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I'm smoking pot, I've got my dick out

And I'm thinking 'bout you

And I'm thinking 'bout you

I'm smoking pot, I've got my dick out

And I'm thinking 'bout you

Just you

I'm driving along, I'm singing a song

And I've got my dick out

And I'm thinking 'bout you

I drank a six pack, I took my pants off

Oh, I love you

I love you

I guzzled tequila, I beat on a lamppost

And I yearned for you

Oh I ached for you

I ate some ludes, I kissed my dog

And I cried for you

I wept for you

I toked some skunk, I groped your sister

But you're the one

You're still the one

I ate some hash, I lit a fart

And then I sketched you

Yes I drew you

I've tripped on acid, I picked a scab

And then I faxed you

I sent you a fax

I made pot brownies, got diarrhea

Your name came up

Your name came up

I swigged some Ripple, watched some porn

And then I wrote to you

Show 'em what we wrote, Frank:

I'm smoking pot, I got my dick out

And I'm thinking 'bout you

I'm thinking 'bout you

I did some mushrooms, I waxed my legs

Oh I miss you

I long for you

I swallowed some vicodin, inserted a suppository...

I paid a bill, I thought about my parents

How'd that verse get in here

I smoked a joint, I tickled my balls

And I pictured you

Sweet beautiful you

Oh I love you, I love you

I love you

I love you...

I've had this song in my head all day...

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Tchaikovsky - 6th Symphony.

Pathetic, I know.

Er, no, not pathetic at all, I may be a raver but classical is top too you know.

If you've got on Spotify yet, and lets be honest, who hasn't, try Ludovico Einaudi for something to get a maximum chill onto.

The absolute shizzle baby, I'm on the vibe currently.

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Stevie Wonder hits album.

Aaaah Stevie. Some of his tunes, absolutely superb, some absolute shite.

Which is bad when you realise he's released about 57 albums, and only about 15 good tunes. The Best Of... or Hits album is the safest bet in my eyes.

PS - Got Spotify?

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The absolute shizzle baby, I'm on the vibe currently.

Enough about how you and Laura amuse yourselves...

Haha, she'll be round to pop you in the eye if you suggest that I've been on her shizzle!

I'm waiting for my birthday for that :) (I'm ajoking ladywife x)

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Stevie Wonder hits album.

Aaaah Stevie. Some of his tunes, absolutely superb, some absolute shite.

Which is bad when you realise he's released about 57 albums, and only about 15 good tunes. The Best Of... or Hits album is the safest bet in my eyes.

PS - Got Spotify?

Yeah you're right, he's made some awful stuff over the years.

What's spotify?

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Download, install, open and search for music.

You won't find as much Kenny Hawkes, Bukem et al as you'd hope, but there's still a vast quantity of the free streaming music on there, and it's totally legal. It's the best piece of software in Europe ever.

Not only is it that good, you can make shared playlists, so I can make a playlist and you can add to it, and I can listen and vice versa. It's a doer, do it now.

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Tchaikovsky - 6th Symphony.

Pathetic, I know.

Er, no, not pathetic at all, I may be a raver but classical is top too you know.

Er, it was a joke. Tchaikovsky's 6th is the "Pathetique".
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Tchaikovsky - 6th Symphony.

Pathetic, I know.

Er, no, not pathetic at all, I may be a raver but classical is top too you know.

Er, it was a joke. Tchaikovsky's 6th is the "Pathetique".

Ha, you caught me out you rogue!

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