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Are we on the verge of World War III ?


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1 hour ago, Demitri_C said:

They really are asking for trouble aren't they? Just ignoring everyone

They're doing the opposite. It's a threat to leave them be or face the consequences. They know war destroys them. They have built up their own offences to make sure any attack is one that has the capability of hurting the US, to make sure the US thinks twice.

Which they should do anyway, because of all the problems a war would cause anyway, but showing the US they potentially are directly at risk should help stay their hands.

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War won't break out between South Korea, USA, Japan and North Korea. Neither will Situation deescalate in the foreseeable future. All parties in this conflict profit from the current tension.

USA: The conflict helps them justify their presence in the area (military bases in Japan, South Korea and on Islands in the south pacific). It also allows them to let more funds dissapear in to the black hole which is their military budget.

Japan:  A united Korea's economic and military potential threatens Japanese regional and international interests. They must keep the conflict alive by tolerating US-presence. It would be far more beneficial for a united Korea to be allies with China, rather than with Japan and the US.

China: They are NK's main supplier of goods and resources. They want to prevent a war. If the Situation were to escalate they would have to expect 20+ Million refugees crossing the NK-China border.

South Korea: In case of war, Seoul would be reduced to ashes. SK politicians use the conflict to their advantage, securing (re)election by adopting a firm stance towards North Korea. The USA is an important trade Partner they don't want to annoy (more than 20% of SK export).

North Korea: Kim needs the conflict to rally his people against a common enemy, so he can divert attention away from the shortage of resources and poverty that plague his country. Also, he must prove to the North Korean elite that he is a strong leader. He needs the support of his military. Dictatorships have often fallen due to military coups.


Please excuse any mistakes. English is not my first language. :D

Edited by LxYoungAVFC
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  • 4 years later...

Yes I think we are , Russia looks about to push into Eastern Europe, through the Ukraine, and take Europe close to the edge of war. I don't think Europe has the spine to defend itself, as a whole and America hasn't got the political will. 

 Only France and us have a deterrent and we are so divided by Brexit fallout im not sure we would stick together. 

Anyone would think Russia's alleged social media manipulation was a precursor to all this upheaval.....

Boris or Putin? 🧐

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8 minutes ago, tinker said:

Yes I think we are , Russia looks about to push into Eastern Europe, through the Ukraine, and take Europe close to the edge of war. I don't think Europe has the spine to defend itself, as a whole and America hasn't got the political will. 

 Only France and us have a deterrent and we are so divided by Brexit fallout im not sure we would stick together. 

Anyone would think Russia's alleged social media manipulation was a precursor to all this upheaval.....

Boris or Putin? 🧐

No one is going to war over Ukraine. Putin knows it and the rest of the world knows it. It’s an easy target for them. Culturally as close to Russians as you can get and not a NATO member.

The real confrontation will come in the next 10 years for Taiwan.

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Circle Kiev , watch it fall , create a new Ukrainian state which protects Russias southwestern borders by giving them full control over the Sea of Azov and a land corridor to the Republic of Crimea and be home before Biden wakes up from his afternoon nap 

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24 minutes ago, desensitized43 said:

No one is going to war over Ukraine. Putin knows it and the rest of the world knows it. It’s an easy target for them. Culturally as close to Russians as you can get and not a NATO member.

The real confrontation will come in the next 10 years for Taiwan.

Once the Ukraine has gone what's stopping them pushing further? I wouldn't underestimate Putin's Russia for a second , hes a clever leader who has grasped the new world a lot quicker than western leaders and will push his luck to the limits and Ukraine, imo, is not those limits.

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13 minutes ago, tinker said:

Once the Ukraine has gone what's stopping them pushing further? I wouldn't underestimate Putin's Russia for a second , hes a clever leader who has grasped the new world a lot quicker than western leaders and will push his luck to the limits and Ukraine, imo, is not those limits.

The Baltic states contain EU members - if they gobble up Estonia or somewhere then they’d absolutely be talking war. There’s also NATO forces stationed in some of the Eastern European nations intended to act as a tripwire - they couldn’t stop a Russian invasion, but if the Russians decide they want to gun down the 500 Americans standing between them and Poland then they absolutely would be at war with the US as a result (so they probably won’t).

I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if Russia went into the Ukraine, and if they do that nobody is using military force to liberate it. I’d be very surprised if they pushed further though.

The other thing to bear in mind is that is the vast majority of significant military powers in the world are (ostensibly) on the same side these days, except the Russians and the Chinese.

Could Russia win a war against us and France? Quite possibly, but there’d be heavy losses on both sides. Would Russia win a war against the US, the UK, France, Germany plus the rest of NATO? Not a chance.

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15 minutes ago, Panto_Villan said:

The Baltic states contain EU members - if they gobble up Estonia or somewhere then they’d absolutely be talking war. There’s also NATO forces stationed in some of the Eastern European nations intended to act as a tripwire - they couldn’t stop a Russian invasion, but if the Russians decide they want to gun down the 500 Americans standing between them and Poland then they absolutely would be at war with the US as a result (so they probably won’t).

I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if Russia went into the Ukraine, and if they do that nobody is using military force to liberate it. I’d be very surprised if they pushed further though.

The other thing to bear in mind is that is the vast majority of significant military powers in the world are (ostensibly) on the same side these days, except the Russians and the Chinese.

Could Russia win a war against us and France? Quite possibly, but there’d be heavy losses on both sides. Would Russia win a war against the US, the UK, France, Germany plus the rest of NATO? Not a chance.

I hope you are right 

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23 minutes ago, Panto_Villan said:

Could Russia win a war against us and France? Quite possibly, but there’d be heavy losses on both sides. Would Russia win a war against the US, the UK, France, Germany plus the rest of NATO? Not a chance.

Are you suggesting there is little appetite in Germany to open up a Russian front? 😁

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16 hours ago, tinker said:

I hope you are right 

He absolutely is. The Russians really don’t want a confrontation with NATO and they’ve calculated that although NATO won’t be happy they absolutely won’t do anything for Ukraine except talk tough, give them some weapons and impose some sanctions. None of that will be enough.

If NATO was serious about wanting to keep Russia out of Ukraine they would have stationed some troops there or fast tracked them to full NATO membership. Ironically that’s exactly what this Russian move is designed to prevent. They really don’t want the urkrainians in NATO.

The Russians can’t actually go much further into Europe without a direct confrontation but they’ll bide their time, continue their covert strategies to undermine the fledgling democracies of Eastern Europe - hope for more Victor Orbans etc, wait for a moment of weakness and then try to exploit by bringing those countries back to their “sphere of influence”.

Ultimately nothing will happen until they do something to a country we give a shit about.

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