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Do you count the woodwork as on or off target?


When a shot hits the post/crossbar do you deem the shot to be on or off target?  

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  1. 1. When a shot hits the post/crossbar do you deem the shot to be on or off target?

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Having a discussion in work before about whether when a shot is taken and hits the post or crossbar is it deemed on or off target? I think it's more your own opinion really but was surprised there was a split as I always deemed it off and never really thought different.

What do you think?

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i always thought off. if it hits the woodwork and comes back out it was never going to be a goal. Obviously a shot deflected/tipped onto the post is a shot on target as had it not been deflected, would've gone in! How i see it anyway...!

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If a shot is on target it'll end up in the back of the net. If it hits the woodwork and then doesn't end up in the back of the net, how can it be on target? People aim to score, and last time I checked hitting the woodwork didn't give a goal.

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If a shot is on target it'll end up in the back of the net.

exactly. The target is the net, not the stansion.

if the ball is going to go inot the net unimpeded, it is on target.

If it hits the post/bar and bounces away, it was clearly off target.

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The target is to score a goal, if it hits the woodwork and goes in its a goal, its on target, if it rebounds off the woodwork and doesn't go in, its off target. A sort of close but no cigar situation

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Problem is, with the way the ball is made nowadays the swerve you can get makes the answer problematic.

If its on target and swerves with a foot (or something) left and hits the bar, was it on and off target??

Off target.

It didn't hit the target did it? That it swerved changes nothing, you kicking the ball the way you did caused it so swerve, so your shot was off target.

The key word in this is TARGET, what are you aiming for? Clearly it's to score a goal, so therefore, if the shot DOESN'T result in a goal (if it hasn't been blocked or saved) then by pure definition it's off target.

It's like trying to claim a shot was on target because you hit the corner flag, sure it might have hit something, but it wasn't what you were aiming for is it?

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No middle ground for me dodgknees. The ball has always been a factor, they used to be heavier and players had to compensate or at least this was what they were used to. No difference for the modern player.

Your aim is to kick the ball in the net. If you kick the ball and it doesn't go in the net, you havn't hit your target. Not a matter of opinion really, unless you're aming for the post, then you're missing the point of football.

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well the target is the goal, and you've hit part of the goal structure, therefore its kinda on target, but didn't go in.

I'd say the target is getting the ball between the posts, under the crossbar, and over the goal line, as that's what gives a goal.

On target is anything that would meet these criteria without any interference with the ball from other players.

Off target is anything that doesn't.

On target but didn't go in = shot blocked or saved, not off target but kinda close because it hit some physically required framework to mark the actual target.

The goal structure is irrelevant in that. All that hitting it means is that it was a close miss.

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