells to be auto-casted??

It keeps casting my shield spell, and without that when i need it im ****.


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You ARE getting pretty tough now Tarj, no mistake. I think I'm right in saying that if nyou the same spell more than once against a player it has less effect each time, so it's best to use a combination. I'm starting to think that Shammies aren't that overpowered really, especially when in one on one PvP. We're pretty handy to have in a group situation as back up tanks and healers, but when I duelled you yesterday I had no answer to your spells apart from one totem that helps dispel fear. My only chance is to try and slow you down with shocks and totems, and batter you with my huge new axe, but I'm not confident.

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You ARE getting pretty tough now Tarj, no mistake. I think I'm right in saying that if nyou the same spell more than once against a player it has less effect each time, so it's best to use a combination. I'm starting to think that Shammies aren't that overpowered really, especially when in one on one PvP. We're pretty handy to have in a group situation as back up tanks and healers, but when I duelled you yesterday I had no answer to your spells apart from one totem that helps dispel fear. My only chance is to try and slow you down with shocks and totems, and batter you with my huge new axe, but I'm not confident.

thats diminishing returns.

It was introduced to stop Priests and Warlocks just spamming people with fear, and laughing at them. It also encourages people to actually learn to play the game instead of keep hammering the same button like you can get away with when you are fighting the computer. The good thing is that if you roll an alt on a PvE server, you are probably ten times better than the people over there at the game, making you duel tastic!

And persever with Shammies Riss, the higher level you get, the more tricks you pick up and abilities you learn. Its just a case of picking the right totems for the right job, and then wailing on them while they are worried about the Totems. If you have found an axe that you intend to keep for quite a few levels, it might be an idea to get a +damage enchant on it. Sie will probably do you one for a reasonable price. This will basically give you an axe which is more powerful than someone of your level should have. And you get a cool blue glow.

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ie will probably do you one for a reasonable price. This will basically give you an axe which is more powerful than someone of your level should have. And you get a cool blue glow.

Can that be done with staves and wands too?

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Let's see, anytime between about 8pm and 5am I'd have thought! Actually might not be on much tonight. The missus goes away for the weekend tomorrow, wo I'll probably spend some "quality time" safe in the knowledge that bthe rest of the weekend is my own!

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Well, I logged in for an hour, killed a few scorpid, lost a duel, and made level 4. And still have no idea what on earth I'm doing..... Should I be collecting all the bits of splintered tusk ruined pelts and bugs eyes or is it just the residue of my killing frenzy?

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Well, I logged in for an hour, killed a few scorpid, lost a duel, and made level 4. And still have no idea what on earth I'm doing..... Should I be collecting all the bits of splintered tusk ruined pelts and bugs eyes or is it just the residue of my killing frenzy?

Definately collect it, thats how you make money, all those scaps of tuskds etc are worth cash at any vendor and you'd be suprised what you get for some of the items

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Well, I logged in for an hour, killed a few scorpid, lost a duel, and made level 4. And still have no idea what on earth I'm doing..... Should I be collecting all the bits of splintered tusk ruined pelts and bugs eyes or is it just the residue of my killing frenzy?

Heh heh, you might not realise it yet, but you've just started down the road to WoW junkydom! Your life as you know it is over! What's your name on there, we can look out for you then.

Don't worry about getting too in depth at first, just get used to running about and bashing stuff, and collecting parts. Collect everything that gets dropped, as Bicks said, you can sell it later, either to a vendor or at the auction house. If you're on later, we'll look out for you and show you around, and sort you out a decent weapon for your level and some armour. It might seem daunting at first, but there'll be a moment when you suddenly "get it" and you'll really start to enjoy it.

It'd be good if you could get another couple of people from here to join as well, as it's great funning doing quests in groups with people the same standard as you. I enjoyed last night's quests with Dan and TRL immensely.

What character have you got by the way?

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