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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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Drop the snide.

I'm not saying this is an attitude held by the majority (although i don't think it's a tiny minority) but the whole idea that people voted Leave because they were called bigots, when they were actually saying bigoted things pisses me off. Perhaps the wrong thread.

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16 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

Drop the snide.

see the smiley , that means it wasn't a serious comment it's a light hearted jest  , you're seeing something that isn't there

I think anyone using twitter for a benchmark though is using flawed data , it's the home of the deranged and celebs pushing endorsements , it's hardly surprising your going to find  crap like the stuff you found

Edited by tonyh29
changed the tone slightly as it looked harsher than was intended
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I'm not using it as a benchmark.

I'm merely lamenting that there are actual real human beings who believe the nonsense in that picture. Not as small a minority as we hope either.

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3 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

I'm not using it as a benchmark.

I'm merely lamenting that there are actual real human beings who believe the nonsense in that picture. Not as small a minority as we hope either.

But The Art of War is better:

“ If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

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3 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

I'm not using it as a benchmark.

I'm merely lamenting that there are actual real human beings who believe the nonsense in that picture. Not as small a minority as we hope either.

its a few hundred people by your own words  .... even if we took it as a % of  the 17,410,742  leave voters rather than the population as a whole it's less than .00229%  ..

I get the sentiment , I get the case you are trying to present I really do , there are some fuckwits out there , I've made the same argument in other threads about just such people  ... where we are differing is how we are viewing the importance of that % ..

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3 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

its a few hundred people by your own words  .... even if we took it as a % of  the 17,410,742  leave voters rather than the population as a whole it's less than .00229%  ..

I get the sentiment , I get the case you are trying to present I really do , there are some fuckwits out there , I've made the same argument in other threads about just such people  ... where we are differing is how we are viewing the importance of that % ..

It's a few hundred people in this case, but look at the Britain First FB group. Facebook, I know, I know, but 1.5m followers and growing posting 'memes' along the same lines as what I posted above; this time with tens of thousands of likes and shares.

If it was only a few hundred people with these views then I wouldn't feel so bloody downtrodden about it. :(

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12 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

If it was only a few hundred people with these views then I wouldn't feel so bloody downtrodden about it. :(

So lots of people disagree with your opinion and some of them are dicks.. so what?! 

Disagreeing with people is a normal, healthy thing. Don't get so worked up about it. 

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9 minutes ago, Awol said:

So lots of people disagree with your opinion and some of them are dicks.. so what?! 

Disagreeing with people is a normal, healthy thing. Don't get so worked up about it. 

Completely missed the point.

Feeling downtrodden because of this attitude prevalent in the UK:


is not simply disagreeing with an opinion.

Edited by StefanAVFC
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11 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

...is not simply disagreeing with an opinion.

*resists posting Boromir meme* 

Okay, so what is it then? Disagreeing with a point of view? A collection of opinions? 

I genuinely don't understand how you personally feel downtrodden by the views of several hundred (or even several million) people? 

In the free market of ideas stuff like that will either stand or fall on its own merits. 

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I'm really struggling how you can't grasp this.

I guess that's just a difference in mindset. "If it doesn't affect me personally, i won't worry about it".

However, I do feel like it affects me personally as I have a foreign girlfriend and I worry for her for when we move over to the UK together. 

I feel downtrodden overall because it's such a small minded attitude to take and that extent of nationalism is dangerous.

As I previously stated, it is not only because I disagree with it.

Edited by StefanAVFC
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UK EU ambassador Ivan Rogers has jumped ship.

I daresay he was assisted in the jump, given he pissed off an awful lot of people by saying Brexit is going to be a very long car crash, in short.

Probably not good news. I dread to think of who they'll replace him with.

Edited by Chindie
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12 minutes ago, Chindie said:

UK EU ambassador Ivan Rogers has jumped ship.

I daresay he was assisted in the jump, given he pissed off an awful lot of people by saying Brexit is going to be a very long car crash, in short.

Probably not good news. I dread to think of who they'll replace him with.

Was it not the case he said a post-Brexit trade deal would take 10 years, and was promptly contradicted by people in the EU itself? 

He made a word removed of himself and has now gone. 

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25 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

I'm really struggling how you can't grasp this.

I guess that's just a difference in mindset. "If it doesn't affect me personally, i won't worry about it".

However, I do feel like it affects me personally as I have a foreign girlfriend and I worry for her for when we move over to the UK together. 

I feel downtrodden overall because it's such a small minded attitude to take and that extent of nationalism is dangerous.

As I previously stated, it is not only because I disagree with it.

No need to put words in my mouth, but yes we disagree on the level of drama required in reacting to a poxy picture on Twitter and what it really means.

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19 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

However, I do feel like it affects me personally as I have a foreign girlfriend and I worry for her for when we move over to the UK together. 

I feel downtrodden overall because it's such a small minded attitude to take and that extent of nationalism is dangerous.

As I previously stated, it is not only because I disagree with it.

been there done that  , I can honestly say we've never encountered any issues what's so ever , other than Thomas Cook who decided to try and treat my wife with years of experience and qualifications in Tourism as if she was a 17 year old school leaver when they offered her a job

I think you are worrying far more than you need to on this  ..unless your girlfriend is Muslim !!!

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5 minutes ago, Awol said:

Was it not the case he said a post-Brexit trade deal would take 10 years, and was promptly contradicted by people in the EU itself? 

He made a word removed of himself and has now gone. 

He said it could take 10 years, and could still fail. I've no idea if he was contradicted by the EU itself. A lot of Leavers didn't like him saying it though.

Funnily enough a lot of Leavers seem very happy he's gone. A lot of people think it's a bad thing, he seems have a reputation as a good negotiator and also as one of a very narrow band of people who 'get' the EU in the government. Funnily enough a profile of I just read also described him quite Eurosceptic.

The clamour seems to be to put a happy clappy Brexiteer in his place. As a few commentators are putting it, it's not a bad thing to have someone in this kind of position who can tell the government when it's wrong. 

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5 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

been there done that  , I can honestly say we've never encountered any issues what's so ever , other than Thomas Cook who decided to try and treat my wife with years of experience and qualifications in Tourism as if she was a 17 year old school leaver when they offered her a job

More stuff is out in the open since June. I don't think we've been so openly nationalistic at all costs in years.

6 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

unless your girlfriend is Muslim !!!

You're admitting there's a problem then? What if she was?

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14 minutes ago, Awol said:

No need to put words in my mouth, but yes we disagree on the level of drama required in reacting to a poxy picture on Twitter and what it really means.

I'm clearly not basing my entire opinion from a picture on Twitter, good grief. Now who's putting words in mouths.

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