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Yeah Blizzard's own peer to peer thingy. Couldn't get it to work at all. It'd start off nice and quick, then slow to a stop after a few seconds, every time. If it's not that huge a file perhaps somebody could email me the patch as an attachment?

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Servers were up this afternoon I was playing (killed a level 26 quest boss too) went up about 1pm IIRC

I just tamed a level 22 winged serpent (no flapping noises Nays I've checked), he's impressive, without any training yet (I have no points) he just went through a whole camp of level 12 razorbacks (at least 20 of them), without me offering any assistance and they ganged up on him quite a bit

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My name is Tarjei yes :)

Quite funny that we are two Tarjei's on this site, cause its quite a rare name in Norway. We are blue items in WoW language ;)

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Yeah it suddenly after 10 min. standing stale started... **** hell so slow. Im at 16 % and will probably take an hour more.

Maybe Blizzard could afford themself broadband soon..

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I'll see you in there and we'll go do some missions then OK? I want to test out how much the **** have downgraded my sinister strike. Its been "normalised" apparently, whatever that means.

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The Badlands. Level 40+ area, and one of the few contested grounds that is "ours" so to speak.

Ally leave you alone here, because they know that the place where all the level 60 horde players meet for 40 man Moltern Core raids. One shout out from a Horde player pretty much means a small army of level 60's will be out and kicking ass within seconds. Fantastic place becuase of that, its the total opposite of Arathi, which can be a no go area for Horde a lot of the time.

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Ive just finally installed wow this evening. I have intermittent pc problems that means sometimes the cpu becomes unstable, particularly if my room a bit warm, but it installed absolutely correctly tonight including all the patches and updates in just over an hour. I use the same bittorrent client that Rev uses and no problems, so if you have issues with updates, that would be where I would look first, and try bit tornado.

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I actually got my patch from Fileshack, as the waiting times to download have been drastically reduced to less than a minute. I downloaded it really quick at an average D/L rate of about 140k! Fileplanet (the other mirror site) is wank though, as they want to charge you to download anything.

I'm nearly at L26 now, after a raid with TRL on Hillsbrad farm, where we kicked some serious, serious ass. That is until we'd finished the q and were making a run for it. I turned round to see about 10 farmers following Tarj, Benny Hill style, all in a line. I stood there so long laughing that a few caught up with me and ganked me too!

It turns out that putting a whole load of stuff in the auction house late Tuesday night was a bit of a mistake, as due to the down time nothing sold!

Is anybody after specific bits of armour. I quite like the "of the Fang" stuff so if you see any and you don't need it, let me know and I'll buy it from you.

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I'm nearly at L26 now, after a raid with TRL on Hillsbrad farm, where we kicked some serious, serious ass. That is until we'd finished the q and were making a run for it. I turned round to see about 10 farmers following Tarj, Benny Hill style, all in a line. I stood there so long laughing that a few caught up with me and ganked me too!

Funny wasnt it :lol:

But its incredible how much threat i generate. If we attack something i cant move without beeing "eyed out".

That duel we had was close though hehe

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I only seem to generate threat if I use shock spells. I was trying to shock the farmers first to get the agro, but they were attacking in two and threes, so it was difficult to take all the agro without using all my mana.

Still I think we managed pretty well, considering we must have had 4-5 attackers at some points. Going to head back ther tonight as the Q's are quite good, and give good XP. I'm only about 3,000 XP from L26 when I get another load of new power ups.

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