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Totally useless information/trivia


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I used to read a LOT of sf back in the 1960s (but stories going back way before then), and I've been revisting some of it lately.

Some of it is well off the mark, but some is spot-on. Just read one from 1938 with a very accurate prediction of sat-nav.

Of course, most of the predictions were about transport - space travel, flying cars, teleportation, etc. - very little about computing and telecoms, which is where the big changes have actually happened. Massive supercomputers were there, but very little prediction of the minaturisation and proliferation of personal computing, internet, mobile phones, etc. that we now take for granted.

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I remember watching one of these "What the future will be like" from the 60's. It was actually pretty accurate with it's ideas, although the execution was off.

It had the man paying his bills electronically (although it was some sort of weird electronic chequebook) and they had the woman shopping over the internet (they didn't call it the internet, and it involved remotely moving a camera round a shop). Also had them with loads of TVs and 2 cars which I guess wasn't a the norm back then.

As I said, ideas seemed to be bang on, bu the execution was off.

Can't remember where I saw this, might have been the Epcot centre.

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Edit: And the Mick Fleetwood one has to be a rumour. :P


(one of these is him in character)


It seems he also got possibly the worst looking Star Trek alien to play as well.

It's like the knock off Admiral Ackbar.

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Edit: And the Mick Fleetwood one has to be a rumour. :P


(one of these is him in character)


It seems he also got possibly the worst looking Star Trek alien to play as well.

It's like the knock off Admiral Ackbar.


Cheap joke, I know. :D

Otherwise, it seems a bit of pic fail, I'm afraid, mate.

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Ian Brown was in a Harry Potter film IIRC.

Yeah, he had a (very) brief cameo in Azkaban, I think his wife was part of the crew for the movie.


Blink and you'll miss him, but he was stirring a cup of tea with a spell and reading Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time.

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Tried another pic. Works for me but assuming it's because the pic is in the cache.

(I'll use this to have another whinge at googles new image search, it's shit)

Has nothing to do with Google.

A lot of sites institute countermeasures to prevent images they host from being incorporated into other sites. They can do this because most web browsers by default will send the address of the page incorporating the image as the referer (that's the spelling used in the specs). The site configures their server to handle a request with an improper referer (i.e. a referer not from that site) differently. Responses for this can range from "403 Forbidden" to "404 Not Found", though crafty sites will respond with the normal "200 OK" status and send a different image than the one requested (e.g. the Tripod graphic for your pic, Chindie).

The last response is by far the most fun one: some sites, knowing that most of the time these come from public messageboards, will have gay porn or goatse or something like that as the substitute image: much hilarity ensues on the messageboard as most viewers see the gay porn etc., while the poster (and anybody who's either recently seen the intended picture and has it in their cache or has a browser that doesn't send referer headers) sees the intended picture.

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